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  SMALLS() Lookup tables on dbf with optional hotkeys, code block

  lReturn   => True if CR pressed, False otherwise


  Popup windowed lookup tables. Many options.

  The up/down/home/end/pgup/pgdn keys are active. If
  there is an controlling index key and the user types alphanumeric
  characters, it is assumed a keysearch is wanted. A read pops up
  allowing the user to complete the search key, and a seek is then

  Pressing ENTER or ESCAPE exits the lookup and closes
  the window.

  Depending on values contained in the optional
  parameters, values may be KEYBOARDED or ASSIGNED at that time.

  Other keys may be assigned actions, depending on the
  last parameter, described below.

  <expDisplayString>  is what appears for each row in
     the lookup table.

     Think of it as a column definition for Tbrowse.
       It can be either:

       1. A Characters string like
          In which case it is macro expanded and made
          into a code block to display this expression

       2. A Codeblock like

       The resulting codeblock is then used as a
       Tbrowse column definition.

  [cTitle]    is an optional lookup box title string

  [expAlias]  Determines the area/dbf/ntx to use, can be
     (expC) alias name             or
     (expN) numeric work area      or
     (expC) dbf/ndx in the format

     If left as nil, the current DBF/NTX are
     used and left open when done at the last record
     pointer position.

  [expReturn] This determines what happens when CR is
     pressed. It need not be anything, but it can be:

     (expC) a character expression which is
            macro expanded and KEYBOARDed. Any valid character
            expression will do.

            (Bear in mind that it must be
              character. If you want to keyboard a value into a DATE
              field, for instance, your keyboard expression could be

     (expB) a code block which is simply
            evaluated. this can do
            anything you wish. It could assign
            multiple values
            from the lookup file into active
            gets, for instance.

     These are valid for indexed files, and
     determine the beginning and ending key ranges. The
     values must match the type of the controlling index.

     If this codeblock is passed, any keys
     except up/down/enter/pgup/pgdn/home/end/escape  (and
     alphanumeric keys if indexed )  will cause the block to be
     evaluated like so:


     Some interesting ideas for this would be
     to assign a key to an update routine for updating the
     lookup dbf while doing a lookup. (yikes - you didn't hear
     that from me!)


     Means force capital letters when user is typing in a
     lookup key.  Allows case-insensitive search when index is on

   // lookup on "LNAME+' '+FNAME" in current area
   smalls("LNAME+' '+FNAME")

   // lookup on "LNAME+' '+FNAME" in current area
   // use "Name" as box title
   smalls("LNAME+' '+FNAME","Name")

   // lookup on "LNAME+' '+FNAME" in current area
   // use "Name" as box title
   // go to area 5 for the lookup
   // send LNAME to the keyboard if CR pressed

   // lookup on "LNAME+' '+FNAME" in current area
   // use "Name" as box title
   // go to alias CUSTOMER for the lookup

   // open customer.dbf and do a lookup on it
   // lookup on "LNAME+' '+FNAME"
   // use "Name" as box title

   // open customer.dbf and do a lookup on it
   // lookup on "LNAME+' '+FNAME"
   // use "Name" as box title
   // limit lookup to between "SMITH" and "ZEBRA"
   smalls("LNAME+''+FNAME","Name","%CUSTOMER%NAME",  ;

   // open CUSTOMER.DBF with ENTRYDATE.NDX and do a lookup
   // lookup on "LNAME+' '+FNAME"
   // use "Name" as box title
   // limit lookup to the last year
   smalls("LNAME+''+FNAME","Name",  ;
         "%CUSTOMER%ENTRYDATE",date()365, date())

  various get system interfaces to SMALLS().


This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson