V.1 And the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me, saying, 559-2

13:2 Son 1121 of man, 120 prophesy 5012-10 against the prophets 5030 of Israel 3478 that prophesy, 5012-12 and say 559-1 thou unto them that prophesy 5030 out of their own hearts, 3820 Hear 8085-3 ye the word 1697 of the LORD; 3068

13:3 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Woe 1945 unto the foolish 5036 prophets, 5030 that follow 1980-6 310 their own spirit, 7307 and have seen 7200-1 nothing!

13:4 O Israel, 3478 thy prophets 5030 are like the foxes 7776 in the deserts. 2723

13:5 Ye have not gone up 5927-1 into the gaps, 6556 neither made up 1443-4 the hedge 1447 for the house 1004 of Israel 3478 to stand 5975-2 in the battle 4421 in the day 3117 of the LORD. 3068

13:6 They have seen 2372-1 vanity 7723 and lying 3577 divination, 7081 saying, 559-6 The LORD 3068 saith: 5002-7 and the LORD 3068 hath not sent 7971-1 them: and they have made [others] to hope 3176-14 that they would confirm 6965-15 the word. 1697

13:7 Have ye not seen 2372-1 a vain 7723 vision, 4236 and have ye not spoken 559-1 a lying 3577 divination, 4738 whereas ye say, 559-6 The LORD 3068 saith 5002-7 [it]; albeit I have not spoken? 1696-14

13:8 Therefore thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Because ye have spoken 1696-15 vanity, 7723 and seen 2372-1 lies, 3577 therefore, behold, I [am] against you, saith 5002- 7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

13:9 And mine hand 3027 shall be upon the prophets 5030 that see 2374 vanity, 7723 and that divine 7080-6 lies: 3577 they shall not be in the assembly 5475 of my people, 5971 neither shall they be written 3789-11 in the writing 3791 of the house 1004 of Israel, 3478 neither shall they enter 935-4 into the land 127 of Israel; 3478 and ye shall know 3045-1 that I [am] the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

13:10 Because, even because they have seduced 2937-52 my people, 5971 saying, 559-2 Peace; 7965 and [there was] no peace; 7965 and one built up 1129-6 a wall, 2434 and, lo, 2009 others daubed 2902-6 it with untempered 8602 [morter]:

13:11 Say 559-3 unto them which daub 2902-6 [it] with untempered 8602 [morter], that it shall fall: 5307-4 there shall be an overflowing 7857-6 shower; 1653 and ye, 859 O great hailstones, 417 68 shall fall; 5307-4 and a stormy 5591 wind 7307 shall rend 1234-17 [it].

13:12 Lo, when the wall 7023 is fallen, 5307-1 shall it not be said 559-11 unto you, Where [is] the daubing 2915 wherewith ye have daubed 2902-1 [it]?

13:13 Therefore thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 I will even rend 1234-14 [it] with a stormy 5591 wind 7307 in my fury; 2534 and there shall be an overflowing 7857-6 shower 1653 in mine anger, 639 and great hailstones 417 68 in [my] fury 2534 to consume 3617 [it].

13:14 So will I break down 2040-1 the wall 7023 that ye have daubed 2902-1 with untempered 8602 [morter], and bring it down 5060-52 to the ground, 776 so that the foundation 3247 thereof shall be discovered, 1540-8 and it shall fall, 5307-1 and ye shall be consumed 3615-1 in the midst 8432 thereof: and ye shall know 3045-1 that I [am] the LORD. 3068

13:15 Thus will I accomplish 3615-14 my wrath 2534 upon the wall, 7023 and upon them that have daubed 2902-6 it with untempered 8602 [morter], and will say 559-4 unto you, The wall 7023 [is] no [more], neither they that daubed 2902-6 it;

13:16 [To wit], the prophets 5030 of Israel 3478 which prophesy 5012-12 concerning Jerusalem, 3389 and which see 2374 visions 2377 of peace 7965 for her, and [there is] no peace, 7965 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

13:17 Likewise, thou son 1121 of man, 120 set 7760-3 thy face 6440 against the daughters 1323 of thy people, 5971 which prophesy 5012-102 out of their own heart; 3820 and prophesy 5012-10 thou against them,

13:18 And say, 559-1 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Woe 1945 to the [women] that sew 8609-18 pillows 3704 to all armholes, 679 3027 and make 6213-6 kerchiefs 4555 upon the head 7218 of every stature 6967 to hunt 6679-23 souls! 5315 Will ye hunt 6679-25 the souls 5315 of my people, 5971 and will ye save the souls 5315 alive 2421-17 [that come] unto you?

13:19 And will ye pollute 2490-17 me among my people 5971 for handfuls 8168 of barley 8184 and for pieces 6595 of bread, 3899 to slay 4191-53 the souls 5315 that should not die, 4191-4 and to save the souls 5315 alive 2421-15 that should not live, 2421-4 by your lying 3576-15 to my people 5971 that hear 8085-6 [your] lies? 3577

13:20 Wherefore thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Behold, I [am] against your pillows, 3704 wherewith ye 859 there hunt 6679-26 the souls 5315 to make [them] fly, 6524-6 and I will tear 7167-1 them from your arms, 2220 and will let the souls 5315 go, 7971-14 [even] the souls 5315 that ye hunt 6679-26 to make [them] fly. 6524-6

13:21 Your kerchiefs 4555 also will I tear, 7167-1 and deliver 5337-52 my people 5971 out of your hand, 3027 and they shall be no more in your hand 3027 to be hunted; 4686 and ye shall know 3045-1 that I [am] the LORD. 3068

13:22 Because with lies 8267 ye have made the heart 3820 of the righteous 6662 sad, 3512-53 whom I have not made sad; 3510-52 and strengthened 2388-15 the hands 3027 of the wicked, 7451 that he should not return 7725-2 from his wicked 7563 way, 1870 by promising him life: 2421-53

13:23 Therefore ye shall see 2372-4 no more vanity, 7723 nor divine 7080-4 divinations: 7081 for I will deliver 5337-52 my people 5971 out of your hand: 3027 and ye shall know 3045-1 that I [am] the LORD. 3068


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