5150 WINDOW -General scriptures concerning #GE 6:16; 26:8; JOS 2:15,21; 1KI 6:4; EZE 40:16-36; AC 20:9 5151 WINE -Made from grapes #GE 40:11; 49:11; ISA 25:6; JER 40:1,12 -From pomegranates #SO 8:2 -Kept in jars #JER 13:12; 48:12 -In skins (R. V.) #JOS 9:4,13; Job 32:19; MT 9:17; LU 5:37,38 -In bottles #JOS 9:4,13; Job 32:19; JER 13:12; 48:12; MT 9:17; LU 5:37,38 -Cellars for #1CH 27:27 -New #HAG 1:11 -Old #LU 5:39 -Medicinal use of #PR 31:6,7 -Recommended by Paul to Timothy #1TI 5:23 -Used at meals #MT 26:27-29; MR 14:23 -Made by Jesus at the marriage feast in Cana #JOH 2:9,10 -Sacramental use of #MT 26:27-29; LU 22:17-20 -Forbidden to priests while on duty #LE 10:9; EZE 44:21 -Forbidden to Nazarites #NU 6:2,3 -See NAZARITE » 3524 -Abstinence from .Of Daniel #DA 1:5,8,16; 10:3 .Of the courtiers of Ahasuerus #ES 1:8 .Of Timothy #1TI 5:23 -Samson's mother forbidden to drink #JUD 13:4,5 -Forbidden to kings #PR 31:4 -Denied to the Israelites in the wilderness, so that they could know that the Lord was their God #DE 29:6 -Offered with sacrifices #EX 29:40; LE 23:13; NU 15:5,10; 28:7,14 -Given by Melchizedek to Abraham #GE 14:18 -Fermented #LE 10:9; NU 6:3; 28:7; DE 14:26; 29:6; PR 23:31,32; MR 2:22 -Refined #ISA 25:6; JER 48:11 -Of staggering (R. V.) #PS 60:3 -Inflames the eyes #GE 49:12 -Commerce in #RE 18:13 -Banquets of #ES 5:6 -Cheap wine (like vinegar) given to Jesus at the crucifixion #MT 27:48; MR 15:23; LU 23:36; JOH 19:29 -Intoxication from the use of #PS 104:15; PR 4:17 -INSTANCES OF INTOXICATION FROM .Noah #GE 9:21 .Lot #GE 19:32 .Joseph and his brothers #GE 43:34 .Nabal #1SA 25:36 .Amnon #2SA 13:28,29 .Ahasuerus #ES 1:10 .Kings of Israel #HO 7:5 .Falsely charged against the disciples #AC 2:13 -FIGURATIVE .Of the divine judgments #PS 60:3; 75:8; JER 51:7 .Of the joy of wisdom #PR 9:2,5 .Of the joys of spiritual matters #ISA 25:6; 55:1; JOE 2:19 .Of abominations #RE 14:8; 16:19 -SYMBOLICAL .Of the blood of Jesus #MT 26:28; MR 14:23,24; LU 22:20; JOH 6:53-56 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO #DE 14:26; 33:28; 2KI 18:32; 2CH 32:28; NE 10:39; PS 4:7; 104:14,15; PR 31:6,7; EC 2:3,11; ISA 56:12; HO 2:8,22; 7:14; JOE 1:5; 2:24; 3:3; AM 6:6; HAB 2:5; HAG 1:11; ZEC 9:17; 10:7; 1TI 5:23 .See VINE » 5086 .See VINEYARD » 5088 -ADMONITIONS AGAINST THE USE OF #LE 10:9; NU 6:3; JUD 13:4; PR 20:1; 21:17; 23:29-32; 31:4,5; ISA 5:11,22; 24:9; 28:1,3,7; JER 23:9; 35:2-10,14,18,19; EZE 44:21; HO 4:11; LU 1:15; RO 14:21; EPH 5:18; TIT 2:3 .See ABSTINENCE » 0058 .See DRUNKENNESS » 1481 5152 WINEBIBBER (A WINO) -Jesus falsely accused of being a #MT 11:19; LU 7:34 5153 WINE PRESS -General scriptures concerning #NU 18:27,30; DE 15:14; JUD 6:11 -In vineyards #ISA 5:2; MT 21:33; MR 12:1 -Trodden with joy and shouting #JER 48:33 -FIGURATIVE .Treading the, of the sufferings of Christ #ISA 63:2,3 .Of the judgments of God #LA 1:15; RE 14:19,20 5154 WINNOWING -Of grain #RU 3:2; ISA 30:24; MT 3:12 5155 WINTER -Annual return of, will never cease #GE 8:22 -Plowing in, in Canaan, (margin) #PR 20:4 -Rainy season in, in Canaan #SO 2:11 -Shipping suspended in, on the Mediterranean Sea #AC 27:12; 28:11 -Paul remains for one, at Nicopolis #TIT 3:12 -Summer and winter houses #JER 36:22; AM 3:15 -See METEOROLOGY » 3332 5156 WISDOM -Of Joseph #GE 41:16,25-39; AC 7:10 -Of Moses #AC 7:22 -Of Bezaleel #EX 31:3-5; 35:31-35; 36:1 -Of Aholiab #EX 31:6; 35:34,35; 36:1 -Of other skilled artisans #EX 36:2 -Of women #EX 35:26 -Of Hiram #1KI 7:14; 2CH 2:14 -Of Solomon #1KI 3:12,16-28; 4:29-34; 5:12; 10:24 -Of Ethan, Heman, Chalcol, and Darda #1KI 4:31 -Of the princes of the tribe of Issachar #1CH 12:32 -Of Ezra #EZR 7:25 -Of Daniel #DA 1:17; 5:14 -Of Paul #2PE 3:15 -Of the Magi (wise men from the east) #MT 2:1-12 -SPIRITUAL .UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO #DE 32:29; Job 5:27; 8:8,10; 12:2,3,7-13,16,17,22; 28:12-28; 32:9; 42:5; PS 2:10; 9:10; 76:1; 107:43; 111:10; PR 1:5,7,21-33; 2:1-20; 3:13-26,34,35; 4:4-13,18-22; 5:12; 7:2-4; 8:1-36; 9:1-6,9-12; 10:8,13,14,21,23; 11:9,12; 12:1,8,15; 13:14-16; 14:6-8,16,18,33; 15:2,7,33; 16:16,20-24; 17:10,24; 18:15; 19:8,20; 21:11; 22:17-21; 23:12,19,23; 24:13,14; 28:5,7; 29:3; EC 8:1,5; 9:13-18; 10:12; 12:11; ISA 2:3; 11:9; 29:24; 33:6; JER 9:23,24; 31:34; DA 11:32,33; 12:3,4,10; HO 6:3,6; 14:9; MT 6:22,23; 7:24,25; 11:19; 25:1-13; MR 12:32-34; LU 1:17; 7:35; 11:34-36; JOH 7:17; 8:32; 10:4,14; 17:3,8,25; AC 6:10; RO 15:14; 16:19; 1CO 2:6-16; 3:18; 8:3; 13:11; 14:20; 2CO 2:11; 8:7; GA 4:9; EPH 4:11-13; 5:15-17; PHP 3:7-10; COL 3:10,16; 1Th 5:4,5; 1TI 2:4; 2TI 3:15; JAS 3:13; 1JO 4:6 .See KNOWLEDGE » 2958 .See SPEAKING, WISDOM IN » 4661 -SPIRITUAL, FROM GOD #EX 4:11,12; 8:9,10; DE 4:5,6,35,36; 29:4; 1CH 22:12; NE 9:20; Job 4:3; 11:5,6; 22:21,22; 32:7,8; 33:16; 35:10,11; 36:22; 38:36,37; PS 16:7; 19:1,2; 25:8,9,12,14; 32:8; 36:9; 51:6; 71:17; 94:12; 112:4; 119:130; PR 1:23; 2:6,7; 3:5,6; EC 2:26; ISA 11:1-3; 30:21; 42:6,7,16; 48:17; 54:13; JER 24:7; DA 1:17; 2:20-23; MT 11:25-27; 13:11; 16:16,17; LU 1:76-79; 12:11,12; 21:15; 24:32,45; JOH 1:1,4,5,7-9,17; 6:45; 8:12,31,32; 9:5,39; 12:46; 14:7; 16:13,14; 17:6,26; 18:37; RO 1:19,20; 1CO 1:30; 2:9-14; 12:8; 2CO 4:6; PHP 3:15; COL 1:26-28; 2TI 1:7; JAS 3:17; 2PE 1:2-5,8,12; 3:18; 1JO 2:20,27; 5:20 .See GOD, WISDOM OF » 2043 -PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL #NU 27:21; JUD 20:18; 1KI 3:7,9; 8:36; 2CH 1:10; Job 34:32; PS 5:8; 25:4,5; 27:11; 31:3; 39:4; 43:3; 86:11; 90:12; 119:12,18,19,26,27,33,34,66,68,73,80,124,125,135,144,169, 171; 139:24; EPH 1:16-19; 3:14-19; 6:18-20; PHP 1:9,10; COL 1:9,10; 2:1-3; 4:2-4; 2TI 2:7; JAS 1:5 .See DESIRE, SPIRITUAL » 1392 -WORLDLY #GE 3:6,7; Job 4:18-21; 5:13; 11:2,12; 37:24; PR 3:7; 15:21,22; 16:25; 17:2,10; 18:1; 20:18; 21:20,22,30; 24:3-7; 28:11; EC 1:18; 2:1-26; 7:11-13,16-25; 8:1,16,17; 10:2,3,10; ISA 5:21; 28:24-29; 29:14-16; 47:10,11; JER 8:7-9; 9:23,24; 49:7; MT 6:23; 7:24-27; 11:25; LU 10:21; 16:8; RO 1:21-23; 1CO 1:17-26; 2:1-14; 3:18-20; 8:1,2; 2CO 1:12; COL 2:8; 1TI 6:20,21 .See KNOWLEDGE » 2958 5157 WISE MEN -Of Egypt #GE 41:8,24; EX 7:11 -Solomon #1KI 4:29-34 -Of Babylon #DA 4:18; 5:8 -Of the East (the Magi) #MT 2:1-12 -See WISDOM » 5156 5158 WITCHCRAFT -Law concerning #EX 22:18; LE 19:31; 20:6,27 -The Witch of Endor #1SA 28:7-25 -Witches destroyed #1SA 28:3,9 -See SORCERY » 4647 5159 WITNESS -General scriptures concerning #LE 5:1; PR 18:17 -Qualified by oath #EX 22:11; NU 5:19,21; 1KI 8:31,32 -By laying hands on the accused #LE 24:14 -Two necessary to establish a fact #NU 35:30; DE 17:6; 19:15; MT 18:16; JOH 8:17; 2CO 13:1; 1TI 5:19; HEB 10:28 -Required to throw the first stone in executing the sentence #DE 13:9; 17:5-7; AC 7:58 -To the transfer of land #GE 21:25-30; 23:11,16-18; RU 4:1-9; JER 32:9-12,25,44 -To marriage #RU 4:10,11; ISA 8:2,3 -Incorruptible #PS 15:4 -Corrupted by money #MT 28:11-15; AC 6:11,13 -FIGURATIVE .Of instruction in righteousness #RE 11:3 .See COURTS » 1251 .See EVIDENCE » 1741 .See FALSEHOOD » 1789 .See FALSE WITNESS » 1789 .See HOLY SPIRIT » 2367 .See TESTIMONY » 4874 .See TESTIMONY, RELIGIOUS » 4874 5160 WIZARD -See SORCERY » 4647 5161 WOLF -Ravenous #GE 49:27; JER 5:6; EZE 22:27; ZEP 3:3; JOH 10:12 -FIGURATIVE .Of the enemies of the righteous #MT 7:15; 10:16; JOH 10:12; AC 20:29 .Of the reconciling power of the gospel #ISA 11:6 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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