4512 SHIP -Built .By Noah #GE 6:13-22 .By Solomon #1KI 9:26; 2CH 8:17 .By Jehoshaphat #1KI 22:48; 2CH 20:35,36 .Of gopher wood #GE 6:1,4 .Of fir wood #EZE 27:5 .Of bulrushes #ISA 18:2 .Sealed with pitch (tar?) #GE 6:15 -Equipped with .A helm #JAS 3:4 .A rudder #AC 27:40 .Tackling #ISA 33:23; AC 27:19 -Sails #ISA 33:23; AC 27:1,9,17,40 -Sails embroidered #EZE 27:7 -Masts #ISA 33:23; EZE 27:5 -Oars #JON 1:13; MR 6:48 -Figurehead #AC 28:11 -An anchor #AC 27:29,30,40; HEB 6:19 -Lifeboats #AC 27:30,32 -Used in commerce #AC 21:3; 27:10 -Used in commerce .With Tarshish #1KI 22:48; ISA 60:9; JON 1:3 .With Ophir #1KI 10:11; 2CH 8:18 .With Adramyttium #AC 27:2 .For passenger traffic #ISA 60:9; JON 1:3; AC 20:13; 27:2,37; 28:11 .For ferriage #2SA 19:18 -Repaired by caulking #EZE 27:9 -Wrecked at Ezion-geber #1KI 22:48; 2CH 20:35-37 -At Melita (Malta) #AC 27:14,44 -Warships used by Chittim #NU 24:24; DA 11:30 -See MARINERS » 3208 4513 SHIPHI -Father of Ziza #1CH 4:37 4514 SHIPHRAH -A Hebrew midwife #EX 1:15 4515 SHIPHTAN -Father of the representative of Ephraim who was on the committee which divided up the promised land among the Israelites #NU 34:24 4516 SHISHA -See SERIAH, number one » 4342 4517 SHISHAK -(King of Egypt) -Gives asylum to Jeroboam #1KI 11:40 -Plunders Jerusalem #1KI 14:25,26; 2CH 12:2-9 4518 SHITRAI -A chief herder of David #1CH 27:29 4519 SHITTIM -1. Also called ABEL-SHITTIM #NU 33:49 .A camping place of Israel #NU 25:1; 33:49 .Joshua sends spies from #JOS 2:1 .The valley of #JOE 3:18 .Balaam prophesies in #MIC 6:5 -2. Also called SHITTAH, a tree, the wood of which is fragrant .Planted and cultivated #ISA 41:19 .The ark of the covenant made of #EX 25:10 .The staves (long poles) of the ark of the covenant made of #EX 25:13; 38:6 .The boards in the tabernacle made of #EX 26:15-37 .The altar of burnt offering made of #EX 38:1,6 4520 SHIZA -(A Reubenite) -Father of one of David's mighty men #1CH 11:42 4521 SHOA -An unknown country or city, or a symbolical term #EZE 23:23 4522 SHOBAB -1. Son of David #2SA 5:14; 1CH 3:5; 14:4 -2. Son of Caleb #1CH 2:18 4523 SHOBACH -Captain of the army of Hadarezer; killed by David's army #2SA 10:16,18 -Called SHOPHACH #1CH 19:16,18 4524 SHOBAI -A porter, whose descendants returned to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel #EZR 2:42; NE 7:45 4525 SHOBAL -1. Son of Seir #GE 36:20,23,29; 1CH 1:38,40 -2. Son of Caleb #1CH 2:50,52 -3. Son of Judah #1CH 4:1,2 4526 SHOBEK -A Jew who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah #NE 10:24 4527 SHOBI -(Son of Nahash) -Brought supplies to David during his escape from his son Absalom #2SA 17:27 4528 SHOCHO -See SOCOH, number one » 4632 4529 SHOCHOH -See SOCOH, number one » 4632 4530 SHOCO -See SOCOH, number one » 4632 4531 SHOE -Removed while on holy ground #EX 3:5; JOS 5:15; AC 7:33 -Taken off at a time of mourning #EZE 24:17 -Of the people of Israel did not get old #DE 29:5 -Loosened as a sign of refusal to observe the levirate marriage #DE 25:9; RU 4:7,8 -Poor people sold for a pair of #AM 2:6; 8:6 -Made of badgers' (dugong, porpoise?) skins #EZE 16:10 -Thong of #GE 14:23; ISA 5:27; MR 1:7 -Loosing of, a humble service #LU 3:16 4532 SHOHAM -A Merarite #1CH 24:27 4533 SHOMER -1. SHOMER .See SHAMER, number two » 4379 -2. See SHIMRITH 4534 SHOPHACH -See SHOBACH » 4523 4535 SHOPHAN -A city in the territory of the tribe of Gad #NU 32:35 -R. V., spelled ATROTH-SHOPHAN 4536 SHOSHANNIM -Also called SHUSHAN and SHOSHANNIM-EDUTH -A wind instrument, mentioned in the titles of #PS 45; 60; 69; 80 -See MUSIC, INSTRUMENTS OF » 3466 4537 SHOUTING -IN JOY AND PRAISE #1CH 15:28; 2CH 15:12-14; EZR 3:11-13; PS 5:11; 47:1; ISA 12:6; LU 17:15; 19:37-41; AC 3:8,9; RE 5:12-14 4538 SHOVEL -A utensil in the tabernacle #EX 27:3; 38:3; NU 4:14 -Temple #1KI 7:40; JER 52:18 4539 SHRINE -An idolatrous symbol of the Temple of Diana (Artemis) #AC 19:24 4540 SHUA -1. A Canaanite and the father-in-law of Judah #GE 38:2,12 .R. V., A. V. SHUAH) #1CH 2:3 -2. Daughter of Heber #1CH 7:32 4541 SHUAH -1. Son of Abraham by his wife (concubine), Keturah #GE 25:2; 1CH 1:32 -2. Brother of Chelub #1CH 4:11 4542 SHUAL -1. Son of Zophah #1CH 7:36 -2. A country of unknown location #1SA 13:17 4543 SHUBAEL -See SHEBUEL, number one and number two » 4418 4544 SHUHAM -Son of Dan #NU 26:42 -Called HUSHIM #GE 46:23 4545 SHUNAMMITE -1. A person from the city of Shunem .Abishag, the girl who took care of David #1KI 1:3 .Desired by Adonijah as wife #1KI 2:13-25 -2. A woman who gave hospitality to Elisha, and whose son he raised to life #2KI 4:8-37 4546 SHUNEM -A city allotted to the tribe of Issachar #JOS 19:18 -Elisha lives at, on the roof of the home of the Shunammite woman and her husband #2KI 4 -A girl found at, to take care of David #1KI 1:3 4547 SHUNI -Son of Gad #GE 46:16; NU 26:15 4548 SHUPHAM -Son of Benjamin #NU 26:39 4549 SHUPPIM -1. Son of Ir #1CH 7:12,15 -2. A Levite #1CH 26:16 4550 SHUR -A wilderness southwest of Palestine #GE 16:7; 20:1; 25:18; EX 15:22; 1SA 15:7; 27:8 4551 SHUSHAN (SUSA) -1. Capitol of the Medo-Persian Empire #ES 1:2,3; 8:15 -2. King's palace at #NE 1:1; ES 1:2,5; 2:5,8; 4:8,16; 8:14,15; 9:11,15 4552 SHUSHAN-EDUTH -See MUSIC » 3466 4553 SHUTHELAH -1. Son of Ephraim #NU 26:35,36; 1CH 7:20 -2. Son of Zabad #1CH 7:21 4554 SHUTTLE -General scriptures concerning #Job 7:6 4555 SIA -See SIAHA » 4556 4556 SIAHA -Also called SIA -One of the Nethinim #EZR 2:44; NE 7:47 4557 SIBBECAI -See SIBBECHAI » 4558 4558 SIBBECHAI -Also called SIBBECAI -A captain in David's army #2SA 21:18; 1CH 11:29; 20:4; 27:11 4559 SIBMAH -A city of the tribe of Reuben #JOS 13:19; ISA 16:8,9; JER 48:32 -Apparently also called SHEBAM #NU 32:3 -Called SHIBMAH #NU 32:38 4560 SIBRAIM -A city of Syria #EZE 47:16 4561 SICHEM -See SHECHEM » 4421 4562 SICK, THE -Visiting #PS 41:6 -Visiting, a duty #MT 25:36,43; JAS 1:27 -FIGURATIVE #ISA 1:5,6; HO 5:13 .See AFFLICTED » 0129 .See AFFLICTION » 0130 4563 SICKLE -An agricultural implement used for cutting grain #DE 23:25; JER 50:16; MR 4:29 -FIGURATIVE .Of the judgments of God #JOE 3:13; RE 14:14-19 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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