4564 SICKNESS -See AFFLICTION » 0130 -See DISEASE » 1428 4565 SIDDIM -(Vale of, a valley of uncertain location) -Scene of the defeat of the king of Sodom #GE 14:3,8,10 4566 SIDON -1. Also called ZIDON .Son of Canaan #GE 10:15; 1CH 1:13 -2. A city on the northern boundary of the Canaanites #GE 10:19 .Designated by Jacob as the border of the tribe of Zebulun #GE 49:13 .Was on the northern boundary of the tribe of Asher #JOS 19:28; 2SA 24:6 .Belonged to the land of Israel according to a promise #JOS 13:6 .Inhabitants of, lived in security and without a worry #JUD 18:7 .Israelites failed to make conquest of #JUD 1:31; 3:3 .The inhabitants of, contributed cedar for the first and second temple #1KI 5:6; 1CH 22:4; EZR 3:7 .Solomon marries women of #1KI 11:1 .Ahab marries a woman of #1KI 16:31 .People of, come to hear Jesus #MR 3:8; LU 6:17 .Inhabitants of, offend Herod Agrippa I #AC 12:20-23 .Commerce of #ISA 23:2,4,12 .The sailors of #EZE 27:8 .Prophecies concerning #JER 25:15-22; 27:3-11; 47:4; EZE 28:21-23; 32:30; JOE 3:4-8 .Jesus visits the region of, and heals the daughter of the non-Jewish, Syro-Phoenician woman #MT 15:21-28; MR 7:24-31 .Visited by Paul #AC 27:3 4567 SIEGE -An offer of peace must be made to the city before beginning a #DE 20:10-12 -Conducted by erecting embankments parallel to the walls of the besieged city #DE 20:19,20; ISA 29:3; 37:33 -Battering-rams used in .See BATTERING-RAMS » 0624 -Distress of the inhabitants during a #2KI 6:24-29; 25:3; ISA 9:20; 36:12; JER 19:9 -Cannibalism during a #2KI 6:28,29 -INSTANCES OF .Jericho #JOS 6 .Rabbah #2SA 11:1 .Abel #2SA 20:15 .Gibbethon #1KI 15:27 .Tirzah #1KI 16:17 .Jerusalem .By the sons of Judah #JUD 1:8 .By David #2SA 5:6,9 .By Rezin, king of Syria, and Pekah, son of Remaliah, king of Israel #2KI 16:5 .By Nebuchadnezzar #2KI 24:10,11; DA 1:1; 2KI 25:1-3; JER 52 .By Sennacherib #2CH 32:1-23 .Samaria #1KI 20:1; 2KI 6:24; 17:5; 18:9-11 4568 SIEVE -FIGURATIVE #ISA 30:28; AM 9:9; LU 22:31 4569 SIGN -A miracle to confirm faith #MT 12:38; 16:4; 24:3,30; MR 8:11,12; 13:4; JOH 2:11; 3:2; 4:48 -Asked for by, and given to .Abraham #GE 15:8-17 .Moses #EX 4:1-9 .Gideon #JUD 6:17,36-40 .Hezekiah #2KI 20:8 .Zacharias #LU 1:18 -Given to Jeroboam #1KI 13:3-5 -A token of coming events #MT 16:3,4; 24:3 -See MIRACLES » 3387 4570 SIGNAL -Used in war #ISA 18:3 -See ARMIES » 0391 -See ENSIGNS (banners) » 1660 -See TRUMPETS » 5003 4571 SIHON -(King of the Amorites) -His seat of government at Heshbon #NU 21:26 -The proverbial chant celebrating the victory of Sihon over the Moabites #NU 21:26-30 -Conquest of his kingdom by the Israelites #NU 21:21-25; DE 2:24-37; 3:2,6,8 4572 SIHOR -Also called SHIHOR -A river of Egypt, given by some authorities as the Nile River #JOS 13:3; 1CH 13:5; ISA 23:3; JER 2:18 4573 SILAS -(The short form of the name) .Also called SILVANUS (the long form of the name) .Sent to Paul, in Antioch (of Syria), from Jerusalem #AC 15:22-34 -Becomes Paul's companion #AC 15:40,41; 2CO 1:19; 1TH 1:1; 2TH 1:1 -Imprisoned with Paul in Philippi #AC 16:19-40 -Driven, with Paul, from Thessalonica #AC 17:4-10 -Left by Paul at Berea #AC 17:14 -Rejoins Paul at Corinth #AC 17:15; 18:5 -Carries Peter's letter to Asia Minor #1PE 5:12 4574 SILK -Wearing apparel made of #PR 31:22; EZE 16:10,13 -Merchandise of #RE 18:12 -See COTTON » 1244 -See LINEN » 3066 4575 SILLA -A place of uncertain location #2KI 12:20 4576 SILOAH -See SILOAM » 4577 4577 SILOAM -Also called SHILOAH and SILOAH -A pool in Jerusalem #NE 3:15; ISA 8:6 -Jesus directs the blind man whom he had healed to wash in #JOH 9:1-11 -Tower of, in the wall of Jerusalem, falls and kills eighteen people #LU 13:4 4578 SILVANUS -(The long form of the name) -See SILAS (the short form of the name) » 4573 4579 SILVER -From Tarshish #EZE 27:12 -Refining of #PR 17:3; 25:4; 26:23; EZE 22:18-22; JER 6:29,30; ZEC 13:9; MAL 3:3 -See REFINING » 4091 -Used for money #GE 13:2; 17:12; 20:16; 23:13-16; AM 8:6; MT 10:9; 26:15; MR 14:11; AC 19:19 -See MONEY » 3426 -For ornamentation of, and in the manufacture of, the utensils for the tabernacle #EX 26:19; 27:17; 35:24; 36:24; 38:25; NU 7:13,19,25,31,37,43,49,55,61,67,73,79,85 -Of the temple #1CH 28:14; 29:2-5; EZR 5:14; 6:5; 8:26; DA 5:2 -Cups made of #GE 44:2 -Trumpets #NU 10:2 -Cords #EC 12:6 -Chains #ISA 40:19 -Shrines #AC 19:24 -idols #EX 20:23; ISA 30:22; HO 13:2 -Baskets (R. V.), or filigree (margin, R. V.) #PR 25:11 -Jewels #SO 1:11 -See JEWELS; » 2789 -Palace #SO 8:9 -Vessels of #NU 7:85; 1KI 10:25; 2SA 8:10; 2KI 12:13; 1CH 18:10; 2CH 24:14; EZR 1:6; 5:14; 6:5; 8:26; DA 5:2; 11:8 -Abundance of #1KI 10:27; 1CH 22:14; 29:2-7; 2CH 1:15; EC 2:8; ISA 2:7 -Dross from #PR 25:4; 26:23 -Reprobate #JER 6:30 -Workers in #2CH 2:14; AC 19:24 -See SMITH » 4618 -See MONEY » 3426 -SYMBOLICAL #DA 2:32,35 4580 SILVERSMITH -General scriptures concerning #AC 19:24 -See SMITH » 4618 4581 SIMEON -1. Son of Jacob #GE 29:33; 35:23; EX 1:1,2; 1CH 2:1 .With Levi avenges upon the Shechemites the seduction of Dinah #GE 34; 49:5-7 .Jacob's denunciation of #GE 34:30; 49:5-7 .Goes down into Egypt to buy corn (graini); is imprisoned by Joseph, and is detained #GE 42:24,36; 43:23 .His sons #GE 46:10; EX 6:15; 1CH 4:24-37 .Descendants of #NU 26:12-14 .See TRIBE OF, below -2. TRIBE OF .Military enrollment of, at Sinai #NU 1:22,23; 2:13 .On the plains of Moab #NU 26:14 .Place of, in camping and marching #NU 2:12; 10:18,19 .Inheritance allotted to #JOS 19:1-9; JUD 1:3-17; 1CH 4:24-43 .Stood on Mount Gerizim to bless at the time of the recounting of the law of Moses #DE 27:12 .Joined with the people of Judah and Benjamin in the renewal of the Passover #2CH 15:9; with 15:1-15 .Idolatry of #2CH 34:6; with 34:1-7 .See ISRAEL » 2581 -3. A devout man in Jerusalem .Blesses Jesus (when an infant) in the temple #LU 2:25-35 -4. An ancestor of Jesus #LU 3:30 -5. A disciple .Also called NIGER #AC 13:1 -6. Name given to Peter #AC 15:14 .See PETER » 3819 4582 SIMILITUDE -General scriptures concerning #HO 12:10 -See FIGURES » 1825 -See PARABLES: SYMBOLS » 3718 -See TYPES » 5016 4583 SIMON -1. SIMON .See PETER » 3819 -2. One of the twelve apostles; a revolutionary and a patriot .Called "THE CANAANITE," (from the Hebrew root meaning "religious zeal" #MT 10:4; MR 3:18 .Called "ZELOTES," #LU 6:15; AC 1:13 -3. A physical half-brother of Jesus #MT 13:55; MR 6:3 -4. A leper .Jesus dines with #MT 26:6; MR 14:3 -5. A man from the city of Cyrene .Compelled to carry Jesus' cross #MT 27:32; MR 15:21; LU 23:26 -6. A Pharisee .Jesus dines with #LU 7:36-44 -7. The father of Judas Iscariot #JOH 6:71; 12:4; 13:2,26 -8. A sorcerer (also called Simon Magus) .Converted by Philip .Rebuked by Peter #AC 8:9-13,18-24 -9. A tanner .Peter lodges with #AC 9:43; 10:6,17,32 4584 SIMONY -Ecclesiastical corruption #AC 8:18,19 4585 SIMRI -A Merarite #1CH 26:10 -In R. V., called SHIMRI GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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