V.1 And it came to pass in the days 3117 of Ahaz 271 the son 1121 of Jotham, 3147 the son 1121 of Uzziah, 5818 king 4428 of Judah, 3063 [that] Rezin 7526 the king 4428 of Syria, 758 and Pekah 6492 the son 1121 of Remaliah, 7425 king 4428 of Israel, 3478 went up 5927-1 toward Jerusalem 3389 to war 4421 against it, but could 3201-1 not prevail 3898-9 against it.

7:2 And it was told 5046-93 the house 1004 of David, 1732 saying, 559-2 Syria 758 is confederate 5117-1 with Ephraim. 669 And his heart 3824 was moved, 5128-4 and the heart 3824 of his people, 5971 as the trees 6086 of the wood 3293 are moved 5128-2 with 6440 the wind. 7307

7:3 Then said 559-4 the LORD 3068 unto Isaiah, 3470 Go forth 3318-3 now to meet 7125-2 Ahaz, 271 thou, and Shearjashub 7610 thy son, 1121 at the end 7097 of the conduit 8585 of the upper 5945 pool 1295 in the highway 4546 of the fuller's 3526-5 field; 7704

7:4 And say 559-1 unto him, Take heed, 8104-10 and be quiet; 8252-54 fear 3372-4 not, neither be fainthearted 7401-11 3824 for the two 8147 tails 2180 of these smoking 6226 firebrands, 181 for the fierce 2750 anger 639 of Rezin 7526 with Syria, 758 and of the son 1121 of Remaliah. 7425

7:5 Because Syria, 758 Ephraim, 669 and the son 1121 of Remaliah, 7425 have taken evil 7451 counsel 3289-1 against thee, saying, 559-2

7:6 Let us go up 5927-4 against Judah, 3063 and vex 6973-55 it, and let us make a breach 1234-55 therein for us, and set 4427-55 a king 4428 in the midst 8432 of it, [even] the son 1121 of Tabeal: 2870

7:7 Thus 3541 saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD, 3069 It shall not stand, 6965-4 neither shall it come to pass.

7:8 For the head 7218 of Syria 758 [is] Damascus, 1834 and the head 7218 of Damascus 1834 [is] Rezin; 7526 and within threescore 8346 and five 2568 years 8141 shall Ephraim 669 be broken, 2865-11 that it be not a people. 5971

7:9 And the head 7218 of Ephraim 669 [is] Samaria, 8111 and the head 7218 of Samaria 8111 [is] Remaliah's 7425 son. 1121 If ye will not believe, 539-55 surely ye shall not be established. 539-11

7:10 Moreover the LORD 3068 spake 1696-15 again 3254-55 unto Ahaz, 271 saying, 559-2

7:11 Ask 7592-3 thee a sign 226 of the LORD 3068 thy God; 430 ask 7592-2 it either in the depth, 6009-54 or in the height 1361-53 above. 4605

7:12 But Ahaz 271 said, 559-4 I will not ask, 7592-4 neither will I tempt 5254-17 853 the LORD. 3068

7:13 And he said, 559-4 Hear 8085-3 ye now, O house 1004 of David; 1732 [Is it] a small thing 4592 for you to weary 3811- 53 men, 582 but will ye weary 3811-55 my God 430 also?

7:14 Therefore the Lord 136 himself shall give 5414-4 you a sign; 226 Behold, a virgin 5959 shall conceive, 2030 and bear 3205-6 a son, 1121 and shall call 7121-1 his name 8034 Immanuel. 410 6005

7:15 Butter 2529 and honey 1706 shall he eat, 398-4 that he may know 3045-2 to refuse 3988-2 the evil, 7451 and choose 977-2 the good. 2896

7:16 For before the child 5288 shall know 3045-4 to refuse 3988-2 the evil, 7451 and choose 977-2 the good, 2896 the land 127 that thou abhorrest 6973-5 shall be forsaken 5800-11 of 6440 both 8147 her kings. 4428

7:17 The LORD 3068 shall bring 935-55 upon thee, and upon thy people, 5971 and upon thy father's 1 house, 1004 days 3117 that have not come, 935-1 from the day 3117 that Ephraim 669 departed 5493-2 from Judah; 3063 [even] the king 4428 of Assyria. 804

7:18 And it shall come to pass in that day, 3117 [that] the LORD 3068 shall hiss 8319-4 for the fly 2070 that [is] in the uttermost part 7097 of the rivers 2975 of Egypt, 4714 and for the bee 1682 that [is] in the land 776 of Assyria. 804

7:19 And they shall come, 935-1 and shall rest 5117-1 all of them in the desolate 1327 valleys, 5158 and in the holes 5357 of the rocks, 5553 and upon all thorns, 5285 and upon all bushes. 5097

7:20 In the same day 3117 shall the Lord 136 shave 1548-17 with a razor 8593 that is hired, 7917 [namely], by them beyond 5676 the river, 5104 by the king 4428 of Assyria, 804 the head, 7218 and the hair 8181 of the feet: 7272 and it shall also consume 5595-4 the beard. 2206

7:21 And it shall come to pass in that day, 3117 [that] a man 376 shall nourish 2421-17 a young cow, 5697 1241 and two 8147 sheep; 6629

7:22 And it shall come to pass, for the abundance 7230 of milk 2461 [that] they shall give 6213-2 he shall eat 398-4 butter: 2529 for butter 2529 and honey 1706 shall every one eat 398-4 that is left 3498-12 in 7130 the land. 776

7:23 And it shall come to pass in that day, 3117 [that] every place 4725 shall be, where there were a thousand 505 vines 1612 at a thousand 505 silverlings, 3701 it shall [even] be for briers 8068 and thorns. 7898

7:24 With arrows 2671 and with bows 7198 shall [men] come 935-4 thither; because all the land 776 shall become briers 8068 and thorns. 7898

7:25 And [on] all hills 2022 that shall be digged 5737-11 with the mattock, 4576 there shall not come 935-4 thither the fear 3374 of briers 8068 and thorns: 7898 but it shall be for the sending forth 4916 of oxen, 7794 and for the treading 4823 of lesser cattle. 7716


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