3896 PLANTS -See BOTANY » 0861 3897 PLASTER -General scriptures concerning LE 14:42,43,48; DE 27:2; DA 5:5 3898 PLEADING -General scriptures concerning DE 17:8 -Of the guilty JOS 7:19-21 -Jesus declined to plead MT 26:62; MR 15:2; LU 23:3; JOH 18:33,34 -Prisoners required to plead AC 7:1 -See DEFENSE » 1368 3899 PLEASURE -WORLDLY Job 20:12-16; 21:12,13; PR 9:17; 15:21; 21:17; EC 1:17; 2:1-13; ISA 5:11,12; 22:12,13; 47:8,9; AM 6:1; LU 8:14; RO 1:32; 2TH 2:12; 1TI 5:6; 2TI 3:4; TIT 3:3; HEB 11:25,26; 2PE 2:13 .See HAPPINESS » 2179 .See JOY » 2864 .See WORLDLINESS » 5171 3900 PLEDGE -General scriptures concerning GE 38:17-20 -A creditor must not enter the house of a debtor to take DE 24:10-13 -See PAWN » 3766 -See SURETY (guarantee) » 4747 3901 PLEIADES -General scriptures concerning Job 9:9; 38:31; AM 5:8 3902 PLOW -Shares of, sharpened by the smiths of the Philistines 1SA 13:20 -Used by Elisha with twelve yoke (pairs) of oxen 1KI 19:19 -By Job's servants Job 1:14 -FIGURATIVE .Of afflictions PS 129:3 3903 PLOWSHARE -General scriptures concerning ISA 2:4; JOE 3:10; MIC 4:3 3904 PLUMMET -General scriptures concerning AM 7:7,8; ZEC 4:10 -FIGURATIVE ISA 28:17 3905 POCHERETH -The ancestor of a family which returned to Jerusalem from the captivity in Babylon EZR 2:57; NE 7:59 3906 POET -Greek AC 17:28; TIT 1:12 -See POETRY » 3907 -See PSALMS » 3987 -See SONGS » 4643 3907 POETRY -ACROSTIC PS 25; 34; 37; 111; 112; 119; 145; PR 31:10-31; LA 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 -DIDACTIC .Moses' song DE 32 .See Job, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, and all the books of prophecy .See PSALMS, DIDACTIC » 3987 -ELEGY .Upon the death of Saul 2SA 1:19-27 .Upon the death of Abner 2SA 3:33,34 .See ELEGY » 1555 -EPIC .Moses' song EX 15:1-19 .Miriam's song EX 15:21 .Song of Deborah JUD 5 -LYRICS, SACRED .Moses' and Miriam's songs EX 15 .Hannah's song 1SA 2:1-10 .The song .Of Elizabeth LU 1:42-45 .Of Mary LU 1:46-55 .Of Zacharias LU 1:68-79 .The Psalms, which see 3908 POLICY -See DIPLOMACY » 1421 3909 POLITICS -(Statecraft) -CORRUPTION IN PS 12:8 .In the court .Of Ahasuerus ES 3 .Of Darius DA 6:4-15 -INSTANCES OF .Absalom, electioneering for the throne 2SA 15:2-6 .Pilate, condemning Jesus to gratify the clamoring people MT 27:23-27; MR 15:15; LU 23:13-25; JOH 18:38,39; 19:4-13 -MINISTERS IN .Zadok the priest, a partisan of David 2SA 15:24-29 .Nathan, the prophet, influences the selection of David's successor 1KI 1:11-40 -WOMEN IN .The wise woman of Abel who saved the city through diplomacy 2SA 20:16-22 .Bath-sheba, in securing the crown for Solomon 1KI 1:15-21 .Herodias, in influencing the administration of Herod MT 14:3-11; MR 6:17-28 .Mother of Zebedee's children, in seeking favor for her sons MT 20:20-23 .For influence in .See INFLUENCE, POLITICAL » 2503 .See DIPLOMACY » 1421 .See GOVERNMENT » 2069 3910 POLL TAX -See TAX » 4832 3911 POLYGAMY -Forbidden DE 17:17; LE 18:18; MAL 2:14,15; MT 19:4,5; MR 10:2-8; 1TI 3:2,12; TIT 1:6 -Authorized 2SA 12:8 -Tolerated EX 21:10; 1SA 1:2; 2CH 24:3 -Practiced by Job 27:15 -Lamech GE 4:19 -Abraham GE 16 -Esau GE 26:34; 28:9 -Jacob GE 29:30 -Ashur 1CH 4:5 -Gideon JUD 8:30 -Elkanah 1SA 1:2 -David 1SA 25:39-44; 2SA 3:2-5; 5:13; 1CH 14:3 -Solomon 1KI 11:1-8 -Rehoboam 2CH 11:18-23 -Abijah 2CH 13:21 -Jehoram 2CH 21:14 -Joash 2CH 24:3 -Ahab 2KI 10 -Jehoiachin 2KI 24:15 -Belshazzar DA 5:2 -See 1CH 2:8 -Hosea HO 3:1,2 -Mosaic law respecting the firstborn in DE 21:15-17 -Sought by women ISA 4:1 -The evil effects of .Husband's favoritism in DE 21:15-17 .Jacob's GE 29:30; 30:15 .Elkanah's 1SA 1:5 .Rehoboam's 2CH 11:21 -Domestic unhappiness .In Abraham's family GE 16; 21:9-16 .In Jacob's family GE 29:30-34; 30:1-23 .In Elkanah's family 1SA 1:4-7 -With Solomon 1KI 11:4-8 -See CONCUBINAGE » 1179 -See MARRIAGE » 3212 3912 POLYTHEISM -General scriptures concerning GE 31:19; 35:2,4; JOS 24:2,23; JUD 2:13; 3:7; 10:16; 17:5; JER 2:28; 11:13; DA 4:8; 1CO 8:5 3913 POMEGRANATE -(A fruit) -Abounded in the land of Canaan 1SA 14:2 -Brought by the spies to show the fruitfulness of the land of Canaan NU 13:23 -Figures of the fruits of, were embroidered on the ephod EX 28:33,34; 39:24 -Carved on the pillars of the temple 1KI 7:18,20,42; JER 52:22,23 -Wine made of SO 8:2 3914 PONTIUS -See PILATE » 3867 3915 PONTUS -A province of Asia Minor AC 2:9; 1PE 1:1 -Aquila lived in AC 18:2 3916 POOL -Of Samaria 1KI 22:38 -Of Jerusalem .Upper pool 2KI 18:17; ISA 36:2 .Lower pool ISA 22:9 .Siloam (Shelah) NE 3:15; JOH 9:7,11 .Of Heshbon SO 7:4 3917 POOR -Atonement money of, uniform with that of the rich people EX 30:15 -Inexpensive offerings of people who have very little money LE 5:7; 12:8; 14:21,22 -See ALMS » 0221 -See BENEFICENCE » 0685 -See LIBERALITY » 3050 -See ORPHANS » 3676 -See POVERTY » 3932 -See WIDOWS » 5142 -Also see RICH » 4164 -See RICHES » 4165 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO EX 23:3,6; LE 19:15; 1SA 2:7; NE 8:10,12; Job 29:11-13,15,16; 30:25; 31:15-22; 34:19; PS 37:16; 82:3,4; 109:16; PR 10:15; 13:7,8,23; 14:20,21,31; 18:23; 19:1,4,7,17,22; 20:13; 21:13; 22:2,9; 23:21; 28:6,8,11,19; 29:14; EC 4:6,13; 6:8; 9:15,16; JER 22:16; EZE 16:49; MT 25:42,45; 26:11; MR 12:43,44; 14:7; LU 6:30-35; 16:20,21; JOH 12:6; JAS 1:9,10 -DUTY TO EX 22:25-27; 23:11; LE 19:9,10; 23:22; 25:25-28,35-37,39-43; DE 14:28,29; 15:2-14; 24:12-21; 26:12,13; NE 8:10; PS 37:21,26; 41:1-3; 112:4,5,9; PR 28:27; 29:7; 31:9,20; ISA 1:17; 16:3,4; 58:7,10; EZE 18:7,16,17; DA 4:27; ZEC 7:10; MT 5:42; 19:21; 25:35,36; MR 14:7; LU 3:11; 6:30; 11:41; 12:33; 14:12-14; 18:22; 19:8; AC 20:35; RO 12:8,13,20; 1CO 13:3; 16:1,2; 2CO 6:10; 9:5-7; 8:9; GA 2:10; 6:10; EPH 4:28; 1TI 5:9,10,16; HEB 13:3; JAS 1:27; 2:2-9,15,16; 5:4; 1JO 3:17-19 -FIGURATIVE .Poor in spirit MT 5:3; LU 6:20; ISA 66:2 .See CREDITOR » 1266 .See DEBTOR » 1354 .See EMPLOYEE » 1633 .See EMPLOYER » 1634 .See SERVANTS » 4350 .See WAGES » 5103 -GOD'S CARE OF 1SA 2:7; Job 5:15,16; 31:15; 34:18,19,28; 36:6,15; PS 9:18; 10:14; 12:5; 14:6; 34:6; 35:10; 68:10; 69:33; 72:2,4,12-14; 74:21; 102:17; 107:9,36,41; 109:31; 113:7,8; 132:15; 140:12; 146:5,7; PR 22:2,22,23; 29:13; EC 5:8; ISA 11:4; 14:30,32; 25:4; 29:19; 41:17; JER 20:13; ZEP 3:12; ZEC 11:7; MT 11:5; LU 4:18; 7:22; 16:22; JAS 2:5 .See GOD, GOODNESS OF » 2043 .See GOD, PROVIDENCE OF » 2043 -KINDNESS TO .INSTANCES OF .To Ruth RU 2:23 .By Boaz RU 2:14-16 .To the Widow of Zarephath 1KI 17:12-24 .Prophet's widow 2KI 4:1-7 .Jews ES 9:22 .By Job Job 29:11-16; 31:16-21,38-40 .The Temanites ISA 21:14 .Nebuzaradan JER 39:10 .The Good Samaritan LU 10:33-35 .Zacchaeus LU 19:8 .Congregations AC 6:1; 11:29; RO 15:25,26; 2CO 8:1-4 .Dorcas AC 9:36 .Cornelius AC 10:2,4 .The congregation at Antioch (in Syria) AC 11:29,30 .Paul RO 15:25 .Congregations of Macedonia and Achaia RO 15:26; 2CO 8:1-5 -OPPRESSIONS OF NE 5:1-13; Job 20:19-21; 22:6,7,9-11; 24:4,7-10; PS 10:2,8-10; 37:14; PR 14:20; 17:5; 19:7; 22:7,16; 28:3,15; 30:14; EC 5:8; ISA 3:14,15; 10:1,2; 32:6,7; EZE 18:12; 22:29; AM 2:6-8; 4:1,2; 5:11,12; 8:4,6; HAB 3:14; JAS 2:6 .See POOR, DUTY TO » 3917 -INSTANCES OF .The widow's son 2KI 4:1-7 .See CREDITOR » 1266 .See DEBTOR » 1354 .See SERVANTS » 4350 .See WAGES » 5103 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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