MIRACLES -MISCELLANY OF MINOR SUB-TOPICS .Called .MARVELOUS THINGS PS 78:12 .MARVELOUS WORKS ISA 29:14; PS 105:5 .SIGNS AND WONDERS JER 32:21; JOH 4:48; 2CO 12:12 .Performed .Through the power of God JOH 3:2; AC 14:3; 15:12; 19:11 .Of the Holy Spirit MT 12:28; RO 15:19; 1CO 12:9,10,28,30 .In the name of Christ MR 16:17; AC 3:16; 4:30 .Faith required in those who perform MT 17:20; 21:21; JOH 14:12; AC 3:16; 6:8 .Faith required in those for whom they were performed MT 9:28; MR 9:22-24; AC 14:9 .Power to work, given the disciples MR 3:14,15; 16:17,18,20 .Demanded by unbelievers MT 12:38,39; 16:1; LU 11:16,29; 23:8 .Alleged miracles performed by magicians EX 7:10-12,22; 8:7 .Performed by other impostors MT 7:22 .Performed through the powers of evil 2TH 2:9; RE 16:14 .Performed in support of false religions DE 13:1,2 .Performed by false messiahs MT 24:24 .Performed by false prophets MT 24:24; RE 19:20 .Performed by the witch of En-dor 1SA 28:7-14 .Simon the Sorcerer (Magus) AC 8:9-11 .Not to be regarded DE 13:3 .Deceive the ungodly 2TH 2:10-12; RE 13:14; 19:20 .A mark of apostasy 2TH 2:3,9; RE 13:13 3388 MIRE -FIGURATIVE PS 40:2; 69:2 3389 MIRIAM -Sister of Moses -Watched over Moses when he was in the little basket EX 2:4-8 -Song of, after the destruction of Pharaoh and his army EX 15:20,21; MIC 6:4 -Jealous of Moses, stricken with leprosy, healed on account of the intercession of Moses NU 12; DE 24:9 -Died and is buried at Kadesh NU 20:1 3390 MIRMA -A Benjamite 1CH 8:10 3391 MIRROR -Of brass (bronze) Job 37:18 -Given by the Iraelitish women to be melted for the laver of the tabernacle EX 38:8 -FIGURATIVE 1CO 13:12; 2CO 3:18; JAS 1:23,24 3392 MISCEGENATION -(The intermarrying of races or religions) -Forbidden by Abraham GE 24:3 -Jacob GE 28:1 -Moses EX 34:12-16; DE 7:3,4 -Joshua JOS 23:12 -Reasons for prohibition EX 34:16; DE 7:4; JOS 23:12,13 -Results of JUD 3:6,7 -INSTANCES OF .Moses NU 12:1 .Esau GE 26:34,35 .Israel NU 25:1,6-8; JUD 3:5-8 3393 MISER -General scriptures concerning EC 4:7,8 3394 MISGAB -An unknown place mentioned in JER 48:1 3395 MISHAEL -1. A son of Uzziel, helps carry the bodies of Nadab and Abihu out of the camp EX 6:22; LE 10:4 -2. A Jew who stood by Ezra when he read the law to the people NE 8:4 -3. Also called MESHACH .One of three Hebrew young men trained with Daniel at the court of Babylon DA 1:6,7,11-20 .Assists Daniel in interpreting Nebuchadnezzars dream DA 2:17-23 .Thrown into the fiery furnace DA 3:13-30 3396 MISHAM -A Benjamite 1CH 8:12 3397 MISHEAL -Also called MISHAL -A Levitical city JOS 19:26; 21:30 3398 MISHMA -1. Son of Ishmael GE 25:14; 1CH 1:30 -2. Of the tribe of Simeon 1CH 4:25,26 3399 MISHMANNAH -A Gadite who joined David at Ziklag 1CH 12:10 3400 MISJUDGMENT -INSTANCES OF .Of the Reubenites and Gadites NU 32:1-33; JOS 22:11-31 .Of Hannah 1SA 1:14-17 .See ACCUSATIONS, FALSE » 0065 .See UNCHARITABLENESS » 5027 3401 MISPERETH -Also called MIZPAR -A Jew who returned with Zerubbabel from Babylon EZR 2:2; NE 7:7 3402 MISREPHOTH-MAIM -A city of east Zidon JOS 11:8; 13:6 3403 MISSIONS -General scriptures concerning 2KI 17:27,28; 1CH 16:23,24; PS 18:49; 96:3,10; ISA 43:6,7; JON 3:1-9; MT 24:14; 28:19; MR 13:10; 16:15; LU 24:47,48; AC 10:9-20; 13:2-4,47; 26:14-18; 1CO 16:9; RE 14:6,7 -Missionary Hymn PS 96 -The first one to do homage to the Messiah were not Jewish MT 2:11 -See GENTILES, CALL OF » 1980 -See HEATHEN » 2260 -See JESUS, KING » 2780 -See JESUS, KINGDOM OF » 2780 -See JESUS, PROPHECIES CONCERNING » 2780 3404 MIST -General scriptures concerning GE 2:6; 2PE 2:17 3405 MITE (A LEPTA) -About one-fifth of a cent MR 12:42 -Widow's LU 21:2 3406 MITER -General scriptures concerning EX 28:4,36-39; 39:28-31; EZE 21:26 3407 MITHCAH -An encampment of the Israelites NU 33:28,29 3408 MITHREDATH -1. Treasurer of Cyrus EZR 1:8 -2. A Persian officer who joined in writing a letter which was deadly opposed to the Jews EZR 4:7 3409 MITYLENE -(The capitol of Lesbos) -Paul visits AC 20:14,15 3410 MIZAR -A hill PS 42:6 3411 MIZPAH -1. A city allotted to the tribe of Benjamin JOS 18:26 .The Israelites assemble at JUD 20:1-3 .And decree the penalty to be visited upon the Benjamites for their maltreatment of the Levite's concubine JUD 20:10 .Assembled by Samuel so that he could reprove them for their idolatry 1SA 7:5 .They crown Saul king of Israel at 1SA 10:17-25 .A judgment seat of Samuel 1SA 7:16 .Walled up by Asa 1KI 15:22; 2CH 16:6 .Temporarily the capitol of the country after the people of Israel had been carried away captive 2KI 25:23,25; JER 40:6-15; 41:1-14 .Captivity returned to NE 3:7,15,19 -2. A valley near Lebanon JOS 11:3,8 -3. A city in Moab .David puts his parents into the care of the king of 1SA 22:3,4 -4. A city in the lowlands of Judah JOS 15:38 3412 MIZPAR -See MISPERETH » 3401 3413 MIZRAIM -Son of Ham GE 10:6,13; 1CH 1:8,11 3414 MIZZAH -Son of Reuel GE 36:13,17; 1CH 1:37 3415 MNASON -A native and Christian of Cyprus who hosted Paul AC 21:16 3416 MOAB -1. Son of Lot GE 19:37 -2. Plains of .Israelites come in DE 2:17,18 .Military forces numbered in NU 26:3,63 .The law rehearsed in, by Moses NU 35; 36; DE 29; 30; 31; 32; 33 .The Israelites renew their covenant in DE 29:1 .The land of promise allotted in JOS 13:32 3417 MOABITES -Descendants of Lot through his son Moab GE 19:37 -Called the people of Chemosh NU 21:29 -The territory east of the Jordan River, bounded on the north by the Arnon River NU 21:13; JUD 11:18 -The people of Israel commanded not to distress the Moabites DE 2:9 -Refuse passage of Jephthah's army through their territory JUD 11:17,18 -Balak was king of NU 22:4 -Calls for Balaam to curse Israel NU 22; 23; JOS 24:9; MIC 6:5 -Are a snare to the Israelites NU 25:1-3; RU 1:4; 1KI 11:1; 1CH 8:8; EZR 9:1,2; NE 13:23 -Land of, not given to the Israelites as a possession DE 2:9,29 -David takes refuge among, from Saul 1SA 22:3,4 -David conquers 2SA 8:2; 23:20; 1CH 11:22; 18:2-11 -Israelites had war with 2KI 3:5-27; 13:20; 24:2; 2CH 20 -Prophecies concerning judgments upon JER 48 3418 MOADIAH -A priest NE 12:17 3419 MOB -At Thessalonica AC 17:5 -At Jerusalem AC 21:28,30 -At Ephesus AC 19:29-40 3420 MOCKING -Ishmael mocks Sarah GE 21:9 -Elijah mocks the priests of Baal 1KI 18:27 -Zedekiah mocks Micaiah 1KI 22:24 -Some boys mock Elisha 2KI 2:23 -The tormentors of Job mock Job 15:12; 30:1 -The persecutors of Jesus mock him MT 26:67,68; 27:28-31,39-44; MR 10:34; 14:65; 15:17-20,29-32; LU 23:11; JOH 19:2,3,5; 1PE 2:23 -The Ammonites mock God EZE 25:3 -Tyre mocks Jerusalem EZE 26:2 -The hardened wicked people mock ISA 28:15,22; 2PE 3:3 -See SCOFFING » 4280 -FIGURATIVE PR 1:26 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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