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         Looks for an element of an array16


         Scan16 ( aArray, xSearch [, nStart] ) -> nPos

         aArray  : The previously created array16
         xSearch : The value to look for into the array
         nStart  : The initial value of the position to start the looking for.
                   Is by default the first element


         Looks for an element in an array16 and returns it's position.


         The position where the element is found or 0 if it can not be found.


         a16 := New16 ( 15000, 0 )
         Add16 ( a16, 1 )
         ? Len16 ( a16 )            // 15001
         ? Scan ( a16, 1 )          // Returns 15001 too

See Also: Add16() Get16() Len16() New16() Set16()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson