0724 BETH-ANATH -A fortified city of Naphtali JOS 19:38; JUD 1:33 0725 BETH-ANOTH -A city in Judah JOS 15:59 0726 BETHANY -A village on the eastem slope of the Mount of Olives JOH 11:18 -Mary, Martha, and Lazarus dwell at LU 10:38-41 -Lazarus dies and is raised to life at JOH 11 -Jesus attends a feast in MT 26:6-13; JOH 12:1-9 -The colt of a donkey upon which Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, obtained at MR 11:1-11 -Jesus sojourns at MT 21:17; MR 11:11,12,19 0727 BETH-ARABAH -A city in the valley of the Dead Sea JOS 15:6,61; 18:22 -Called ARABAH JOS 18:18 0728 BETH-ARAM -A fortified city of Gad JOS 13:27 -Probably identical with BETH-HARAN NU 32:36 0729 BETH-ARBEL -A city spoiled by Shalman HO 10:14 0730 BETH-AVEN -A place on the mountains of Benjamin JOS 7:2; 18:12; 1SA 13:5; 14:23; HO 4:15; 5:8; 10:5 0731 BETH-AZMAVETH -A town of Benjamin NE 7:28 -Called AZMAVETH NE 12:29; EZR 2:24 0732 BETH-BAAL-MEON -A place in the territory of the tribe of Reuben JOS 13:17 -Called BAAL-MEON NU 32:38; EZE 25:9 -Called BEON NU 32:3 -Called BETH-MEON JER 48:23 -Subdued by the Israelites NU 32:3,4 -Assigned to the Reubenites JOS 13:17 0733 BETH-BARAH -A place east of the Jordan River JUD 7:24 0734 BETH-BIREI -A town of the territory of the tribe of Simeon 1CH 4:31 -See BETH-LEBAOTH » 0754 0735 BETH-CAR -A place west of Mizpeh 1SA 7:11 0736 BETH-DAGON -1. A city of the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:41 -2. A city of the territory of the tribe of Asher JOS 19:27 0737 BETH-DIBLATHAIM -A city of Moab JER 48:22 -Called ALMON-DIBLATHAIM NU 33:46 0738 BETH-EL -1. A city north of Jerusalem .The ancient city adjacent to, and finally embraced in, was called Luz JOS 18:13; JUD 1:23-26 .Abraham estblishes an altar at GE 12:8; 13:3,4 .The place where Jacob saw the vision of the ladder GE 28:10-22; 31:13; HO 12:4 .And builds an altar at GE 35:1-15 .Deborah dies at GE 35:8 .Conquered by Joshua JOS 8:17; with 12:16 .Conquered by the household of Joseph JUD 1:22-26 .Allotted to Benjamin JOS 18:13,22 .Court of justice held at .By Deborah JUD 4:5 .By Samuel 1SA 7:16 .Tabernacle at, and called HOUSE OF GOD JUD 20:18,31; 21:2 .Jeroboam institutes idolatrous worship at 1KI 12:25-33; 2KI 10:29 .Idolatry at JER 48:13; AM 4:4 .Shalmanezer sends a priest to 2KI 17:27,28 .Prophecies against the idolatrous altars at 1KI 13:1-6,32; 2KI 23:4,15-20; AM 3:14 .The school of prophets at 2KI 2:3 .The young men of, mock Elisha 2KI 2:23,24 .People of, return from Babylon EZR 2:28; NE 7:32 .Prophecies against AM 5:5 -2. A city in the south of territory of the tribe of Judah 1SA 30:27 -3. A mountain 1SA 13:2 0739 BETH-EL-APHRAH (R. V.) APHRAH (A. V.) -A place in Philistia MIC 1:10 0740 BETH-EMEK -A city of the territory of the tribe of Asher JOS 19:27 0741 BETHER -Mountains of SO 2:17 0742 BETHESDA -The pool of JOH 5:24 0743 BETH-EZEL -A town of territory of the tribe of Judah MIC 1:11 0744 BETH-GADER -A place in territory of the tribe of Judah 1CH 2:51 -Probably identical with GEDER JOS 12:13 -And with GEDOR in JOS 15:58 0745 BETH-GAMUL -A city of Moab JER 48:23 0746 BETH-HACCEREM -A mountain in the territory of the tribe of Judah NE 3:14; JER 6:1 0747 BETH-HAGGAN -A garden house 2KI 9:27 -Probably identical with EN-GANNIM JOS 19:21 0748 BETH-HANAN -See ELON-BETH-HANAN » 1608 0749 BETH-HARAN -A fortified city east of the Jordan River NU 32:36 -Probably identical with BETH-ARAM JOS 13:27 0750 BETH-HOGLA -A place on the border of the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:6; 18:19,21 0751 BETH-HORON -Two ancient cities of Canaan, near which Joshua defeated the Amorites JOS 10:10,11; 16:3,5; 18:13; 1SA 13:18; 1CH 7:24 -Solomon builds 1KI 9:17; 2CH 8:5 -Taken from the tribe of Judah by the ten tribes 2CH 25:13 0752 BETH-JESHIMOTH -A place in Moab JOS 12:3; 13:20; EZE 25:9 -Called BETH-JESIMOTH NU 33:49 0753 BETH-JOAB -See ATAROTH » 0475 0754 BETH-LEBAOTH -A town of Simeon JOS 19:6 -Called LEBAOTH JOS 15:32 -And BETH-BIREI 1CH 4:31 0755 BETHLEHEM -1. A city southwest of Jerusalem JUD 17:7; 19:18 .Called EPHRATAH and EPHRATH GE 48:7; PS 132:6; MIC 5:2 .And BETH-LEHEM-JUDAH JUD 17:7-9; 19:1,18; RU 1:1; 1SA 17:12 .Rachel dies and is buried at GE 35:16,19; 48:7 .The city of Boaz RU 1:1,19; 2:4; 4 .Taken and held by the Philistines 2SA 23:14-16 .Jeroboam converts it into a military stronghold 2CH 11:6 .The city of Joseph MT 2:5,6; LU 2:4 .Birthplace of Jesus MIC 5:2; MT 2; LU 2:4,15 .Herod murders the infants of MT 2:16-18 -2. A town of Zebulun, six miles west of Nazareth JOS 19:15 .Israel judged at JUD 12:10 0756 BETH-MAACHAH -A city of the territory of the tribe of Manasseh 2SA 20:14,15,18; 2KI 15:29 0757 BETH-MARCABOTH -A town of the territory of the tribe of Simeon JOS 19:5; 1CH 4:31 -Probably identied with MADMANNAH JOS 15:31 0758 BETH-MEON -See BAAL-MEON » 0545 0759 BETH-NIMRAH -A fenced city east of the Jordan River JOS 13:27 -Called NIMRAH NU 32:3 0760 BETH-PALET -A city in Judah JOS 15:27 -Called BETH-PHELET NE 11:26 0761 BETH-PAZZEZ -A town of the territory of the tribe of Issachar JOS 19:21 0762 BETH-PEOR -A place in the territory of the tribe of Reuben DE 3:29; 4:46; 34:6 -Near the burial place of Moses JOS 13:20 0763 BETHPHAGE -A village on the Mount of Olives MT 21:1; MR 11:1; LU 19:29 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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