3851 PHOEBE (PHEBE) -A servant of the congregation at Cenchrea RO 16:1 3852 PHRYGIA -(An inland province of Asia Minor) -People from, in Jerusalem AC 2:10 -Paul in AC 16:6; 18:23 3853 PHURAH -A servant of Gideon JUD 7:10,11 3854 PHUT -Also called PUT -1. Son of Ham GE 10:6; 1CH 1:8 -2. The descendants of Phut, or the country inhabited by them EZE 27:10; NA 3:9 .(Margin) JER 46:9; EZE 30:5; 38:5 3855 PHUVAH -Also called PUA and PUAH -Son of Issachar GE 46:13; NU 26:23; 1CH 7:1 -Descendants of NU 26:23 3856 PHYGELLUS -(A Christian in Asia Minor) -Turns away from Paul 2TI 1:15 3857 PHYLACTERY -A small box containing slips of parchment on which there were written portions of the law EX 13:9,16; DE 6:4-9; 11:18 -Worn ostentatiously by the Jews upon the head and left arm MT 23:5 3858 PHYSICIAN -General scriptures concerning 2CH 16:12; MT 9:12; MR 5:26; LU 8:43 -Proverbs about MR 2:17; LU 4:23 -Luke, a physician COL 4:14 -FIGURATIVE Job 13:4; JER 8:22; LU 5:31 3859 PHYSIOGNOMY -(External aspect)) .Character revealed in ISA 3:9 -See FACE » 1780 3860 PHYSIOLOGY -General scriptures concerning Job 10:11; PS 139:14-16; PR 14:30 -See ANATOMY » 0292 -See HYGIENE » 2439 -FIGURATIVE EPH 4:16; COL 2:19 3861 PI-BESETH -(A city in lower Egypt) -Prophesied against by Ezekiel EZE 30:17 3862 PICTURE -General scriptures concerning LE 26:1; NU 33:52; PR 25:11; ISA 2:16 3863 PIECE OF SILVER -See SILVER » 4579 3864 PIETY -See RELIGION » 4109 3865 PIGEON -Used as sacrifice GE 15:9; LE 1:14; 5:7; 12:8; 14:22; LU 2:24 -See DOVE » 1464 3866 PI-HAHIROTH -The place on the west shore of the Red Sea where Pharaoh overtook the Israelites EX 14:2,9; NU 33:7,8 3867 PILATE, PONTIUS -Roman governor of Judaea during the time of Jesus' ministry MT 27:2; LU 3:1 -Causes the slaughter of certain Galileans LU 13:1 -Tries Jesus and orders his crucifixion MT 27; MR 15; LU 23; JOH 18:28-40; 19; AC 3:13; 4:27; 13:28; 1TI 6:13 -Allows Joseph of Arimathaea to take Jesus' body MT 27:57,58; MR 15:43-45; LU 23:52; JOH 19:38 3868 PILDASH -Son of Nahor GE 22:22 3869 PILEHA -One of those who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah NE 10:24 3870 PILLAR -Of Solomon's temple 1KI 7:13-22; 2KI 25:17 -Broken and carried to Babylon 2KI 25:13; JER 52:17,20,21 -Of Solomon's palaces 1KI 7:6 -Used to mark roads JER 31:21 -Pillar of salt, Lot's wife turned to GE 19:26; LU 17:32 -Monuments erected to commemorate events .By Jacob, his vision of angels GE 28:18; with 31:13; 35:14 -By Jacob, his covenant with Laban GE 31:45 -By Moses, the covenant between Jehovah and Israel EX 24:4 -By Joshua, the crossing of the Jordan River JOS 4:1-9; with DE 27:2-6; JOS 8:30 -By Joshua, at Shechem JOS 24:25-27; with JUD 9:6 -By Samuel, the defeat of the Philistines 1SA 7:12 -By Absalom, to keep his name alive 2SA 18:18 -As a boundary JOS 15:6; with 18:17 -As a road sign 1SA 20:19 -As a landmark 2SA 20:8; 1KI 1:9 -Prophecy of one in Egypt ISA 19:19 -Monuments of idolatry, to be destroyed DE 12:3 -See CLOUD, PILLAR OF » 1142 -FIGURATIVE RE 3:12 3871 PILLOW -1. A cushion GE 28:11,18; 1SA 26:7,11,16 -2. A support for the head .Stones used for GE 28:11,18 .Called bolster 1SA 26:7,11,12,16 .Made of goats' hair 1SA 19:13,16 .Jesus sleeps upon MR 4:38 -FIGURATIVE .Of false teachers EZE 13:18,20 3872 PILOT -General scriptures concerning EZE 27:8,27-29 3873 PILTAI -A priest who returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon NE 12:17 3874 PIN -See NAIL » 3501 3875 PINE -A tree NE 8:15; ISA 41:19; 60:13 3876 PINNACLE (WING) -Of temple MT 4:5 3877 PINON -A leader of Edom GE 36:41; 1CH 1:52 3878 PIPE -(A wind instrument of music) -Used in religious services 1SA 10:5; ISA 30:29 -See MUSIC, INSTRUMENTS OF » 3466 3879 PIRAM -(A king of the Amorites) -Overcome and killed by Joshua JOS 10:3,16-18,24-27 3880 PIRATHON -A place in the land of Ephraim JUD 12:15 -Men of JUD 12:13; 2SA 23:30; 1CH 11:31; 27:14 3881 PIRATHONITE -See PIRATHON » 3880 3882 PISGAH -(A ridge or mountain east of the Jordan River, opposite to Jericho) -The Israelites come to NU 21:20 -A boundary of the country assigned to the Reubenites and Gadites DE 3:17; 4:49; JOS 12:3 -Balaam prophesies on NU 23:14-24 -Moses views Palestine from DE 3:27; 34:1-4 3883 PISIDIA -(A province in Asia Minor) -Paul visits AC 13:14; 14:24 3884 PISON -One of the rivers of Eden GE 2:11 3885 PISPAH -An Asherite 1CH 7:38 3886 PIT -Benaiah kills a lion in 2SA 23:20 -FIGURATIVE PS 7:15,16; 40:2; 57:6; 69:15; 119:85; PR 23:27; 26:27; 28:10; EC 10:8; JER 48:44 .The bottomless pit RE 9:1,2,11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1,3 3887 PITCH -(Something like tar) -An opaque mineral used as a plaster and cement ISA 34:9 -Used by Noah, in the ark (ship) GE 6:14 -In making the basket in which Moses was hidden EX 2:3 -See BITUMEN » 0819 3888 PITCHER -Earthen LA 4:2 -Used by Gideon in his battle with the Midianites JUD 7:10-20 3889 PITHOM -A treasure city in lower Egypt EX 1:11 3890 PITHON -Son of Micah 1CH 8:35; 9:41 3891 PITY -Of God ISA 63:9; JAS 5:11 -Of Jesus MR 6:34 -See JESUS, COMPASSION OF » 2780 -Not to be shown to offenders DE 7:16; 13:8; 19:13,21; 25:11,12 -See MERCY » 3305 -INSTANCES OF .The master of the unforgiving servant MT 18:27 3892 PLAGUE -As a judgment on the Egyptians PS 105; 135:8,9; AC 7:36 -The plague of .Blood EX 7:14-25 .Frogs EX 8:1-15 .Lice EX 8:16-19 .Flies EX 8:20 -On cattle EX 9:1-7 -Of boils and open sores EX 9:8-12 -Hail EX 9:18-34 -Locusts EX 10:1-20 -Darkness EX 10:21-23 -Death of the firstborn EX 11:4-7; 12:17,29,30 -On the Israelites .After eating the quail meat NU 11:33 .After refusing to enter the promised land NU 14:37 .After complaining about the destruction of Korah and his family NU 16:41-50 .Of serpents NU 21:6 .For the sin of Peor JOS 22:17 .On account of David's sin 2SA 24:10-25 -On the Philistines 1SA 6:4,5 -Denounced as a judgment LE 26:21; DE 28:59 -Foretold RE 11:6; 15:1,6-8; 16; 22:18,19 -See JUDGMENTS » 2880 -See PESTILENCE » 3818 3893 PLAN OF SALVATION -See JESUS, MISSION OF » 2780 -See REDEMPTION » 4086 -See SALVATION » 4232 3894 PLANE -A tool ISA 44:13 3895 PLANET -See ASTRONOMY » 0470 -See STARS » 4691 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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