1249 COUNTRY -LOVE OF JUD 5:1-31; 2SA 10:12; NE 1:1-11; 2:1-20; 5:1-18; PS 137:1-6 .The Jews held religion and country as one (a theocracy), therefore .See CHURCH, LOVE OF » 1107 -See also PATRIOTISM » 3760 1250 COURAGE -Enjoined upon Joshua DE 31:7,8,22,23; JOS 1:1-9 -The Israelites LE 26:6-8; 2CH 32:7,8 -Solomon 1CH 22:13; 28:20 -Asa 2CH 15:1-7 -Enjoined by Jehoshaphat upon the judicial and executive officers be appointed 2CH 19:11 -SCRIPTURES RELATING TO PR 28:1; EZE 2:6; 3:9; 1CO 16:13; PHP 1:27,28; 2TI 1:7 -INSTANCES OF THE COURAGE OF CONVICTION .Abraham, in leaving his fatherland GE 12:1-9 .In offering Isaac GE 22:1-14 .Gideon, in destroying the altar of Baal JUD 6:25-31 .Ezra, in undertaking the perilous journey from Babylon to Palestine without a guard EZR 8:22,23 .The Jews, in returning answer to Tatnai EZR 5:11 .The three Hebrews, who refused to bow down to the image of Nebuchadnezzar DA 3:16-18 .Daniel, in persisting in prayer regardless of the edict against praying DA 6:10 .Peter and John, in refusing to obey men, rather than God AC 4:19; 5:29 .See MINISTERS, COURAGE OF » 3381 .See REPROOF » 4126 -INSTANCES OF PERSONAL BRAVERY .Joshua and Caleb, in advising that Israel go at once and possess the land NU 13:30; 14:6-12 .Othniel, in striking Kirjath-sepher JOS 15:16,17 .Gideon, in attacking the confederate armies of the Midianites and Amalekites with three hundred men JUD 7:7-23 .Deborah, in leading Israel's armies JUD 4 .Jael, in killing Sisera JUD 4:18-22 .Agag, in the indifference with which he faced death 1SA 15:32,33 .David, in killing Goliath 1SA 17:32-50 .In entering into the tent of Saul, and carrying away Saul's spear 1SA 26:7-12 .David's captains 2SA 23 .Joab, in reproving King David 2SA 19:5-7 .Nehemiah, in refusing to take refuge in the temple NE 6:10-13 .Esther, in going to the king to save her people ES 4:8,16; 5; 6; 7 .Joseph of Arimathaea, in caring for the body of Jesus MR 15:43 .Thomas, in being willing to die with Jesus JOH 11:16 .Peter and other disciples AC 3:12-26; 4:9-13,19,20,31 .The apostles, under persecution AC 5:21,29-32 .Paul, in going to Jerusalem, despite his impressions that bonds and imprisonments awaited him AC 20:22-24; 24:14,25 .See BOLDNESS OF THE RIGHTEOUS » 0846 .See MINISTERS » 3381 .See REPROOF, FAITHFULNESS IN » 4126 .See COWARDICE » 1257 1251 COURT -ECCLESIASTICAL 1CH 26:29-32; 2CH 19:8-11; MT 18:15-18; JOH 20:23 .See CHURCH, DISCIPLINE IN » 1107 -CIVIL .Held at the tabernacle NU 27:2 .The gates of cities DE 21:19; 22:15; 25:7; JOS 20:4; RU 4:1; ZEC 8:16 .Under a palm tree JUD 4:5 .COMPOSITION OF, AND MODE OF PROCEDURE EX 18:25,26; DE 1:15-17; 17:9; RU 4:2-5; 1CH 26:29-32; 2CH 19:8-11; MT 26:54-71; MR 14:53,55-65; 15:1; LU 22:50-71; JOH 18:13-28; AC 5:17-21,25-28,34,38-41 .See JUDGE » 2875 .See JUSTICE » 2890 .See PRIEST, JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS OF » 3949 -CIRCUIT 1SA 7:15-17 -SUPERIOR, AND INFERIOR EX 18:21-26; DE 1:15-17; 17:8-13; 2CH 19:5-10 -JUSTICE REQUIRED OF EX 23:2,3,6-8; DE 1:16,17; 25:1; 2CH 19:5-10 .See JUDGE » 2875 .See JUSTICE » 2890 -SENTENCE OF, FINAL AND OBLIGATORY DE 17:8-12 -CONTEMPT OF DE 17:8-13; MIC 5:1; AC 23:1-5 -CORRUPT PR 17:15; 29:26; ISA 1:23; 5:23; 10:1,2; MIC 3:11; 7:3; ZEP 3:3; MT 26:59-62; 27:18-26; MR 14:53,55-65; 15:10; AC 4:15-18; 6:11-14; 24:26,27 .See BRIBERY » 0888 .See JUDGE » 2875 .See JUSTICE » 2890 -ACCUSED SPOKE IN HIS OWN DEFENSE JER 26:11-16; MR 15:3-5; AC 4:8-12,18-20; 5:29-32; 7:1-56; 23:1-7; 26:1-32 .See APPEAL » 0343 .See PUNISHMENT » 3998 .See WITNESS » 5159 1252 COURTESY -See MANNERS » 3195 1253 COURTSHIP -Ancient customs of .Suitor visited the maid JUD 14:7 .Women proposed marriage RU 3:9-13 -See MARRIAGE » 3212 1254 COVENANT -Sacred JOS 9:18-21; GA 3:15 -Binding JOS 9:18-20; JER 34:8-21; EZE 17:14-18; GA 3:15 -Binding, not only on those who make them, but on those who are represented DE 29:14,15 -Blood of EX 24:8 -Book of EX 24:7 -The Mosaic law called a covenant EX 34:28 -See CONTRActs » 1215 -See VOWS » 5100 -OF MEN WITH MEN .Breach of, punished 2SA 21:1-6; JER 34:8-22; EZE 17:13-19 .National .See ALLIANCES » 0213 .Ratified .By giving the hand EZR 10:19; LA 5:6; EZE 17:18 .Loosing the shoe RU 4:7-11 .Written and sealed NE 9:38; JER 32:10-12 .By giving presents GE 21:27-30; 1SA 18:3,4 .By making a feast GE 26:30 .By a monument GE 31:45,46,49-53 .By salting LE 2:13; NU 18:19; 2CH 13:5 .By offering a sacrifice GE 15:9-17; JER 34:18,19 .By oath .See OATH » 3612 .See CONTRActs » 1215 -INSTANCES OF .Abraham and Abimelech GE 21:22-32 .Abimelech and Isaac GE 26:26-31 .Jacob and Laban GE 31:44-54 .Jonathan and David 1SA 18:3,4; 20:16,42; 2SA 21:7 .Jews with each other, to serve God 2CH 15:12-15; NE 10:28-32 .King Zedekiah and his subjects JER 34:8 .Ahab with Benhadad 1KI 20:34 .Subjects with sovereign 2CH 23:1-3,16 -OF GOD WITH MEN .Confirmed with an oath GE 22:16; 26:3; 50:24; PS 89:35; 105:9; LU 1:73; HEB 6:13,17,18 .Binding LE 26; JER 11:2,3; GA 3:15 .Everlasting GE 8:20-22; 9:1-17; PS 105:8,10; ISA 54:10; 61:8 .God faithful to LE 26:44,45; DE 4:31; 7:8,9; JUD 2:1; 1KI 8:23; PS 105:8-11; 106:45; 111:5; MIC 7:20 .Repudiated by God on account of Jews' idolatry JER 44:26,27; HEB 8:9 .Broken by the Jews JER 22:9; EZE 16:59; HEB 8:9 .Punishments for breaking of LE 26:25-46 -INSTANCES OF .Of the sabbath EX 31:16 .Of the Ten Commandments EX 34:28; DE 5:2,3; 9:9 .With Adam GE 2:16,17 .Noah GE 8:16; 9:8-17 .Abraham GE 12:1-3; 15; 17:1-22; EX 6:4-8; PS 105:8-11; RO 9:7-13; GA 3 .See CIRCUMCISION » 1115 .With Isaac GE 17:19 .Jacob GE 28:13-15 .With the Israelites to deliver them from Egypt EX 6:4-8 .With Phinehas NU 25:12,13 .With Israel, at Horeb DE 5:2,3 .In Moab DE 29:1-15 .Of the Levites NE 13:29; MAL 2:4,5 .With David 2SA 7:12-16; 1CH 17:11-14; 2CH 6:16 .With David and his house 2SA 23:5; PS 89:20-37; JER 33:21 .With his people ISA 55:3; 59:21 .To be confirmed DA 9:27 -THE SECOND COVENANT JER 31:31-34; HEB 8:4-13; 12:18-24; 13:20 -OF MAN WITH GOD .Jacob GE 28:20-22 .Joshua JOS 24:25; with 24:19-28 .Absalom 2SA 15:7,8 .Jehoiada and Joash 2KI 11:17 .Josiah 2KI 23:3 .Asa 2CH 15:12-15 .Nehemiah NE 9:38; 10 .Israelites JER 50:5 .See VOWS » 5100 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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