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NBR2STR()             Correctly orders numerics where negative
NBR2STR()             Correctly orders numerics where negative
NKEY()                Gets key of an index file
NOZDIV()              Prevents divide-by-zero
OLD()          (new)  On Line Documentation - TOPIC oriented help system
ONE_READ()            Pop-up window with 1-4 Say/Get combinations
OPENIND()             Opens an array of indexes
PARSALIAS()           Extracts the name of the alias from an expression
PARSFIELD()           Extracts the name of the field from an expression
PICKNDX()             Allows user to select indexes to open
PICKREADER()          Creates specialized picklist reader block
PLSWAIT()             Pops up a 'Please Wait' window or removes it
PMREADER()            Creates specialized PLUS/MINUS get reader block
POPCOLSEL()           Popup color grid for selecting a single color
POPEX()               Pops up an achoice for a certain filespec
POPMONTH()            Popup month selection
POPREAD()             Pops up a box with 1-5 say-get combinations
POPUPDIR()            Popup of a given directory for file selection
POPUPKCLR()           Clears GET hotkey popups set up with POPUPKSET()
POPUPKSET()           Set a popup for hotkey access from a GET
POPUPVALID()          Allows use of a popup for a GET VALID clause
POPUPWHEN()           Allows use of a popup for a GET WHEN clause
POPVDATE()            Pops up a picklist of virtual dates
POPVYEAR()            Pops up a picklist of virtual years
PRNPORT()             Determine Printer Port to use
PRNT()                Writes a string of a given color at row, column
PRNTFRML()            Prints a formletter created by formletr()
PROGCOUNT()           Perform a count with a progress box
PROGDISP()            Displays progress bar in box created with PROGON()
PROGEVAL()            Perform a Database DBEVAL() with a progress box
PROGINDEX()           Perform an index with a progress box
PROGOFF()             Removes a progress bar box created by PROGON()
PROGON()              Initialize and display a progress bar box
PROPER()              Capitalizes first letters of string, lowers rest
PSTABMENU()           Popup tabular (grid style) )menu
PULLDN()              Pulldown menu creator, handler
PURGEM()              Deletes records
P_RDYDELAY()          Sets/returns p_ready() 'seconds' variable
P_READY()             Determines if printer is ready, prompts user
QFLDSTYPE()           Count # of fields of a given type or types
QUERY()               Popup Interactive query by example condition
QUIKREPORT()          Runtime pre-defined report printing module
RAT_ELBHD()           Determines if left mouse button is held down
RAT_EQMCOL()          Returns mouse column at last press
RAT_EQMROW()          Returns mouse row at last press
RAT_ERBHD()           Determines if right mouse button is held down
RAT_EVENT()    (diff) Event handler - inkey() with mouse awareness
RAT_ISMOUSE()         Determines mouse usage by RAT_EVENT()
RAT_LASTEV()   (new)  Returns the last event recorded by RAT_EVENT()
RAT_MENU2()    (diff) Mouseable MENU TO emulation
RAT_READ()     (diff) Mouseable read
REPORTER()            Create, modify, execute reports
RESTSETKEYS()         Restores  set keys saved with SAVESETKEYS()
RJUST()               Right justifies a string
RRJUMP2()      (new)  Jump to a new get in a RAT_READ()
RRLASTKEY()    (new)  Retrieve the last key handled by ratapplykey()
R_ISRATREAD()  (new)  Determines if RAT_READ() is current get system
S1LABEL()             Prints a single label
SACHOICE()     (diff) Achoice replacement, uses TBROWSE, codeblock
SADD_REC()            Attempts to append a blank record
SAPPOINT()            Appointments manager - uses popup calendar.
SATTCOLOR()           Sets up color vars for color monitor
SATTDIRECT()          Sets up the the color vars directly
SATTGET()             Sets up SuperLib color vars from COLORS.DBF
SATTGETMEM()          Sets up SuperLib color vars from old COLORS.MEM
SATTMONO()            Sets up color vars for mono monitor
SATTPICK()            Sets up SuperLib color vars by selecting from DBF
SATTPICKDEL()         Picklist deletion of stored color var sets
SATTPICKPUT()         Stores SuperLib color vars to selected record
SATTPOP()             Pops previously pushed SuperLib color vars
SATTPUSH()            Pushes the current SuperLib color vars
SATTPUT()             Stores current SuperLib color vars to COLORS.DBF
SAVESETKEYS()         Saves active set keys to an array
SBCENTER()            Centers box coordinates
SBCOLS()              Determine number of columns in a box
SBREADER()            Creates specialized spacebar spinner get reader
SBROWS()              Determine number of rows in a box
SBSHADOW()            Draw a shadow around a box
SBUNSHADOW()          Removes shadow drawn with SBSHADOW()
SCMOD()               Maintains scroller.dbf - see scroller()
SCONVDELIM()          Convert a delimited file to a DBF
SCROLLER()            Hotkey lookup tables with dbf storage
SEARCHME()            Search a DBF with user-specified criteria
SEARCHMFND()   (new)  Set/return last found() status from SEARCHME()
SEARCHMRS()    (new)  Resets all SEARCHME() settings
SETCENT()             Determines if century is on/off
SETCOLORS()           Interactive color setting interface
SETEXACT()            Determines if exact is on/off
SET_DATE()            Sets and restores date format
SEXPORT()             Export DBF to delimited or SDF files
SFIL_LOCK()           Attempts to lock a file
SFIL_LOCK()           Attempts to lock a file
SFREADLINE()          Reads in text up to the next CRLF in a text file
SFRR_HCODE()          Output report definition to .PRG code
SGETMANY()     (diff) Virtual (scrolling)  gets in a popup box
SLOTUSMENU()          1-2-3 style menu
SLSF_*()       (diff) Series of functions to determine system file
SLS_*()               Series of functions for system settings and colors
SL_BOLD()             Sets font stroke weight to BOLD (ultra black)
SL_BOX()              Draws a box line from row,col to endrow,endcol
SL_COPIES()           Sets the laserjet to print n copies of each page
SL_DOWNROW()          Move the printer cursor up/down by # rows,
SL_EJECT()            Ejects the current page
SL_FILL()             Fills a rectangle with shading or a pattern.
SL_GOTO()             Move the printer cursor to row/col
SL_HLINE()            Draws a horizontal line from row,col to row,endcol
SL_ITALIC()           Sets font style to italic
SL_ITALICOFF()        Sets font style to upright (non italic)
SL_LANDS()            Sets laserjet orientation to LANDSCAPE
SL_LEFTMARG()         Sets the left margin to the left edge of the
SL_NORMAL()           Sets font stroke weight to NORMAL (non bold)
SL_OVERCOL()          Move the printer cursor right/left # columns
SL_PAGESIZE()         Sets the page size on the laserjet
SL_POPCURS()          Pops the printer cursor position for later popping
SL_PORT()             Sets the laserjet orientation to PORTRAIT
SL_PUSHCURS()         Pushes the printer cursor position for later
SL_RESET()            Resets the printer to user defaults
SL_RIGHTMARG()        Sets the right margin to the right edge of the
SL_SETCPI()           Sets characters per inch
SL_SETLPI()           Sets the lines per inch for the laserjet
SL_TOPMARG()          Designates the number of lines of top margin
SL_UNDER()            Sets automatic text underlining on
SL_UNDEROFF()         Sets automatic text underlining off
SL_VLINE()            Draws a vertical line from row,col to endrow,col
SL_WRAP()             Sets line wrapping on or off
SMAILMERGE()          Creates mailmerge files for WordPerfect & MS Word
SMALLKCLR()           Clears get lookup combinations set up with SMALLKSET()
SMALLKSET()           Sets up GET-HOTKEY lookup combinations using smalls()
SMALLS()              Lookup tables on dbf with optional hotkeys, code block
SMALLVALID()          Uses SMALLS() lookups in a VALID condition for a GET
SMALLWHEN()           Uses SMALLS() in a WHEN condition for a GET
SNET_USE()            Attempts to  open a DBF
SPOPORDER()           Popup allows user to change viewing (index) order
SPOPSEEK()            Popup seek based on present index keys
SREC_LOCK()           Attempts to lock a record
SREC_LOCK()           Attempts to lock a record
SS_CLOSEH()           Restores screen in a horizontal close fashion.
SS_CLOSEV()           Restores screen in a vertical close fashion.
SS_FADE()             Restores screen in a fadeaway fashion.
SS_FALL()             Restores screen in a fall from top fashion.
SS_FOLD()             Restores screen in a fold to middle fashion.
SS_HBLINDS()          Restores screen in a horizontal blind fashion.
SS_IMPLODE()          Restores screen in an imploding fashion.
SS_RISE()             Restores screen in a rise from bottom fashion.
SS_SLICE()            Restores screen in a slicing fashion. Alternative
SS_SLIDELEFT()        Restores screen in a slide left fashion.
SS_SPLIT()            Restores screen in a split from middle fashion.
SS_VBLINDS()          Restores screen in a vertical blind fashion.
SS_WIPEH()            Restores screen in a wipe from left fashion.
SS_WIPEV()            Restores screen in a wipe from top fashion.
STABMENU()            Tabular (grid style) menu
STAGFIELDS()          Tag fields
STANDARD()            Returns color integer for standard setting
STARTSW()             Determines if a string starts with another string
STOD()                Returns date from string in the form YYYYMMDD
STRETCH()             Imbeds characters in a string
STRIP_PATH()          Strip path and optionally extension from a
STRPULL()             Extract text between 2 characters in a string
SUBPLUS()             Returns multiple substrings
SUM_AVE()             Interactive sum or average on a dbf field
TAGARRAY()            Tag selected elements of an array
TAGIT()               Tag records in a dbf for later action
TAGMARRAY()           Tag elements in muti-dimensioned array
TIMEPER()             Time Period (date sensitive) DBF analysis
TODOLIST()            Simple todo list manager
TRUEVAL()             Returns val of ALL numerics in a string
UNBOX()               Removes a box created by makebox()
UNIQFNAME()           Creates a unique file name
UNSELECTED()          Returns color integer for UNSELECTED setting
VAR2CHAR()            Converts any type variable to character type
VARLEN()              Returns length of a variable  of any type
VERTVIEW()            Pops up a vertical view of the current record
VIEWMEMOS()    (diff) Popup viewing (non-edit mode) of memos
VIEWPORT()            Multi-optional data entry engine
WGT_MEAS()            A Weights and Measures conversion metafunction
WOMONTH()             Calculates week of the month (# of 7 day periods)
WORKBLOCK()           Returns a set-get block for field named in an
WOYEAR()              Calculates week of the year (# of 7 day periods)
WRITEFILE()           Writes a line or lines  to a text file
XBXX()                Draws an exploding box on the screen of a given color
YNREADER()            Creates specialized Yes/No get reader block
_WILDCARD()           Wild Card String Compare

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson