V.1 Then came 935-4 certain 582 of the elders 2205 of Israel 3478 unto me, and sat 3427-4 before 6440 me.

14:2 And the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me, saying, 559-2

14:3 Son 1121 of man, 120 these men 582 have set up 5927-52 their idols 1544 in their heart, 3820 and put 5414-1 the stumblingblock 4383 of their iniquity 5771 before 5227 their face: 6440 should I be enquired 1875-11 of at all 1875-9 by them?

14:4 Therefore speak 1696-16 unto them, and say 559-1 unto them, Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Every man 376 376 of the house 1004 of Israel 3478 that setteth up 5927-55 his idols 1544 in his heart, 3820 and putteth 7760-4 the stumblingblock 4383 of his iniquity 5771 before 5227 his face, 6440 and cometh 935-1 to the prophet; 5030 I the LORD 3068 will answer 6030-8 him that cometh 935-1 according to the multitude 7230 of his idols; 1544

14:5 That I may take 8610-2 the house 1004 of Israel 3478 in their own heart, 3820 because they are all estranged 2114-8 from me through their idols. 1544

14:6 Therefore say 559-3 unto the house 1004 of Israel, 3478 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Repent, 7725-3 and turn 7725-54 [yourselves] from your idols; 1544 and turn away 7725-54 your faces 6440 from all your abominations. 8441

14:7 For every one 376 376 of the house 1004 of Israel, 3478 or of the stranger 1616 that sojourneth 1481-4 in Israel, 3478 which separateth 5144-11 himself from 310 me, and setteth up 5927-4 his idols 1544 in his heart, 3820 and putteth 7760-4 the stumblingblock 4383 of his iniquity 5771 before 5227 his face, 6440 and cometh 935-1 to a prophet 5030 to enquire 1875-2 of him concerning me; I the LORD 3068 will answer 6030-12 him by myself:

14:8 And I will set 5414-1 my face 6440 against that man, 376 and will make 8074-52 him a sign 226 and a proverb, 4912 and I will cut him off 3772-52 from the midst 8432 of my people; 5971 and ye shall know 3045-1 that I [am] the LORD. 3068

14:9 And if the prophet 5030 be deceived 6601-29 when he hath spoken 1696-14 a thing, 1697 I the LORD 3068 have deceived 6601-14 that prophet, 5030 and I will stretch out 5186-1 my hand 3027 upon him, and will destroy 8045-52 him from the midst 8432 of my people 5971 Israel. 3478

14:10 And they shall bear 5375-1 the punishment of their iniquity: 5771 the punishment 5771 of the prophet 5030 shall be even as the punishment 5771 of him that seeketh 1875-6 [unto him];

14:11 That the house 1004 of Israel 3478 may go no more astray 8582-4 from 310 me, neither be polluted 2930-101 any more with all their transgressions; 6588 but that they may be my people, 5971 and I may be their God, 430 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

14:12 The word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came again to me, saying, 559-2

14:13 Son 1121 of man, 120 when the land 776 sinneth 2398-4 against me by trespassing 4603-2 grievously, 4604 then will I stretch out 5186-1 mine hand 3027 upon it, and will break 7665-1 the staff 4294 of the bread 3899 thereof, and will send 7971-52 famine 7458 upon it, and will cut off 3772-52 man 120 and beast 929 from it:

14:14 Though these three 7969 men, 582 Noah, 5146 Daniel, 1840 and Job, 347 were in it, 8432 they should deliver 5337- 17 [but] their own souls 5315 by their righteousness, 6666 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

14:15 If 3863 I cause noisome 7451 beasts 2416 to pass 5674- 55 through the land, 776 and they spoil 7921-14 it, so that it be desolate, 8077 that no man may pass through 5674-6 because 6440 of the beasts: 2416

14:16 [Though] these three 7969 men 582 [were] in it, 8432 [as] I live, 2416 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD, 3069 they shall deliver 5337-55 neither sons 1121 nor daughters; 1323 they only shall be delivered, 5337-11 but the land 776 shall be desolate. 8077

14:17 Or [if] I bring 935-55 a sword 2719 upon that land, 776 and say, 559-1 Sword, 2719 go 5674-4 through the land; 776 so that I cut off 3772-52 man 120 and beast 929 from it:

14:18 Though these three 7969 men 582 [were] in it, 8432 [as] I live, 2416 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD, 3069 they shall deliver 5337-55 neither sons 1121 nor daughters, 1323 but they only shall be delivered 5337-11 themselves.

14:19 Or [if] I send 7971-17 a pestilence 1698 into that land, 776 and pour out 8210-1 my fury 2534 upon it in blood, 1818 to cut off 3772-53 from it man 120 and beast: 929

14:20 Though Noah, 5146 Daniel, 1840 and Job, 347 [were] in it, 8432 [as] I live, 2416 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD, 3069 they shall deliver 5337-55 neither 518 son 1121 nor 518 daughter; 1323 they shall [but] deliver 5337-55 their own souls 5315 by their righteousness. 6666

14:21 For thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 How much more when I send 7971-14 my four 702 sore 7451 judgments 8201 upon Jerusalem, 3389 the sword, 2719 and the famine, 7458 and the noisome 7451 beast, 2416 and the pestilence, 1698 to cut off 3772-53 from it man 120 and beast? 929

14:22 Yet, behold, therein shall be left 3498-8 a remnant 6413 that shall be brought forth, 3318-94 [both] sons 1121 and daughters: 1323 behold, they shall come forth 3318-6 unto you, and ye shall see 7200-1 their way 1870 and their doings: 5949 and ye shall be comforted 5162-8 concerning the evil 7451 that I have brought 935-52 upon Jerusalem, 3389 [even] concerning all that I have brought 935-52 upon it.

14:23 And they shall comfort 5162-14 you, when ye see 7200-4 their ways 1870 and their doings: 5949 and ye shall know 3045-1 that I have not done 6213-1 without cause 2600 all that I have done 6213-1 in it, saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069


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