John - JORAM


2822 John -1. The Baptist .Prophecies concerning ISA 40:3; MAL 4:5,6; LU 1:11-17 -Miraculous birth of LU 1:11-20,57-65 -Lives in the desert MT 3:1; MR 1:4; LU 1:80; 3:2,3 -Mission of MT 17:11; MR 1:2-8; LU 1:15-17,76-79; 3:4-6; JOH 1:7,8,15,22-28,31-34; 5:32-35; AC 13:24,25; 19:4 -Ministry of MT 3:1-3; MR 1:4; LU 3:2,3; JOH 1:6-8 -His influence upon the public mind MT 3:5,6; 14:5; 21:32; MR 1:5; 11:32; LU 3:7,15; 20:6; JOH 1:35-40 -Testifies to the messiahship of Jesus MT 3:11,12; MR 1:7,8; LU 3:16,17; JOH 1:15,26-36; 3:23-36; 5:32,33; 10:41; AC 13:25 -Teaches his disciples to pray LU 11:1 -Teaches his disciples to fast LU 5:33 -The baptism which he taught .See BAPTISM » 0589 -Baptizes Jesus MT 3:13-16; MR 1:9-11; LU 3:21,22; JOH 1:32 -The testimony of Jesus concerning (see below, Jesus discourses upon) JOH 5:32-35; MT 17:12,13; 21:32; MR 9:13 -His ministry not attested by miracles JOH 10:41 -Reproves Herod Antipas on account of his incest; Herod imprisons him, and beheads him MT 4:12; 14:1-12; MR 6:16-29; 9:13; LU 3:18-20 -Sends two disciples to Jesus MT 11:2-6; LU 7:18-23 -Herod Antipas falsely supposes Jesus to be MT 14:1,2; 16:14; MR 6:14,16; LU 9:19 -Character of MR 6:20; JOH 5:35 -Jesus discourses upon MT 11:7-19; LU 7:24-33 -Affected probably by the doctrines of the stoics MT 11:18; MR 1:6; LU 1:80 -A Nazarite MT 11:18; LU 1:15; 7:33 -2. The Apostle .Intimately associated with Jesus JOH 13:23-26; 21:20 .Is present when Jesus performs the following miracles .The healing of Peter's mother-in-law MT 8:14,15; MR 1:30,31; LU 4:38,39 .The raising of the daughter of Jairus MR 5:37; LU 8:51 .The two catches of fish LU 5:10; JOH 21:1-7 .The transfiguration MT 17:1; MR 9:2; LU 9:28 .Is present with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane MT 26:37; MR 14:33; LU 22:39 .Intolerance of MR 9:38; LU 9:49,50,54-56 .Civil ambitions of MT 20:20-24; MR 10:35-41 .Prepares the Passover meal MT 26:18,19; MR 14:13-16; LU 22:8-13 .Present at the trial of Jesus which took place in front of the high priest JOH 18:15,16 .Present at the crucifixion JOH 19:26,27 .Present at the gravesite of Jesus JOH 20:2-8 .Present when Jesus revealed himself at the Lake Galilee JOH 21 .Present with Peter in the temple courtyard AC 3:1-11 .Lives in Jerusalem AC 1:13 .Is intrusted with the care of Mary, mother of Jesus JOH 19:26 .Imprisoned by the rulers of the Jews AC 4:1-19 .Sent by the Jerusalem congregation with the commission to Samaria AC 8:14-17 .A pillar of the ekklesia (body of Christ) GA 2:9 .Writes to the congregations .See the EPISTLES OF John 1JO 1; 2JO 1; 3JO 1 .Writes his apocalyptic vision from Patmos Island RE 1:9 .Prophecy concerning RE 10:11 -3. A relative of Annas the high priest AC 4:6 -4. Whose surname was Mark .See Mark » 3209 2823 JOIADA -Son and successor of Eliashib in the high priesthood NE 12:10,11,22; 13:28 2824 JOIAKIM -A high priest NE 12:10,12,26 2825 JOIARIB -1. A returned exile EZR 8:16 -2. A descendant of Judah NE 11:5 -3. A priest who returned from Babylon NE 12:6,19 -4. JOIARIB .See JEHOIARIB » 2717 2826 JOKDEAM -A city of the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:56 2827 JOKIM -A descendant of Shelah 1CH 4:22 2828 JOKMEAM -A Levitical city of Ephraim 1CH 6:68 2829 JOKNEAM -A Levitical city of Zebulun JOS 12:22; 19:11; 21:34 -See JOKMEAM » 2828 2830 JOKSHAN -Son of Abraham, by Keturah GE 25:2,3,6; 1CH 1:32 2831 JOKTAN -Son of Eber GE 10:25,26,29; 1CH 1:19,20,23 2832 JOKTHEEL -1. A city of the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:38 -2. A name given by Amaziah to Selah, a stronghold of Edom 2KI 14:7; 2CH 25:11,12 .Called "rock" in JUD 1:36 2833 JONADAB -1. Nephew of David .His complicity with Amnon in his rape of Tamar 2SA 13:3-5 .Comforts David upon the death of Amnon 2SA 13:32-35 -2. Also called JEHONADAB .A Rechabite and companion of Jehu 2KI 10:15-23 .His sons refuse to drink wine in obedience to his command JER 35:5-10,16-19 .See RECHABITES » 4078 2834 Jonah -Also called JONAS -A prophet of Israel 2KI 14:25 -Sent by God to warn the city of Nineveh JON 1:1,2 -Disobedience and punishment of JON 1:3-17 -Repentance and deliverance of JON 2; MT 12:40 -Brought Ninevites to repentance JON 3; MT 12:41 -Displeased with God's mercy to Nineveh -Reproved JON 1:4 -Is a sign MT 16:4; LU 11:29,30 2835 JONAN -An ancestor of Christ LU 3:30 2836 JONAS -1. JONAS .See Jonah » 2834 -2. Father of Peter JOH 21:15-17 .Called JONA JOH 1:42 2837 JONATHAN -1. A Levite of Bethlehem, who becomes a priest for Micah; accepts idolatry; joins the Danites JUD 17:7-13; 18:1-30 -2. Son of Saul 1SA 14:49 .Victory of, over the Philistine garrison of Geba 1SA 13:3,4,16 .Victory of, over the Philistines at Michmash 1SA 14:1-18 .Under Saul's curse pronounced against anyone who might take food before Saul was avenged of his enemies 1SA 14:24-30,43 .Rescued by the people 1SA 14:43-45 .Love of, for David 1SA 18:1-4; 19:1-7; 20; 23:16-18 .Killed in the battle with the Philistines 1SA 31:2,6; 1CH 10:2; 2SA 21:12-14 .Buried by inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead 1SA 31:11-13 .Mourned by David 2SA 1:12,17-27 .Son of, cared for by David 2SA 4:4; 9; 1CH 8:34 -3. Son of Abiathar 2SA 15:27 .Acts as a spy for David 2SA 15:27,28; 17:17-22 .Informs Adonijah of Solomon's succession to David 1KI 1:42-48 -4. Nephew of David, kills a giant, and becomes one of David's chief warriors 2SA 21:21; 1CH 20:7 -5. One of David's heroes 2SA 23:32; 1CH 11:34 -6. A son of Jada 1CH 2:32,33 -7. Secretary of the cabinet of David 1CH 27:32 -8. Father of Ebed EZR 8:6 -9. Son of Asahel EZR 10:15 -10. Also called JOHANAN .A descendant of Jeshua NE 12:11,22 -11. The name of two priests NE 12:14,35 -12. A scribe JER 37:15,20; 38:26 -13. Son of Kareah JER 40:8 2838 JOPPA -A seaport JOS 19:46 -Exports from 2CH 2:16; EZR 3:7 -Passenger traffic from JON 1:3 -Peter performs a miracle at AC 9:36-43 -Peter has a vision of a sheet lowered down from the sky, at AC 10:9-18 2839 JORAH -A returned exile EZR 2:18 2840 JORAI -A Gadite 1CH 5:13 2841 JORAM -1. A son of Toi 2SA 8:9,10 .Called HADORAM 1CH 18:10 -2. Also called JEHORAM .King of Israel 2KI 1:17; 3:1 .King of Syria sends Naaman to, so that Namaan may be healed of his leprosy 2KI 5:1-27 .Has war with the king of Syria 2KI 6:8-23; 7; 8:28,29; 2CH 22:5,6 .Inquires for the particulars concerning Elisha's miracles 2KI 8:4,5 .Killed by Jehu 2KI 9:14-26 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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