SEVEN -MISCELLANY OF SEVENS .Of the ceremonially clean creatures taken into Noah's ark #GE 7:2 .Abraham gives Abimelech seven lambs #GE 21:28 .Rams and bullocks to the number of, required in sarifices #LE 23:18; NU 23:1; 29:32; 1CH 15:26; EZE 45:23 .The sprinkling of blood seven times #LE 4:6; 14:7 .The sprinkling of oil seven times #LE 14:16 .Seven cows and seven ears of grain in Pharaoh's vision #GE 41:2-7 .The Israelites surrounded Jericho seven times, and on the seventh day sounding seven trumpets #JOS 6:4 .Elisha's servant looked seven times for the appearance of rain #1KI 18:43 .Naaman was required to wash in the Jordan River seven times #2KI 5:10 .The seven steps in the temple seen in Ezekiel's vision #EZE 40:22,26 .The heat of Nebuchadnezzars furnace was intensified sevenfold #DA 3:19 .The light of the sun was intensified sevenfold #ISA 30:26 .The threatened punishment of Israel was sevenfold #LE 26:18-21 .Silver was purified seven times #PS 12:6 .Worshiping seven times a day #PS 119:164 .Seven chamberlains at the court of Ahasuerus #ES 1:10 .Seven princes #ES 1:14 .Seven counsellors at the court of Artaxerxes #EZR 7:14 .Seven maidens given to Esther #ES 2:9 .Symbolical .Of many sons #RU 4:15; 1SA 2:5; JER 15:9 .Of liberality #EC 11:1,2 .Seven magi (wise men) #PR 26:16 .Seven women will seek a polyandrous marriage #ISA 4:1 .Seven shepherds to be sent forth against Assyria #MIC 5:5,6 .Seven lamps and pipes #ZEC 4:2 .Seven servants (Greek: diakonoi) in the Jerusalem congregations #AC 6:3 .Seven congregations in Asia #RE 1:4,20 .Seven seals #RE 5:1 .Seven thunders #RE 10:3 .Seven heads and seven crowns #RE 12:3; 13:1; 17:9 .Seven kings #RE 17:10 .Seven stars #RE 1:16,20; 3:1; AM 5:8 .Seven spirits #RE 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6 .Seven eyes of the Lord #ZEC 3:9; 4:10; RE 5:6 .Seven golden lampstands #RE 1:12 .Seven angels with seven trumpets #RE 8:2 .Seven plagues #RE 15:1 .Seven horns and seven eyes #RE 5:6 .Seven angels with seven plagues #RE 15:6 .Seven golden vials #RE 15:7 .The scarlet-colored beast having seven heads #RE 17:3,7 4354 SEVENEH -A city in Egypt #EZE 29:10 -R. V.) #EZE 30:6 4355 SEVENTY -The senate of the Israilites composed of seventy elders #EX 24:1,9; NU 11:16,24,25 -The seventy disciples sent forth by Jesus (though the best Greek mss. have "seventy-two") #LU 10:1-17 -The Jews in captivity in Babylon for seventy years #JER 25:11,12; 29:10; DA 9:2; ZEC 1:12; 7:5 -See ISRAEL » 2581 -70 Weeks in the vision of Daniel #DA 9:24 4356 SHAALABBIN -See SHAALBIM » 4357 4357 SHAALBIM -A city in the territory of the tribe of Dan #JOS 19:42; JUD 1:35 -One of Solomon's commissary cities #1KI 4:9 -Called SHAALABBIN #JOS 19:42 4358 SHAAPH -1. Son of Jahdai #1CH 2:47 -2. Son of Caleb #1CH 2:49 4359 SHAARAIM -1. A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah, also called SHARAIM #JOS 15:36; 1SA 17:52 -2. A city in the territory of the tribe of Simeon #1CH 4:31 4360 SHAASHGAZ -A chamberlain of Ahasuerus #ES 2:14 4361 SHABBETHAI -1. A Levite, assistant to Ezra #EZR 10:15 -2. An expounder of the law #NE 8:7 -3. A chief Levite, an attendant of the temple #NE 11:16 4362 SHACHIA -Son of Shaharaim #1CH 8:10 4363 SHADRACH -Also called HANANIAH -A Hebrew captive in Babylon #DA 1; 2:17,49; 3 4364 SHAGE -Father of Jonathan, one of David's guard #1CH 11:34 4365 SHAHARAIM -A Benjamite #1CH 8:8 4366 SHAHAZIMAH -A city in the territory of the tribe of Issachar #JOS 19:22 4367 SHALEM -General scriptures concerning #GE 33:18 -Translated "in peace" (R. V.); "safely" (N. I. V.) 4368 SHALIM -A district of unknown location #1SA 9:4 4369 SHALISHA -A district bordering on Mount Ephraim #1SA 9:4 4370 SHALLECHETH -One of the gates of the temple #1CH 26:16 4371 SHALLUM -1. King of Israel #2KI 15:10,13-15 -2. The husband of Huldah, the prophetess #2KI 22:14; 2CH 34:22 -3. Son of Sisamai #1CH 2:40,41 -4. See JEHOAHAZ, number three » 2711 -5. Grandson of Simeon #1CH 4:25 -6. Son of Zadok #1CH 6:12,13; EZR 7:2 .Called MESHULLAM #1CH 9:11; NE 11:11 -7. See SHILLEM » 4485 -8. A chief porter of the temple #1CH 9:17,19,31 -9. Father of Jehizkiah #2CH 28:12 -10. The ancestor of a family of returned exiles #EZR 2:42; NE 7:45 -11. A porter who put away (divorced) his wife #EZR 10:24 -12. A son of Bani, who put away (divorced) his wife #EZR 10:42 -13. A Jew who repaired a portion of the wall of Jerusalem #NE 3:12 -14. Uncle of Jeremiah #JER 32:7 -15. Father of Maaseiah #JER 35:4 4372 SHALLUN -A Jew who repaired a gate of Jerusalem #NE 3:15 4373 SHALMAI -One of the Nethinim #EZR 2:46; NE 7:48 4374 SHALMAN -Identified by some authorities with Shalmaneser #HO 10:14 -Other authorities disagree, and leave his identity uncertain 4375 SHALMANESER -(King of Assyria) -Overthrows the kingdom of Israel #2KI 17:3-6; 18:9-11 4376 SHAMA -One of David's heroes #1CH 11:44 4377 SHAMARIAH -Son of Rehoboam #2CH 11:19 4378 SHAME -Jesus ashamed of those who deny him #MR 8:38; LU 9:26 -Of Adam and Eve #GE 3:10 -Destitute of, the Israelites when they worshiped the golden calf #EX 32:25 -The unjust #ZEP 3:5 -Of the cross #HEB 12:2 4379 SHAMER -1. A Levite, father of Bani #1CH 6:46 -2. An Asherite, son of Heber #1CH 7:34 .Called SHOMER #1CH 7:32 4380 SHAMGAR -A deliverer (judge, hero) of Israel #JUD 3:31; 5:6 4381 SHAMHUTH -One of David's captains #1CH 27:8 4382 SHAMIR -1. A city in the mountains of Judah #JOS 15:48 -2. A city on Mount Ephraim .The home and burial place of Tola, one of Israel's judges (leaders) #JUD 10:1,2 -3. Son of Michah, a Levite #1CH 24:24 4383 SHAMMA -Son of Zophah, an Asherite #1CH 7:37 4384 SHAMMAH -1. Son of Reuel #GE 36:13,17; 1CH 1:37 -2. David's brother #1SA 16:9; 17:13 .Called SHIMEAH #2SA 13:3,32; 21:21 .Called SHIMMA #1CH 2:13 .Called SHIMEA #1CH 20:7 -3. One of David's mighty men, son of Agee #2SA 23:11,12 -4. One of David's mighty men #2SA 23:25 .Called SHAMMOTH #1CH 11:27 -5. A Hararite, one of David's mighty men #2SA 23:33 4385 SHAMMAI -1. Son of Onam #1CH 2:28,32 -2. Father of Maon #1CH 2:44,45 -3. Son of Ezra #1CH 4:17 4386 SHAMMOTH -One of David's mighty men #1CH 11:27 -Called SHAMMAH #2SA 23:25 4387 SHAMMUA -1. The representative of the tribe of Reuben among the twelve spies sent into Canaan #NU 13:4 -2. SHAMMUA .See SHAMMUAH » 4388 -3. A Levite, father of Abda #NE 11:17 .Called SHEMAIAH #1CH 9:16 -4. A priest #NE 12:18 4388 SHAMMUAH -Son of David #2SA 5:14 -Called SHIMEA #1CH 3:5 -Called SHAMMUA #1CH 14:4 4389 SHAMSHERAI -Son of Jeroham #1CH 8:26 4390 SHAPHAM -Chief of Gad #1CH 5:12 4391 SHAPHAN -1. A scribe of King Josiah #2KI 22:3-14; 2CH 34:8-20 .Father of Gemariah #JER 36:10-12 -2. The father of Ahikam and the grandfather of Gedaliah #2KI 22:12; 25:22; 2CH 34:20; JER 26:24; 39:14; 40:5,9,11; 41:2; 43:6 -3. Father of Elasah #JER 29:3 -4. Father of Jaazaniah #EZE 8:11 4392 SHAPHAT -1. The representative of the tribe of Simeon among the spies sent into Canaan #NU 13:5 -2. Father of Elisha #1KI 19:16,19; 2KI 3:11; 6:31 -3. Son of Shemaiah #1CH 3:22 -4. A Gadite #1CH 5:12 -5. Son of Adlai #1CH 27:29 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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