V.1 Moreover the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto me, Take 3947-3 thee a great 1419 roll, 1549 and write 3789-3 in it with a man's 582 pen 2747 concerning Mahershalalhashbaz. 4116|7998|2363|957|4122

8:2 And I took unto me faithful 539-12 witnesses 5707 to record, 5749-55 Uriah 223 the priest, 3548 and Zechariah 2148 the son 1121 of Jeberechiah. 3000

8:3 And I went 7126-4 unto the prophetess; 5031 and she conceived, 2029-4 and bare 3205-4 a son. 1121 Then said 559-4 the LORD 3068 to me, Call 7121-3 his name 8034 Mahershalalhashbaz. 4116|7998|2363|957|4122

8:4 For before the child 5288 shall have knowledge 3045-4 to cry, 7121-2 My father, 1 and my mother, 517 the riches 2428 of Damascus 1834 and the spoil 7998 of Samaria 8111 shall be taken away 5375-4 before 6440 the king 4428 of Assyria. 804

8:5 The LORD 3068 spake 1696-15 also unto me again, 3254-55 saying, 559-2

8:6 Forasmuch as 3282 this people 5971 refuseth 3988-1 the waters 4325 of Shiloah 7975 that go 1980-6 softly, 328 and rejoice 4885 in Rezin 7526 and Remaliah's 7425 son; 1121

8:7 Now therefore, behold, the Lord 136 bringeth up 5927-56 upon them the waters 4325 of the river, 5104 strong 6099 and many, 7227 [even] the king 4428 of Assyria, 804 and all his glory: 3519 and he shall come up 5927-1 over all his channels, 650 and go over 1980-1 all his banks: 1415

8:8 And he shall pass 2498-1 through Judah; 3063 he shall overflow 7857-1 and go over, 5674-1 he shall reach 5060-55 [even] to the neck; 6677 and the stretching out 4298 of his wings 3671 shall fill 4393 the breadth 7341 of thy land, 776 O Immanuel. 6005 410

8:9 Associate 7489-3 yourselves, O ye people, 5971 and ye shall be broken in pieces; 2865-3 and give ear, 238-54 all 3605 ye of far 4801 countries: 776 gird 247-100 yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; 2865-3 gird 247-100 yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. 2865-3

8:10 Take counsel 6098 together, 5779-3 and it shall come to nought; 6565-93 speak 1696-16 the word, 1697 and it shall not stand: 6965-4 for God 410 [is] with us.

8:11 For the LORD 3068 spake 559-1 thus to me with a strong 2394 hand, 3027 and instructed 3256-14 me that I should not walk 3212-2 in the way 1870 of this people, 5971 saying, 559- 2

8:12 Say 559-4 ye not, A confederacy, 7195 to all [them to] whom this people 5971 shall say, 559-4 A confederacy; 7195 neither fear 3372-4 ye their fear, 4172 nor be afraid. 6206- 55

8:13 Sanctify 6942-55 the LORD 3068 of hosts 6635 himself; and [let] him [be] your fear, 4172 and [let] him [be] your dread. 6206-56

8:14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; 4720 but for a stone 68 of stumbling 5063 and for a rock 6697 of offence 4383 to both 8147 the houses 1004 of Israel, 3478 for a gin 6341 and for a snare 4170 to the inhabitants 3427-6 of Jerusalem. 3389

8:15 And many 7227 among them shall stumble, 3782-1 and fall, 5307-1 and be broken, 7665-8 and be snared, 3369-8 and be taken. 3920-8

8:16 Bind up 6887-3 the testimony, 8584 seal 2856-3 the law 8451 among my disciples. 3928

8:17 And I will wait 2442-14 upon the LORD, 3068 that hideth 5641-56 his face 6440 from the house 1004 of Jacob, 3290 and I will look 6960-14 for him.

8:18 Behold, I and the children 3206 whom the LORD 3068 hath given 5414-1 me [are] for signs 226 and for wonders 4159 in Israel 3478 from the LORD 3068 of hosts, 6635 which dwelleth 7931-6 in mount 2022 Zion. 6726

8:19 And when they shall say 559-4 unto you, Seek 1875-3 unto them that have familiar spirits, 178 and unto wizards 3049 that peep, 6850-47 and that mutter: 1897-56 should not a people 5971 seek 1875-4 unto their God? 430 for the living 2416 to the dead? 4191-5

8:20 To the law 8451 and to the testimony: 8584 if they speak 559-4 not according to this word, 1697 [it is] because [there is] no light 7837 in them.

8:21 And they shall pass 5674-1 through it, hardly bestead 7185-12 and hungry: 7457 and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, 7456-4 they shall fret 7107-98 themselves, and curse 7043-14 their king 4428 and their God, 430 and look 6437-1 upward. 4605

8:22 And they shall look 5027-55 unto the earth; 776 and behold trouble 6869 and darkness, 2825 dimness 4588 of anguish; 6695 and [they shall be] driven 5080-30 to darkness. 653


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