1144 COAL -FIGURATIVE PR 25:22 -SYMBOLICAL ISA 6:6,7; 2SA 14:7 1145 COAL OIL -See OIL » 3637 1146 COAT OF MAIL -General scriptures concerning 1SA 17:5,38; 1KI 22:34; 2CH 18:33 1147 COCKATRICE -(A fabulous serpent) -FIGURATIVE ISA 11:8; 14:29; 59:5; JER 8:17 1148 COCK CROWING -General scriptures concerning MT 26:34,74,75; MR 13:35; 14:30,68,72 1149 COCKLE -A general term for obnoxious plants Job 31:40 1150 COERCION -RELIGIOUS EX 22:20; 2CH 15:12-15; DA 3:1-30; 6:26,27 .See INTOLERANCE » 2535 1151 COFFER -A chest 1SA 6:8,11,15; EZE 27:24 -See TREASURY » 4988 1152 COFFIN -General scriptures concerning GE 50:26 -See BURIAL » 0917 1153 COL-HOZEH -Father of Baruch NE 11:5 1154 COIN -See MONEY » 3426 1155 COLLEGE -Second quarter of the city of Jerusalem 2KI 22:14; 2CH 34:22 -See SCHOOL » 4278 1156 COLLECTION -(Of money, for the poor people) -See ALMS » 0221 -See BENEFICENCE » 0685 -See GIVING » 2027 -See LIBERALITY » 3050 1157 COLLUSION -IN SIN LE 20:4,5 .See COMPLICITY » 1174 .See CONNIVANCE » 1194 1158 COLONIZATION -Of conquered countries and people 2KI 17:6,24; EZR 4:9,10 1159 COLORS -Symbolical uses of -BLACK: A SYMBOL OF AFFLICTION AND CALAMITY Job 3:5; 10:20-22; 30:26; PS 107:10,11; 143:3; ISA 5:30; 8:22; 9:19; 24:11; 50:3; JOE 2:6,10; 3:14,15; AM 5:8; NA 2:10; ZEP 1:14,15; MT 8:12; 22:13; 25:30; 2PE 2:4; Jude 1:13; RE 16:10 -BLUE: SYMBOL OF DEITY EX 24:10; 25:3,4; 26:1; 28:28,37; 38:18; 39:1-5,21,24,29,31; NU 4:5-12; 15:38-40; 2CH 2:7,14; 3:14; JER 10:9; EZE 1:26; 10:1 .For additional reference, see passages below under CRIMSON .SYMBOL OF ROYALTY ES 8:15; EZE 23:6 .See CRIMSON, below -CRIMSON, RED, PURPLE, AND SCARLET, SYMBOLS OF VARIOUS IDEAS .Of iniquity ISA 1:18; RE 17:3,4; 18:12,16 .Of royalty JUD 8:26; DA 5:7,16,29; MT 27:28 .Prosperity 2SA 1:24; PR 31:21; LA 4:5 .Conquest NA 2:3; RE 12:3 .These colors figured largely in the symbolisms of the tabernacle furnishing, and priestly vestments and functions, as types and shadows of the atonement EX 25:3-5; 26:1,14,31,36; 36:8,19,35,37; 27:16; 28:4-8,15,31,33; 35:5-7,23,25,35; 38:18,23; 39:2,3,5,29; LE 14:4,6,49,51,52; NU 4:7,8,13; 19:2,5,6; ISA 63:1-3; HEB 9:19-23 -WHITE: SYMBOL OF HOLINESS .The high priest's holy garments were made of white linen LE 16:4,32 .Choir singers were arrayed in white 2CH 5:12 -SCRIPTURES EMPLOYING THE SYMBOL PS 51:7; EC 9:8; ISA 1:18; DA 7:9; 11:35; 12:10; MT 17:1,2; 28:2,3; MR 9:3; RE 1:13,14; 2:17; 3:4,5,18; 4:4; 6:2,11; 7:9,13,14; 15:6; 19:8,11,14; 20:11 1160 COLOSSE (COLOSSAE) -A city of Phrygia COL 1:2,7,8 1161 COLT -Ridden by Jesus MT 21:2,5,7; MR 11:2; JOH 12:15 1162 COMFORT -See AFFLICTION, CONSOLATION IN » 0130 -See RIGHTEOUS, PROMISES TO » 4167 1163 COMFORTER -See GOD, GRACE OF » 2043 -See HOLY SPIRIT » 2367 1164 COMMANDMENTS -General scriptures concerning EX 13:8-10; 20:3-17; DE 4:5,9,10; 5:6-21; 6:4-9; 11:18-21; 32:46,47; JOS 8:30-35; 2CH 17:7-9; NE 8:2-8; PS 78:1-7; PR 3:3,4; 6:20,21; 7:1-4; ISA 57:8; JER 11:4; ZEC 7:9,10; 8:16,17 -PRECEPTS OF JESUS. EXPLICITLY STATED, OR IMPLIED IN DIDACTIC DISCOURSE MT 5:16,22-24,27-48; 6:1-4,6-8,16-25,31-34; 7:1-29; 10:5-42; 16:24; 18:8-10,15-17,21,22; 19:16-19; 20:25-28; 22:21,34-40; 24:42-51; 25:34-46; MR 6:7-11; 8:34; 9:35,38,39,42-50; 10:9,11,12,17-22; 11:22; 12:17; 13:33-37; LU 6:27-42; 10:28-37; 12:12-31; JOH 7:24; 13:34,35; 14:11,15,23,24; 15:2,4,5,7-12,14,17,20-22 .See DECALOGUE » 1355 .See TABLES » 4784 -PRECEPTS OF PAUL. EXPLICITLY STATED OR IMPLIED IN DIDACTIC EPISTLES RO 12:1-3,6-21; 13:8-14; 14:19-21; 15:1,2; 1CO 8:1,7-13; 10:7-10,24,28,29,31,32; 14:20; 16:13,14; 2CO 13:7; GA 5:1,16; 6:1,2; EPH 4:1-3,26-32; 5:1-6,11,15,17-21; 6:10,11,13-18; PHP 1:27,28; 2:2-8,12-16; 4:6,8,9; COL 2:6,16,20-23; 3:1,2,5,8,9,12-17,23; 1TH 3:12; 4:1,3,5,6,9-12; 5:6,8,12-22; 2TH 2:15; 3:6-15; 1TI 1:4; 2:1,2,8-12; 3:2-13; 4:1-7,12-16; 5:1-14,16-21; 6:11-14,17-20; 2TI 1:13,14; 2:19,22-25; 3:2-5; TIT 1:5-14; 2:2-5,9-12; 3:1,2,8; HEB 6:1,11,12; 10:22-25; 13:1-3,5,7,9,15-17 -OTHER APOSTLES .PRECEPTS OF, EXPLICITLY STATED OR IMPLIED IN DIDACTIC EPISTLES JAS 1:16,19,21,22; 2:1-4,8-12; 3:1; 4:7-11,13-15; 5:7-12,16; 1PE 1:13-17; 2:11-25; 3:8-12,15-17; 4:1-16; 5:1-3,5-9; 2PE 1:5-7,10; 3:14,18; 1JO 2:15,28; 3:10-23; 4:1,7,8,11,12,15,16,21; 5:21; 2JO 1:5,6; 3JO 1:11; JUDE 1:3,4,20-23; RE 3:11,18,19; 22:17 .See ADULTERY » 0121 .See CHILDREN » 1076 .See CITIZEN » 1120 .See HOMICIDE » 2373 .See INSTRUCTION » 2525 .See MINISTERS » 3381 .See OBEDIENCE, ENJOINED » 3618 .See SERVANTS » 4350 .See THEFT » 4887 .See WIFE » 5143 .See WOMAN and other topics » 5162 -OF MEN ISA 29:13; MT 15:3-20; MR 7:2-23; RO 14:1-6,10-23; 1TI 4:1-3 1165 COMMERCE -Laws concerning LE 19:36,37; 25:14,17 -Carried on by means of caravans GE 37:25,27; ISA 60:6 -Carried on by means of ships 1KI 9:27,28; 10:11; 22:48; PS 107:23-30; PR 31:11; RE 18:19 -Conducted in fairs EZE 27:12,19; MT 11:16 -Of the Arabians ISA 60:6; JER 6:20; EZE 27:21-24 -Egyptians GE 42:2-34 -Ethiopians ISA 45:14 -Ishmaelites GE 37:27,28 -Israelites 1KI 9:26-28; NE 3:31,32; EZE 27:17 -Ninevites NA 3:16 -Syrians EZE 27:16,18 -Tyrians 2SA 5:11; 1KI 5:6; ISA 23:8; EZE 27; 28:5 -Zidonians ISA 23:2; EZE 27:8 -Babylonians RE 18:3,11-13 -Jews EZE 27:17 -From Tarshish JER 10:9; EZE 27:25 -Evil practices connected with PR 29:14; EZE 22:13; HO 12:7 -Articles of .Apes 1KI 10:22 .Balm GE 37:25 .Blue cloth EZE 27:24 .Brass EZE 27:13; RE 18:12 .Cinnamon RE 18:13 .Corn 1KI 5:11; EZE 27:17 .Cattle EZE 27:21 .Chest of rich apparel EZE 27:24 .Chariots 1KI 10:29; RE 18:13 .Clothes for chariots EZE 27:20 .Embroidery EZE 27:16,24 .Frankincense JER 6:20; RE 18:13 .Gold 1KI 9:28; 10:22; 2CH 8:18; ISA 60:6; RE 18:12 .Honey EZE 27:17 .Horses 1KI 10:29; EZE 27:14; RE 18:13 .Ivory 1KI 10:22; 2CH 9:21; EZE 27:15; RE 18:12 .Iron and steel EZE 27:12,19 .Land GE 23:13-16; RU 4:3 .Lead EZE 27:12 .Linen 1KI 10:28; RE 18:12 .Oil 1KI 5:11; EZE 27:17 .Pearls RE 18:12 .Peacocks 1KI 10:22 .Perfumes SO 3:6 .Precious stones EZE 27:16,22; 28:13,16; RE 18:12 .Purple EZE 27:16; RE 18:12 .Sheep RE 18:13 .Slaves GE 37:28,36; DE 24:7 .Silk RE 18:12 .Silver 1KI 10:22; 2CH 9:21; RE 18:12 .Sweet cane JER 6:20 .Thyine wood RE 18:12 .Timber 1KI 5:6,8 .Tin EZE 27:12 .Wheat RE 18:13 .White wool EZE 27:18 .Wine 2CH 2:15; EZE 27:18; RE 18:13 .Bodies and souls of men RE 18:13 -Transportation of passengers JON 1:3; AC 21:2; 27:2,6,37 -See MERCHANT » 3303 -See TARSHISH » 4822 -See TRADE » 4975 -See TRAFFIC » 4977 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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