0686 BEN-GEBER (R. V.) -In R.V. 1KI 4:13 -See GEBER » 1961 0687 BENE-JAAKAN -A tribe that gave its name to certain wells in the wilderness NU 33:31,32 -Called BEEROTH DE 10:6 0688 BENEVOLENCE -See ALMS » 0221 -See BENEVOLENCE » 0688 -See CHARITABLENESS » 1038 -See LIBERALITY » 3050 -See LOVE » 3095 0689 BEN-HADAD -1. King of Syria 1KI 15:18-20; 2CH 16:2-4 -2. A king of Syria, who reigned during the time of Ahab, son of Ben-hadad I 1KI 20; 2KI 5; 6; 7; 8:7-15 -3. Son of Hazael and king of Syria 2KI 13:3,24,25; AM 1:4 0690 BEN-HAIL -A prince of Judah 2CH 17:7 0691 BEN-HANAN -A son of Shimon 1CH 4:20 0692 BEN-HUR (R. V.) -See HUR » 2424 0693 BENINU -A Levite NE 10:13 0694 BENJAMIN -1. Son of Jacob by Rachel GE 35:18,24; 46:19 .Taken into Egypt GE 42; 43; 44; 45 .Prophecy concerning GE 49:27 .Descendants of GE 46:21; NU 26:38-41 -2. TRIBE OF .Census of .At Sinai NU 1:37 .On the plain of Moab NU 26:41 .Clans of NU 26:38-40; 1CH 7:6-12; 8 .Position of, in camp and march NU 2:18,22 .Moses' benediction upon DE 32:12 .Allotment in the land of Canaan JOS 18:11-28 .Reallotment EZE 48:23 .Did not exterminate the Jebusites JUD 1:21 .Join Deborah in the war against Sisera JUD 5:14 .Territory of, invaded by the Ammonites JUD 10:9 .Did not avenge the crime of the Gibeonites against the Levite's concubine, the war that followed JUD 19; 20 .Saul, the first king of Israel, from 1SA 9:1,17; 10:20,21 .Its rank during the time of Samuel 1SA 9:21 .Jerusalem within the territory of JER 6:1 .A company of, joins David at Ziklag 1CH 12:1,2,16 .Not enrolled by Joab when he took a census of the military forces of Israel 1CH 21:6 .Loyal to Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul 2SA 2:9,15,31; 1CH 12:29 .Subsequently joins David 2SA 3:19; 19:16,17 .Loyal to Rehoboam 1KI 12:21; 2CH 11:1 .Military forces of .During the reign of Asa 2CH 14:8 .During the reign of Jehoshaphat 2CH 17:17 .Skill in archery and as slingers of stones JUD 3:15; 20:16; 1CH 8:40; 12:2 .Return to Palestine from the exile in Babylon EZR 1:5 .Saints of, seen in John's vision RE 7:8 .Paul, of the tribe of RO 11:1; PHP 3:5 .See ISRAEL » 2581 -3. Grandson of Benjamin 1CH 7:10 -4. A son of Harim EZR 10:32 .Probably identical with the man mentioned in NE 3:23 -5. A Jew who assisted in purifying the wall of Jerusalem NE 12:34 -6. A gate of Jerusalem JER 20:2; 37:13; 38:7; ZEC 14:10 0695 BENO -A descendant of Merari 1CH 24:26,27 0696 BEN-ONI -Name given to Benjamin by Rachel as she was dying (during the birth process) GE 35:18 0697 BEN-ZOHETH -Son of Ishi 1CH 4:20 0698 BEON -A place east of the Jordan River, probably same as BAAL-MEON, which see NU 32:3,38 0699 BEOR -1. Father of Bela GE 36:32; 1CH 1:43 -2. Father of Balaam NU 22:5 .Called BOSOR 2PE 2:15 0700 BEQUESTS -See WILLS » 5145 0701 BERA -King of Sodom GE 14:2 0702 BERACHAH -1. An Israelite who joined David at Ziklag 1CH 12:3 -2. A valley in the south of the territory of the tribe of Judah, where the Israelites blessed the Lord for a victory 2CH 20:26 0703 BERACHIAH -See BERECHIAH » 0707 0704 BERAIAH -Son of Shimhi 1CH 8:21 0705 BEREA -A city in the south of Macedonia AC 17:10,13; 20:4 0706 BEREAVEMENT -From God EX 12:29; HO 9:12 -Mourning in, forbidden to Aaron, on account of his sons' wickedness LE 10:6 -And to Ezekiel, for his wife EZE 24:16-18 -INSTANCES OF .Abraham, of Sarah GE 23:2 .Jacob, of Joseph GE 37:34,35 .Joseph, of his father GE 50:1,4 .The Egyptians, of their firstborn EX 12:29-33 .Naomi, of her husband RU 1:3,5,20,21 .David .Of his child by Bath-sheba 2SA 12:15-23 .Of Absalom 2SA 18:33; 19:4 -RESIGNATION IN 2SA 12:22,23; Job 1:18-21; EC 7:2-4; 1TH 4:13-18 .See AFFLICTION, COMFORT IN » 0130 .See RESIGNATION IN » 0130 .See also RESIGNATION » 4129 0707 BERECHIAH -1. Fatber of Asaph 1CH 15:17,23 .Called BERACHIAH 1CH 6:39 -2. A warrior of Ephraim 2CH 28:12 -3. A brother of Zerubbabel 1CH 3:20 -4. Son of Asa 1CH 9:16 -5. Son of Iddo ZEC 1:1,7 -6. Son of Meshezabeel NE 3:4,30; 6:18 0708 BERED -1. A town in the south of Palestine GE 16:14 -2. A son of Shuthelah 1CH 7:20 .Probably same as BECHER NU 26:35 0709 BERI -Son of Zophah 1CH 7:36 0710 BERIAH -1. Son of Asher GE 46:17; NU 26:44,45; 1CH 7:30 -2. Son of Ephraim 1CH 7:20-23 -3. A Benjamite 1CH 8:13 -4. Son of Shimei 1CH 23:10,11 0711 BERITH -See BAAL-BERITH » 0534 0712 BERNICE -Daughter of Agrippa AC 2:5,13,23; 26:30 0713 BERODACH-BALADAN -See MERODACH-BALADAN » 3314 0714 BEROTHAH -Part of the northern boundary of Canaan EZE 47:16 0715 BEROTHAI -A city of Zobah 2SA 8:8 0716 BERYL -A precious stone SO 5:14; EZE 1:16; 10:9 -Set in the breastplate EX 28:20; 39:13 -John saw, in the foundation of the new Jerusalem RE 21:20 0717 BESAI -One of the Nethinim EZR 2:49; NE 7:52 0718 BESODEIAH -Father of Meshullam NE 3:6 0719 BESOR -A brook near Gaza 1SA 30:9,10,21 0720 BESTIALITY -General scriptures concerning EX 22:19; LE 18:23; 20:16 -See SODOMY » 4636 0721 BETAH -A city belonging to Hadadezer 2SA 8:8 0722 BETEN -A city of the territory of the tribe of Asher JOS 19:25 0723 BETHABARA -A city east of the Jordan JUD 7:24 -John testifies to Christ's messiahship, and baptizes at JOH 1:28 -Jesus at JOH 10:39-42 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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