5142 WIDOW -Vows of, binding #NU 30:9 -When they are daughters of priests, they are to be supported by their fathers #LE 22:13 -Priests forbidden to marry #LE 21:14 -Marriage of, authorized #RO 7:3; 1CO 7:39 -Widows' dower .See DOWRY » 1465 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO #EX 22:22-24; DE 10:18; 14:28,29; 16:11-14; 24:17,19-21; 25:5-10; 27:19; Job 22:5,9; 24:3,21; 29:13; 31:16,22; PS 68:5; 94:6; 146:9; PR 15:25; ISA 1:17,23; 10:1,2; JER 7:6,7; 22:3; 49:11; EZE 22:7; ZEC 7:10; MAL 3:5; MT 23:14; MR 12:40; LU 20:47; 1CO 7:8,9; 1TI 5:3-6,9-12,16 -INSTANCES OF .Naomi #RU 1:3 .Ruth #RU 1; 2; 3; 4 .The widow of Zarephath, who sustained Elijah during a famine #1KI 17 .The woman whose sons Elisha saved from being sold for debt #2KI 4:1-7 .Anna #LU 2:36,37 .The woman who gave two mites (leptas) in the temple courtyard #MR 12:41-44; LU 21:2 .The widow of Nain, whose only son Jesus raised from the dead #LU 7:11-15 .See WOMEN » 5162 .See MARRIAGE, Levirate (brother-in-law) » 3212 5143 WIFE -Called .DESIRE OF THE EYES #EZE 24:16 -HELP #GE 2:18,20 -FRUITFUL VINE #PS 128:3 -The judgment denounced against Eve #GE 3:16 -Relation of, to husband #GE 2:18,23,24; 1CO 11:3-12 -Domestic duties of #GE 18:6; PR 31:13-27 -Beloved, by Isaac #GE 24:67 -Beloved, by Jacob #GE 29:30 -Hated #GE 29:31-33 -Loyal #GE 31:14-16 -Unfaithful #NU 5:14-31 -Potiphar's #GE 39:7 -Bath-sheba #2SA 11:2-5 -Contentious, Zipporah #EX 4:25 -See UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES, below -Idolatrous, Solomon's wives #1KI 11:4-8; NE 13:26 -Jezebel #1KI 21; 2KI 9:30-37 -Incorruptible, Vashti #ES 1:10-22 -Tactful Abigail #1SA 25:3,14-42 -Purchased #GE 29; EX 21:7-11; RU 4:10 -Obtained by violence #JUD 21 -Procured #GE 24; 34:4-10; 38:6 -Vows of #NU 30:6-16 -See DIVORCE » 1442 -See MARRIAGE » 3212 -See VIRGIN » 5091 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO #GE 2:18,23,24; 3:16; ES 1:20-22; PS 128:3,4; PR 12:4; 14:1; 18:22; 19:13,14; 21:9,19; 25:24; 30:21-23; 31:10-31; 1CO 7:2-6,10-14,16,27-29,32-34,38-40; 11:3,7-9,11,12; 14:34,35; EPH 5:22-25,28,31,33; COL 3:18,19; 1TI 3:11; 5:9,10,14; TIT 2:3-5; 1PE 3:1-7 .See HUSBAND » 2428 .See PARENTS » 3726 .See WIDOW » 5142 .See WOMEN » 5162 5144 WILDERNESS -Wandering of the Israelites in, see ISRAEL » 2581 -Typical of the sinner's state #DE 32:10 -Jesus' temptation in #MT 4:1; MR 1:12,13; LU 4:1 -See DESERT » 1390 5145 WILL -THE MENTAL FACULTY .Freedom of, recognized by God #GE 4:6-10; DE 5:29; 1KI 20:42; ISA 1:18-20; 43:26; JER 36:3,7; JOH 7:17 .See BLESSINGS, CONTINGENT UPON OBEDIENCE » 0829 .See CHOICE » 1093 .See CONTINGENCY » 1214 -OF GOD, THE SUPREME RULE OF DUTY #MT 6:10; 12:50; 26:39,42; MR 3:35; 14:36; LU 11:2; 22:42; JOH 4:34; 5:30; 6:38-40; AC 18:21; RO 12:2; 15:32; 1CO 4:19; 16:7; HEB 6:3 .See AGENCY » 0138 -A TESTAMENT .Of Abraham #GE 25:5,6 .Of Jacob #GE 48; 49 .Of David #1KI 2:1-9 .Of Jehoshaphat #2CH 21:3 .May not be annulled #GA 3:15 .In force only after death #HEB 9:16,17 .See TESTAMENT » 4873 5146 WILLFULNESS -See OBDURACY » 3615 -See SELF-WILL » 4324 5147 WILLOW -General scriptures concerning #LE 23:40; PS 137:2; EZE 17:5 -FIGURATIVE #ISA 44:4 5148 WIMPLE -(A cloth covering that was worn over the head and around the neck and chin)) #ISA 3:22 5149 WIND -Blasting #2KI 19:7,35 -East .Hot and blasting in Egypt #GE 41:6 .In the valley of the Euphrates River #EZE 19:12 .In Canaan #HO 13:15; LU 12:55 .At the city of Nineveh #JON 4:8 .Stormuous in the land of Uz #Job 27:21 -West .Took away the plague of locusts from the land of Egypt #EX 10:19 -North .Free from humidity in Canaan #PR 25:23 -South .Soothing #Job 37:17 .Stormuous #Job 37:9 .Purifying #Job 37:21 -FIGURATIVE #HO 4:19 .Of the judgments of God #JER 22:22; HO 13:15; MT 7:25 .Of the Spirit #JOH 3:8 .Of heresy #EPH 4:14 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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