1166 COMMISSARY -For armies, cattle driven with 2KI 3:9 -See ARMIES » 0391 -For royal households 1KI 4:7-19,27,28 1167 COMMONWEALTH -FIGURATIVE .(R. V. margin) PHP 3:20 1168 COMMUNION -WITH GOD PS 16:7; JOH 14:16-18,23; 1CO 16; 2CO 6:16; 13:14; GA 4:6; PHP 2:1,2; 1JO 1:3; RE 3:20 .See FELLOWSHIP » 1813 -INSTANCES OF .Enoch GE 5:22,24 .Noah GE 6:9,13-22; 8:15-17 .Abraham GE 12:1-3,7; 17:1,2; 18:1-33; 22:1,2,11,12,16-18 .Hagar GE 16:8-12 .Isaac GE 26:2,24 .Isaac, in dreams GE 28:13,15; 31:3; 35:1,7; 46:2-4 .Moses EX 3; 4:1-17; 33:9,11; 34:28; NU 12:8 .Joshua JOS 1:1-9; 6:2-5; 7:10-15; 8:1,2; 20:1-6 .Gideon JUD 6:11-24 .Solomon 1KI 3:5-14; 2CH 1:7-12 -OF SAINTS 1SA 23:16; PS 55:14; 119:63; 133:1-3; AM 3:3; MAL 3:16; LU 22:32; 24:17,32; JOH 17:20,21; AC 2:42; RO 12:15; 1CO 10:16,17; 12:12,13; 2CO 6:14-18; EPH 4:1-3; 5:11; COL 3:16; 1TH 4:18; 5:11,14; HEB 3:13; 10:24,25; JAS 5:16; 1JO 1:3,7 .See FELLOWSHIP » 1813 1169 COMMUNISM -General scriptures concerning AC 2:44,45; 4:32,34-37; 5:1-10 1170 COMPANY -EVIL GE 19:15; 49:6; EX 23:2,32,33; 34:12-15; LE 18:3; 20:23; NU 16:21-26; 33:55; DE 7:2-4; 12:30; JOS 23:6-13; JUD 2:1-3; 2SA 23:6,7; 2CH 19:2; EZR 9:14; PS 1:1; 6:8; 15:4; 26:4,5,9; 28:3; 31:6; 50:18; 84:10; 101:4,7; 106:34,35; 119:115; 120:5-7; 139:19,21,22; 141:4; PR 1:10,14,15; 2:11,12,16,19; 4:14,15; 5:8; 9:6; 12:11,26; 13:20; 14:7; 16:29; 17:12; 20:19; 22:5,10,24,25; 23:6,20; 24:1; 28:7,19; 29:16,24; EC 9:18; ISA 1:23; 6:5; 8:11,12; JER 2:25; 9:2; 15:17; 51:6,45; HO 4:17; 7:5,8,9; MIC 6:16; MT 24:12; RO 16:17,18; 1CO 5:6,9-11; 15:33; 2CO 6:14,15,17; GA 5:9; EPH 5:6,7; 2TH 3:6; 1TI 5:22; 6:5; 2TI 3:4,5; 2PE 2:7,8,18; 2JO 1:10,11; RE 2:2; 18:4 -GOOD PR 13:20 .See COMMUNION OF SAINTS » 1168 .See EXAMPLE » 1748 .See FELLOWSHIP » 1813 .See INFLUENCE » 2503 1171 COMPASSES -CARPENTER'S ISA 44:13 1172 COMPASSION -OF GOD .See GOD, MERCY OF » 2043 -OF CHRIST .See JESUS, COMPASSION OF » 2780 1173 COMPLAINT -See MURMURING » 3463 1174 COMPLICITY -General scriptures concerning PS 50:18; PR 29:24; RO 1:32; 2JO 1:10,11 -INSTANCES OF .The daughter of Herodias, in asking for the head of John the Baptist MT 14:8; MR 6:25 .Pilate, in the death of Jesus MT 27:17-26; MR 15:9-15; LU 23:13-25; JOH 19:13-16 .Paul, in the stoning of Stephen AC 7:58 .See COLLUSION » 1157 .See CONNIVANCE » 1194 .See CONSPIRACY » 1204 1175 COMPROMISE -BEFORE LITIGATION, ENJOINED PR 25:8-10; MT 5:25,26; LU 12:58,59 .See ADJUDICATION » 0101 .See ARBITRATION » 0362 .See JUSTICE » 2890 .See COURT » 1251 1176 CONCEIT -General scriptures concerning PR 3:5,7; 12:15; 23:4; 26:5,12,16; 28:11,26; ISA 5:21; JER 9:23; LU 18:11,12; RO 1:22; 11:25; 12:16 -See HYPOCRISY » 2442 -See PRIDE » 3948 1177 CONCEPTION -MIRACULOUS .By Sarah GE 21:1,2 .Rebekah GE 25:21 .Rachel GE 30:22 .Manoah's wife JUD 13:3-24 .Hannah 1SA 1:19,20 .Elisabeth LU 1:24,25,36,37,58 .Mary MT 1:18,20; LU 1:31-35 1178 CONCISION -A term for "over-zealous" circumcision PHP 3:2 1179 CONCUBINAGE -LAWS CONCERNING EX 21:7-11; LE 19:20-22; DE 21:10-14 .Concubines might be dismissed GE 21:9-14 .Called WIVES GE 37:2; JUD 19:3-5 .Children of, not heirs GE 15:4; 21:10 .Practiced by .Abraham GE 16:3; 25:6; 1CH 1:32 .Nahor GE 22:23,24 .Jacob GE 30:4 .Eliphaz GE 36:12 .Gideon JUD 8:31 .A Levite JUD 19:1 .Caleb 1CH 2:46-48 .Manasseh 1CH 7:14 .Saul 2SA 3:7 .David 2SA 5:13; 15:16 .Solomon 1KI 11:3 .Rehoboam 2CH 11:21 .Abijah 2CH 13:21 .Belshazzar DA 5:2 .See MARRIAGE » 3212 .See POLYGAMY » 3911 1180 CONCUPISCENCE -See LASCIVIOUSNESS » 2999 1181 CONDEMNATION, SELF -See SELF-CONDEMNATION » 4311 1182 CONDESCENSION OF GOD -In reasoning with his creatures .Sets forth his reasons for sending the flood GE 6:11-13 -Enters into covenant with Abraham GE 15:1-21; 18:1-22 -Indulges Abraham's intercession for Sodom GE 18:23-33 -Warns Abimelech in a dream GE 20:3-7 -Reasons with Moses EX 4:2-17 -Sends flesh to the Israelites in consequence of their murmuring EX 16:12 -Indulges Moses' prayer to behold his glory EX 33:18-23 -Indulges Gideon's tests JUD 6:36-40 -Reasons with Job Job 38; 39; 40; 41 -Invites sinners, saying, "Come now, and let us reason together," ISA 1:18-20 -Expostulates with backsliding Israel ISA 41:21-24; 43:1-19; 65:1-16; JER 3:1-15; 4:1-31; 7:1-34; EZE 18:25-32; 33:10-20; HO 2; MIC 6:1-9; MAL 3:7-15 -SCRIPTURES RELATING TO PS 8:4-6; 113:5,6; 144:3; ISA 45:11; JOH 3:16; RO 5:8; HEB 2:11; 6:17,18; 1JO 4:10,19 1183 CONDOLENCE -INSTANCES OF .David, to Hanun 2SA 10:2 .King of Babylon, to Hezekiah 2KI 20:12,13 .The three friends of, to Job Job 2:11 .Jesus, to Mary and Martha JOH 11:23-35 .See AFFLICTION, COMFORT IN » 0130 .See SYMPATHY » 4767 1184 CONEY -General scriptures concerning LE 11:5; DE 14:7; PS 18; PR 30:26 1185 CONFECTIONER -General scriptures concerning 1SA 8:13 1186 CONFEDERACIES -INSTANCES OF .Of kings GE 14:1,2; JOS 10:1-5; 11:1-5; 1KI 20:1 .See ALLIANCES » 0213 1187 CONFESSION -OF CHRIST MT 3:11; 7:21-23; 10:32,33; LU 12:8; JOH 1:15-18; 9:22-38; 12:42,43; AC 8:35-37; 18:5; 19:4,5; RO 10:9-11; 1CO 12:3; 1JO 1:6; 2:4; 4:2,3,15 .See TESTIMONY, RELIGIOUS » 4874 -OF SIN .See SIN, CONFESSION OF » 4587 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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