3421 MODESTY -Of women 1TI 2:9 -INSTANCES OF .Saul 1SA 9:21 .Vashti ES 1:11,12 .Elihu Job 32:4-7 .See HUMILITY » 2417 3422 MOLE -General scriptures concerning LE 11:30; ISA 2:20 3423 MOLECH -Also called MOLOCH and MILCOM -An idol of the Ammonites AC 7:43 -Worshiped by the wives of Solomon, and by Solomon 1KI 11:1-8 -Children sacrificed to 2KI 23:10; JER 32:35; 2KI 16:3; 21:6; 2CH 28:3; ISA 57:5; JER 7:31; EZE 16:20,21; 20:26,31; 23:37,39 -See LE 18:21; 20:2-5 3424 MOLDING -General scriptures concerning Job 28:2; EZE 24:11 -Of images EX 32:4,8; 34:17; LE 19:4; DE 9:12 -Of pillars 1KI 7:15 -Of the laver 1KI 7:23 -Done in the plain of the Jordan River 1KI 7:46; 2CH 4:17 -Of mirrors Job 37:18 3425 MONARCHY -Described by Samuel 1SA 8:11-18 -See GOVERNMENT » 2069 -See KING » 2934 3426 MONEY -Silver used as GE 17:12,13,23,27; 20:16; 23:9,13; 31:15; 37:28; 42:25-35; 43:12-23; 44:1-8; 47:14-18; EX 12:44; 21:11,21,34,35; 22:7,17,25; 30:16; LE 22:11; 25:37,51; 27:15,18; NU 3:48-51; 18:16; DE 2:6,28; 14:25,26; 21:14; 23:19; JUD 5:19; 16:18; 17:4; 1KI 21:2,6,15; 2KI 5:26; 12:4,7-16; 15:20; 22:7,9; 23:35; 2CH 24:5,11,14; 34:9,14,17; EZR 3:7; 7:17; NE 5:4,10,11; ES 4:7; Job 31:39; PS 15:5; PR 7:20; EC 7:12; 10:19; ISA 43:24; 52:3; 55:1,2; JER 32:9,10,25,44; LA 5:4; MIC 3:11; MT 25:18,27; 28:12,15; MR 14:11; LU 9:3; 19:15,23; 22:5; AC 7:16; 8:20 -Gold used as GE 13:2; 24:35; 44:8; with 44:1; 1CH 21:25; EZR 8:25-27; ISA 13:17; 46:6; 60:9; EZE 7:19; 28:4; MT 2:11; 10:9; AC 3:6; 20:33; 1PE 1:18 -Copper used as MR 6:8; 12:41 -Weighed GE 23:16; 43:21; Job 28:15; JER 32:9,10; ZEC 11:12 -Image on MT 22:20,21 -Conscience JUD 17:2; MT 27:3,5 -Atonement EX 30:12-16; LE 5:15,16 -Sin 2KI 12:16 -Value of, varied corruptly AM 8:5 -Love of, the root of evil 1TI 6:10 -See FARTHING » 1796 -See GERAH » 1985 -See MITE » 3405 -See PENNY » 3793 -See POUND » 3931 -See SHEKEL » 4429 -See SILVER » 4579 -See TALENT » 4800 3427 MONEY CHANGERS -General scriptures concerning MT 21:12; MR 11:15; JOH 2:15 3428 MONOPOLY -Of lands ISA 5:8; MIC 2:2 -By Pharaoh GE 47:19-26 -Of food PR 11:26 3429 MONTH -Ancient use of GE 7:11; 8:4 -Twelve months reckoned to a year 1CH 27:1-15 -1. Abib (April) .The Jewish calendar began with EX 12:2; 13:4; DE 16:1 .Passover instituted and celebrated in EX 12:1-28; 23:15 .Israelites left Egypt in EX 13:4 .Tabernacle set up in EX 40:2,17 .Israelites arrive at Zin in NU 20:1 .The Israelites cross the Jordan River in JOS 4:19 .The Jordan River overflows in 1CH 12:15 .Decree to put the Jews to death in ES 3:12 .The death of Jesus in MT 26; 27 .After the captivity called Nisan NE 2:1; ES 3:7 -2. Zif (May) 1KI 6:1,37 .Israel numbered in NU 1:1,18 .Passover to be observed in, by the ceremonially unclean and others who could not observe it in the first month NU 9:10,11 .Israel departed from the wilderness of Zin in NU 10:11 .Temple begun in 1KI 6:1; 2CH 3:2 .An celebrated in 2CH 30:1-27 .Rebuilding of the temple begun in EZR 3:8 -3. Sivan: (June) ES 8:9 .Asa renews the covenant of himself and people in 2CH 15:10 -4. Tammuz (July) -(The number only appears in the Bible) .Jerusalem taken by Nebuchadnezzar in JER 39:2; 52:6,7 -5. Ab (August) -(Number only mentioned) .Aaron died on the first day of NU 33:38 .Temple destroyed in 2KI 25:8-10; JER 1:3; 52:12-30 .Ezra arrived at Jerusalem in EZR 7:8,9 -6. Elul (September) .The wall of Jerusalem finished in NE 6:15 .The temple built in HAG 1:14,15 -7. Ethanim (October) 1KI 8:2 .Feasts held in LE 23:24,27; NE 8:13-15 .Jubilee proclaimed in LE 25:9 .Solomon's temple dedicated in 1KI 8:2 .Altar rebuilt and offerings renewed in EZR 3:1,6 -8. Bul (November) .The temple finished in 1KI 6:38 .Jeroboam's idolatrous feast in 1KI 12:32,33; 1CH 27:11 -9. Chisleu (December) EZR 10:9; JER 36:9,22; ZEC 7:1 -10. Tebeth (January) ES 2:16 .Nebuchadnezzar besieges Jerusalem in 2KI 25:1; JER 52:4 -11. Sebat (February) ZEC 1:7 .Moses probably died in DE 1:3 -12. Adar (March) ES 3:7 .Second temple finished in EZR 6:15 .Feast of Purim in ES 9:1-26 .Months in prophecy RE 11:2 3430 MONUMENT -See PILLAR » 3870 3431 MOON -Created by God GE 1:16; PS 8:3; 136:7-9 -Its light Job 31:26; EC 12:2; SO 6:10; JER 31:35; 1CO 15:41 -Its influences DE 33:14; PS 121:6 -Seasons of (months) PS 104:19 -Joseph's dream concerning GE 37:9 -Stands still JOS 10:12; 13; HAB 3:11 -Worship of, forbidden DE 4:19; 17:3 -Worshiped 2KI 23:5; Job 31:26,27; JER 7:18; 8:2; 44:17-19,25 -No light of, in heaven RE 21:23 -Darkening of Job 25:5; ISA 13:10; 24:23; EZE 32:7; JOE 2:10,31; 3:15; MT 24:29; MR 13:24; LU 21:25; AC 2:20; RE 6:12; 8:12 -FEAST OF THE NEW MOON NU 10:10; 28:11-15; 1CH 23:31; 2CH 31:3; EZR 3:5 .Traffic at the time of, prohibited AM 8:5 -FIGURATIVE .Shining of ISA 30:26; 60:19; RE 21:23 -SYMBOLICAL RE 12:1 3432 MORAL AGENCY -See CONTINGENCIES » 1214 3433 MORALITY -See DUTY OF MAN TO MAN » 1491 -See INTEGRITY » 2529 -See NEIGHBOR » 3548 3434 MORAL LAW -See LAW » 3006 3435 MORDECAI -A Jewish captive in Persia ES 2:5,6 -Foster father of Esther ES 2:7 -Informs Ahasuerus of a conspiracy against his life and is rewarded ES 2:21-23; 6:1-11 -Promoted in Haman's place ES 8:1,2,15; 10:1-3 -Intercedes with Ahasuerus for the Jews; establishes the festival of Purim in commemoration of their deliverance ES 8; 9 3436 MOREH -1. A plain near Shechem and Gilgal GE 12:6; DE 11:30 -2. A hill on the plain of Jezreel where the Midianites encamped JUD 7:1,12 3437 MORIAH -The land of GE 22:2; 2CH 3:1 3438 MORTAR -1. An instrument for pulverizing grain NU 11:8; PR 27:22 .See GRINDING » 2090 .See MILL » 3372 -2. A cement EX 1:14 .Slime used as, in building tower of Babel GE 11:3 .Used to plaster house LE 14:42,45 .Untempered, not enduring EZE 22:28 .To be trodden to make firm NA 3:14 -FIGURATIVE ISA 41:25 3439 MORTGAGE -On land NE 5:3 -See LAND » 2990 3440 MORTIFICATION -INSTANCES OF .David's ambassadors, sent to Hanun 2SA 10:1-5 .Judas Iscariot MT 27:3-5 .See HUMILITY » 2417 3441 MOSAIC LAW -See LAW » 3006 3442 MOSERA -An encampment of the Israelites, where Aaron died DE 10:6 -Probably identical with MOSEROTH below 3443 MOSEROTH -An encampment of the Israelites NU 33:30,31 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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