V.1 The song 7892 of songs, 7892 which [is] Solomon's. 8010

1:2 Let him kiss 5401-4 me with the kisses 5390 of his mouth: 6310 for thy love 1730 [is] better 2896 than wine. 3196

1:3 Because of the savour 7381 of thy good 2896 ointments 8081 thy name 8034 [is as] ointment 8081 poured forth, 7324- 93 therefore do the virgins 5959 love 157-1 thee.

1:4 Draw 4900-3 me, we will run 7323-4 after 310 thee: the king 4428 hath brought 935-52 me into his chambers: 2315 we will be glad 1523-4 and rejoice 8055-4 in thee, we will remember 2142-55 thy love 1730 more than wine: 3196 the upright 4339 love 157-1 thee.

1:5 I [am] black, 7838 but comely, 5000 O ye daughters 1323 of Jerusalem, 3389 as the tents 168 of Kedar, 6938 as the curtains 3407 of Solomon. 8010

1:6 Look 7200-4 not upon me, because I [am] black, 7840 because the sun 8121 hath looked 7805-1 upon me: my mother's 517 children 1121 were angry 2787-8 with me; they made 7760-1 me the keeper 5201-6 of the vineyards; 3754 [but] mine own vineyard 3754 have I not kept. 5201-1

1:7 Tell 5046-54 me, O thou whom my soul 5315 loveth, 157-1 where 349 thou feedest, 7462-4 where 349 thou makest [thy flock] to rest 7257-55 at noon: 6672 for why 4100 should I be as one that turneth aside 5844-6 by the flocks 5739 of thy companions? 2270

1:8 If thou know 3045-4 not, O thou fairest 3303 among women, 802 go thy way forth 3318-3 by the footsteps 6119 of the flock, 6629 and feed 7462-3 thy kids 1429 beside the shepherds' 7462-6 tents. 4908

1:9 I have compared 1819-14 thee, O my love, 7474 to a company of horses 5484 in Pharaoh's 6547 chariots. 7393

1:10 Thy cheeks 3895 are comely 4998-43 with rows 8447 [of jewels], thy neck 6677 with chains 2737 [of gold].

1:11 We will make 6213-4 thee borders 8447 of gold 2091 with studs 5351 of silver. 3701

1:12 While the king 4428 [sitteth] at his table, 4524 my spikenard 5373 sendeth forth 5414-1 the smell 7381 thereof.

1:13 A bundle 6872 of myrrh 4753 [is] my wellbeloved 1730 unto me; he shall lie all night 3885-4 betwixt my breasts. 7699

1:14 My beloved 1730 [is] unto me [as] a cluster 811 of camphire 3724 in the vineyards 3754 of Engedi. 5872

1:15 Behold, thou [art] fair, 3303 my love; 7474 behold, thou [art] fair; 3303 thou [hast] doves' 3123 eyes. 5869

1:16 Behold, thou [art] fair, 3303 my beloved, 1730 yea, pleasant: 5273 also our bed 6210 [is] green. 7488

1:17 The beams 6982 of our house 1004 [are] cedar, 730 [and] our rafters 7351|7351-k of fir. 1266


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