2842 JORDAN -(A river in Palestine) -Empties into the Dead Sea JOS 15:5 -Fords of GE 32:10; JOS 2:7; JUD 3:28; 7:24; 8:4; 10:9; 12:5,6; 2SA 2:29; 17:22,24; 19:15,31; 1CH 19:17 -Swelling of, at harvest time JOS 3:15; JER 12:5 -Swelling of, in the early spring 1CH 12:15 -The waters of, miraculously separated for the passage .Of the Israelites JOS 3; 4; 5:1; PS 114:3 .Of Elijah 2KI 2:6-8 .Of Elisha 2KI 2:14 -Crossed by a ferry boat 2SA 19:18 -Naaman washes in, for the healing of his leprosy 2KI 5:10-14 -John the Baptist immerses in MT 3:6; MR 1:5 -John the Baptist immerses Jesus in MT 3:13; MR 1:9 -PLAIN OF GE 13:10-12 .Israelites camped in NU 22:1; 26:3,63 .Solomon's foundry in 1KI 7:46; 2CH 4:17 2843 JORIM -An ancestor of Jesus LU 3:29 2844 JORKOAM -Descendant of Caleb 1CH 2:44 2845 JOSABAD -A famous archer who joined David at Ziklag 1CH 12:4 2846 JOSAPHAT -See JEHOSHAPHAT » 2722 2847 JOSE -An ancestor of Jesus LU 3:29 2848 JOSEDECH -See JEHOZADAK » 2730 2849 JOSEPH -1. Son of Jacob GE 30:24 .Personal appearance of GE 39:6 .His father's favorite child GE 33:2; 37:3,4,35; 48:22; 1CH 5:2; JOH 4:5 .His father's partiality for, excites the jealousy of his brethren GE 37:4,11,18-28; PS 105:17; AC 7:9 .His prophetic dreams of his fortunes in Egypt GE 37:5-11 .Sold as a slave into Egypt GE 37:27,28 .Is falsely reported to his father as killed by wild beasts GE 37:29-35 .Is bought by Potiphar, an officer (LXX has "eunuch") of Pharaoh GE 37:36 .Is prospered of God GE 39:2-5,21,23 .Is falsely accused, and thrown into prison; is delivered by the friendship of another prisoner GE 39; 40; PS 105:18 .Is an interpreter of dreams .Of the two prisoners GE 40:5-23 .Of Pharaoh GE 41:1-37 .His name is changed to Zaphnath-paaneah GE 41:11 .Is promoted to authority next to Pharaoh at thirty years of age GE 41:37-46; PS 105:19-22 .Marries the daughter of the priest of On GE 41:45 .Provides against the seven years of famine GE 41:46-57 .Exports the produce of Egypt to other countries GE 41:57 .Sells the stores of food to the people of Egypt, exacting from them all their money, flocks and herds, lands and lives GE 47:13-26 .Exempts the priests from the exactions GE 47:22,26 .His father sends down into Egypt to buy corn (grain) GE 42; 43; 44 .Reveals himself to his brothers; sends for his father; provides the land of Goshen for his people; and sustains them during the famine GE 45; 46; 47:1-12 .His two sons GE 41:50,52 .See EPHRAIM » 1676 .See MANASSEH » 3190 .Mourns the death of his father GE 50:1-14 .Exacts a pledge from his brothers to convey his remains to Canaan GE 50:2,4,25; HEB 11:22; with EX 13:19; JOS 24:32; AC 7:16 .Death of GE 50:22-26 .Kindness of heart GE 40:7,8 .Joseph's integrity GE 39:7-12 .His humility GE 41:16; 45:7-9 .His wisdom GE 41:33-57 .His piety GE 41:51 .His faith GE 45:5-8 .Was a prophet GE 41:38,39; 50:25; EX 13:19 .God's providence with GE 39:2-5; PS 105:17-22 .His sons jointly called JOSEPH DE 33:13-17 .Descendants of GE 46:20; NU 26:28-37 -2. Father of Igal, the spy NU 13:7 -3. Of the sons of Asaph 1CH 25:2,9 -4. A returned exile EZR 10:42 -5. A priest NE 12:14 -6. Husband of Mary MT 13:55; MR 6:3; MT 1:18-25; LU 1:27 .His genealogy MT 1:1-16; LU 3:23-38 .An angel appears and testifies to the innocence of his betrothed MT 1:19-24 .Lives at Nazareth LU 2:4 .Belongs to the town of Bethlehem LU 2:4 .Goes to Bethlehem to be enrolled LU 2:1-4 .Jesus born to MT 1:25; LU 2:7 .Presents Jesus in the temple LU 2:22-39 .Returns to Nazareth LU 2:39 .Warned in a dream to escape to Egypt in order to save the infant's life MT 2:13-15 .Warned in a dream to return to Nazareth MT 2:19-23 .Attends the annual feast at Jerusalem with his family LU 2:42-51 -7. Of Arimathaea .Begs for the body of Jesus for burial in his own tomb MT 27:57-60; MR 15:42-47; LU 23:50-56; JOH 19:38-42 -8. Three ancestors of Joseph LU 3:24,26,30 -9. Also called BARSABAS, surnamed JUSTUS .One of the two persons nominated in place of Judas AC 1:21,22,23 -10. A designation of the ten tribes of Israel AM 5:6 2850 JOSES -1. One of the physical brothers of Jesus MT 13:55; 27:56; MR 6:3; 15:40,47 -2. A Levite, surnamed Barnabas by the apostles AC 4:36 2851 JOSHAH -A descendant of Simeon 1CH 4:34 2852 JOSHAPHAT -One of David's valiant men 1CH 11:43 2853 JOSHAVIAH -One of David's bodyguards 1CH 11:46 2854 JOSHBEKASHAH -Son of Heman 1CH 25:4,24 2855 JOSHUA -1. Also called JEHOSHUA, and JEHOSHUAH, and OSHEA .Son of Nun NU 13:8; 1CH 7:27 .Intimately associated with Moses EX 24:13; 32:17; 33:11 .A religious zealot NU 11:28 .Sent with others to view the promised land NU 13:8 .Makes a favorable report NU 14:6-10 .Rewarded for his courage and fidelity NU 14:30,38; 32:12 .Commissioned, ordained, and charged with the responsibilites of Moses' office NU 27:18-23; DE 1:38; 3:28; 31:3,7,23; 34:9 .Divinely inspired NU 27:18; DE 34:9; JOS 1:5,9; 3:7; 8:8 .His life miraculously preserved when he made a favorable report about the land NU 14:10 .Promises to JOS 1:5-9 .Leads the people into the land of Canaan JOS 1; 2; 3; 4; AC 7:45; HEB 4:8 .Renews circumcision of the children of Israel; re-establishes the Passover; has a vision of the angel of God JOS 5 .Besieges and captures Jericho JOS 6 .Captures Ai JOS 7; 8 .Makes a treaty with the Gibeonites JOS 9:3-27 .The kings of the six nations of the Canaanites band together against him JOS 9:1,2 .The six kings make war upon the Gibeonites; are defeated and killed JOS 10 .Defeats seven other kings JOS 10:28-43 .Conquers Hazor JOS 11 .Completes the conquest of the whole land JOS 11:23 .List of the kings whom Joshua struck down JOS 12 .Allots the land JOS 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 .Sets the tabernacle up at Shiloh JOS 18:1 .Sets apart several cities of refuge JOS 20 .48 Cities for the Levites JOS 21 .Exhortation of, before his death JOS 23; 24 .Survives the Israelites who refused to enter the promised land NU 26:63-65 .His portion of the land JOS 19:49,50 .Death and burial of JOS 24:29,30 .Esteem with which he was held JOS 1:16-18 .Faith of JOS 6:16 .Military genius of, as exhibited .At the defeat of the Amalekites EX 17:13 .At Ai JOS 8 .At Gibeon JOS 10 .At Hazor JOS 11 .Age of, at death JUD 2:8 -2.An Israelite 1SA 6:14,18 -3. A governor of Jerusalem 2KI 23:8 -4. Also called JESHUA .The high priest of the captivity EZR 2:2 .Assists Zerubbabel in restoring the temple EZR 3; 4:1-6; 5; HAG 1:1,12-14; 2:2 -SYMBOLICAL .Of the restoration of God's people ZEC 3; 6:9-15 2856 JOSIAH -1. King of Judah 2KI 21:24-26; 22:1; 1CH 3:14; 2CH 33:25 .Ancestor of Jesus MT 1:10,11 .Killed in battle with Pharaoh-necho 2KI 23:29,30; 2CH 35:20-24 .Lamentations for 2CH 35:25 .Piety of: exemplified in his repairing of the temple 2KI 22:3-7; 2CH 34:1-4 .Solicitude when the copy of the law was discovered and read to him 2KI 22:8-20; 2CH 34:14-33 .In keeping a solemn Passover 2KI 23:21-23; 2CH 35:1-19 .Called JOSIAS MT 1:10,11 .Prophecies concerning 1KI 13:1-3 .Destroys the altar and high places of idolatry 2KI 23:3-20,24,25 -2. Son of Zephaniah ZEC 6:10 2857 JOSIAS -See JOSIAH, number one » 2856 2858 JOSIBIAH -A Simeonite 1CH 4:35 2859 JOSIPHIAH -Father of a chief EZR 8:10 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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