4393 SHAPHER -A mountain, a camping place of the Israelites in the desert #NU 33:23,24 4394 SHARAI -A descendant of Bani, who put away (divorced) his Gentile wife #EZR 10:40 4395 SHARAIM -See SHAARAIM » 4359 4396 SHARAR -Father of Ahiam #2SA 23:33 -Called SACAR #1CH 11:35 4397 SHAREZER -1. Son of Sennacherib #2KI 19:37; ISA 37:38 -2. (R. V.) A delegate to priests and prophets to consult as to a day of humiliation #ZEC 7:2 4398 SHARON -1. The maritime slope of Palestine north of the city of Joppa .David's herds in #1CH 27:29 .Roses and beauty of #SO 2:1; ISA 33:9; 35:2; 65:10 .Called SARON #AC 9:35 -2. A place that has not been ascertained #1CH 5:16 4399 SHARUHEN -A city in the territory of the tribe of Simeon #JOS 19:6 4400 SHASHAI -A descendant of Bani who put away (divorced) his Gentile wife #EZR 10:40 4401 SHASHAK -A Benjamite #1CH 8:14,25 4402 SHAUL -1. Son of Simeon #GE 46:10; EX 6:15; NU 26:13; 1CH 4:24 -2. An ancient king of Edom #1CH 1:48,49 .Called SAUL #GE 36:37 -3. Son of Uzziah #1CH 6:24 4403 SHAVEH -(A valley) -Also called "the king's dale," #GE 14:17 -Absalom's pillar in #2SA 18:18 4404 SHAVEH KIRIATHAIM -A valley in Moab #GE 14:5 4405 SHAVING -Forbidden to Nazarites #NU 6:5; JUD 13:5 -Forbidden to priests #EZE 44:20 -See BEARD » 0638 4406 SHAVSHA -See SERAIAH, number one » 4342 4407 SHEAL -A descendant of Bani, who put away (divorced) his Gentile wife #EZR 10:29 4408 SHEALTIEL -Also called SALATHIEL -Father of Zerubbabel and an ancestor of Jesus #1CH 3:17; EZR 3:2,8; 5:2; NE 12:1; HAG 1:1,12,14; 2:2,23; MT 1:12; LU 3:27 4409 SHEARIAH -Son of Azel #1CH 8:38; 9:44 4410 SHEAR-JASHUB -A son of Isaiah #ISA 7:3 4411 SHEBA -1. Son of Raamah #GE 10:7; 1CH 1:9 -2. Son of Joktan #GE 10:28; 1CH 1:22 -3. Son of Jokshan #GE 25:3; 1CH 1:32 -4. A Benjamite who led an insurrection against David #2SA 20 -5. A Gadite #1CH 5:13 -6. A city of the tribe of Simeon #JOS 19:2 -7. Queen of, visits Solomon #1KI 10:1; 13; 2CH 9:1-12 .Kings of, bring gifts to Solomon #PS 72:10 .Rich in gold #PS 72:15 .Rich in incense #JER 6:20 .Merchandise of #EZE 27:22,23; 38:13 .Prophecies concerning the people of, coming into the kingdom of the Messiah #ISA 60:6 .See SABEANS » 4206 4412 SHEBAH -A name given by Isaac to a particular well #GE 26:33 4413 SHEBAM -A city of the tribe of Reuben #NU 32:3 -Apparently also called SHIBMAH and SIBMAH -See SIBMAH » 4559 4414 SHEBANIAH -1. A priest in the time of David #1CH 15:24 -2. A Levite who joined Nehemiah in covenant #NE 9:4,5; 10:10 -3. A priest who joined Nehemiah in covenant #NE 10:4; 12:14 -4. A Levite who joined Nehemiah in covenant #NE 10:12 4415 SHEBARIM -A place near the town of Ai #JOS 7:5 4416 SHEBER -A son of Caleb #1CH 2:48 4417 SHEBNA (SHEBNAH) -1. A scribe of Hezekiah #2KI 18:18,26,37; 19:2; ISA 36:3,11,22; 37:2 -2. An official of the king #ISA 22:15-19 4418 SHEBUEL -1. Son of Gershom #1CH 23:16; 26:24 .Called SHUBAEL #1CH 24:20 -2. A singer, son of Heman #1CH 25:4 .Called SHUBAEL #1CH 25:20 4419 SHECANIAH -1. A priest in the time of David #1CH 24:11 -2. A priest in the time of Hezekiah #2CH 31:15 4420 SHECHANIAH -1. A descendant of David #1CH 3:21,22 -2. Two men whose descendants returned with Ezra from the captivity in Babylon #EZR 8:3,5 -3. A Jew who proposed the putting away (divorce) of Gentile wives to Ezra #EZR 10:2 -4. Father of Shemaiah #NE 3:29 .Possibly identical with number one -5. Father-in-law of Tobiah #NE 6:18 -6. A Levite who returned with Zerubbabel from the captivity in Babylon #NE 12:3 4421 SHECHEM -1. Also called SICHEM and SYCHEM, a district in the central part of the land of Canaan .Abraham lives in #GE 12:6 .The flocks and herds of Jacob kept in #GE 37:12-14 .Joseph buried in #JOS 24:32 .Jacob buried in #AC 7:16; with GE 50:13 -2. Also called SYCHAR, a city of refuge in Mount Ephraim #JOS 20:7; 21:21; JUD 21:19 .Joshua assembled the tribes of Israel at, with all their elders, chiefs, and judges, and presented them before the Lord #JOS 24:1-28 .Joshua buried at #JOS 24:30-32 .Abimelech made king at #JUD 8:31; 9 .Rehoboam crowned at #1KI 12:1 .Destroyed by Abimelech #JUD 9:45 .Rebuilt by Jeroboam #1KI 12:25 .Men of, killed by Ishmael #JER 41:5 .Jesus visits; disciples made in #JOH 4:1-42 -3. Son of Hamor; seduces Jacob's daughter; killed by Jacob's sons #GE 33:19; 34; JOS 24:32; JUD 9:28 .Called SYCHEM #AC 7:16 -4. Ancestor of the Shechemites #NU 26:31; JOS 17:2 -5. Son of Shemidah #1CH 7:19 4422 SHECHEMITES -Descendants of Shechem #NU 26:31 4423 SHEDEUR -Father of Elizur #NU 1:5; 2:10; 7:30,35; 10:18 4424 SHEEP -Offered in sacrifice .By Abel #GE 4:4 .By Noah #GE 8:20 .By Abraham #GE 22:13 -See OFFERINGS » 3632 -Required in the Mosaic offerings .See OFFERINGS » 3632 -The land of Bashan adapted to the raising of #DE 32:14 -Also .Bozrah #MIC 2:12 .Kedar #EZE 27:21 .Nebaioth #ISA 60:7 .Sharon #ISA 65:10 .Jacob's management of #GE 30:32-40 -Milk of, used for food #DE 32:14 -Shearing of #GE 31:19; 38:12-17; ISA 53:7 -Feasting at the time of shearing #1SA 25:11,36; 2SA 13:23 -The first fleece of, belonged to the priests and the Levites #DE 18:4 -Tribute (taxes) paid in #2KI 3:4; 1CH 5:21; 2CH 17:11 -FIGURATIVE #1CH 21:17; PS 74:1; JER 13:20 .Of backsliders #JER 50:6 .Of lost sinners #MT 9:36; 10:6 .Of the righteous #JER 50:17; EZE 34; MT 26:31; MR 14:27; JOH 10:1-16 .Of the defenselessness of servants of God (Greek: diakonoi) #MT 10:16 .Parable of the lost #MT 18:11-13; LU 15:4-7 4425 SHEEP GATE -An ancient gate of Jerusalem #NE 3:1,32; 12:39; JOH 5:2 4426 SHEEP MarkET -Of Jerusalem #JOH 5:2 -Translated in R. V., "sheep gate." 4427 SHEET -Of Peter's vision #AC 10:11 4428 SHEHARIAH -A Benjamite #1CH 8:26 4429 SHEKEL -A weight, equal to twenty gerahs #EX 30:13; NU 3:47; EZE 45:12 -Used to weigh silver #JOS 7:21; JUD 8:26; 17:2,3 -Fractions of, used in currency #EX 30:13; 1SA 9:8; NE 10:32 -Used to weigh .Gold #GE 24:22; NU 7:14,20-86; JOS 7:21; 1KI 10:16 .Cinnamon #EX 30:23 .Hair #2SA 14:26 .Iron #1SA 17:7 .Myrrh #EX 30:23 .Rations #EZE 4:10 -Fines paid in #DE 22:19,29 -Fees paid in #1SA 9:8 -Sanctuary revenues paid in #EX 30:13; NE 10:32 -Of different standards .Of the sanctuary #EX 30:13 .Of the king's weight #2SA 14:26 -Corrupted #AM 8:5 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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