V.1 I [am] the rose 2261 of Sharon, 8289 [and] the lily 7799 of the valleys. 6010

2:2 As the lily 7799 among thorns, 2336 so [is] my love 7474 among the daughters. 1323

2:3 As the apple tree 8598 among the trees 6086 of the wood, 3293 so [is] my beloved 1730 among the sons. 1121 I sat down 3427-1 under his shadow 6738 with great delight, 2530-14 and his fruit 6529 [was] sweet 4966 to my taste. 2441

2:4 He brought 935-52 me to the banqueting 3196 house, 1004 and his banner 1714 over me [was] love. 160

2:5 Stay 5564-16 me with flagons, 809 comfort 7502-16 me with apples: 8598 for I [am] sick 2470-6 of love. 160

2:6 His left hand 8040 [is] under my head, 7218 and his right hand 3225 doth embrace 2263-17 me.

2:7 I charge 7650-52 you, O ye daughters 1323 of Jerusalem, 3389 by the roes, 6643 and 176 by the hinds 355 of the field, 7704 that ye stir not up, 5782-55 nor awake 5782-34 [my] love, 160 till he please. 2654-4

2:8 The voice 6963 of my beloved! 1730 behold, he cometh 935- 6 leaping 1801-18 upon the mountains, 2022 skipping 7092-18 upon the hills. 1389

2:9 My beloved 1730 is like 1819-6 a roe 6643 or a young 6082 hart: 354 behold, he standeth 5975-6 behind 310 our wall, 3796 he looketh 7688-56 forth at the windows, 2474 shewing 6692-56 himself through the lattice. 2762

2:10 My beloved 1730 spake, 6030-1 and said 559-1 unto me, Rise up, 6965-3 my love, 7474 my fair one, 3303 and come away. 3212-3

2:11 For, lo, the winter 5638 is past, 5674-1 the rain 1653 is over 2498-1 [and] gone; 1980-1

2:12 The flowers 5339 appear 7200-8 on the earth; 776 the time 6256 of the singing 2158 [of birds] is come, 5060-52 and the voice 6963 of the turtle 8449 is heard 8085-8 in our land; 776

2:13 The fig tree 8384 putteth forth 2590-1 her green figs, 6291 and the vines 1612 [with] the tender grape 5563 give 5414-1 a [good] smell. 7381 Arise, 6965-3 my love, 7474 my fair one, 3303 and come away. 3212-3

2:14 O my dove, 3123 [that art] in the clefts 2288 of the rock, 5553 in the secret 5643 [places] of the stairs, 4095 let me see 7200-54 thy countenance, 4758 let me hear 8085-54 thy voice; 6963 for sweet 6156 [is] thy voice, 6963 and thy countenance 4758 [is] comely. 5000

2:15 Take 270-3 us the foxes, 7776 the little 6996 foxes, 7776 that spoil 2254-18 the vines: 3754 for our vines 3754 [have] tender grapes. 5563

2:16 My beloved 1730 [is] mine, and I [am] his: he feedeth 7462-6 among the lilies. 7799

2:17 Until the day 3117 break, 6315-4 and the shadows 6752 flee away, 5127-1 turn, 5437-3 my beloved, 1730 and be thou like 1819-3 a roe 6643 or a young 6082 hart 354 upon the mountains 2022 of Bether. 1335|1336


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