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 Introduction    Data Types

 ASCIIToEBCDIC() Converts an ASCII string to EBCDIC
 Byte2Hex()      Converts a byte into a hexadecimal string
 Byte2Bin()      Converts a byte to a binary string
 ByteAnd()       Makes an And of two bytes bit to bit
 ByteNot()       Makes a Not of the byte bit to bit
 ByteOr()        Makes an Or of two bytes bit to bit
 Color2Num()     Converts a color string into a color numeric
 Dec2Bin()       Converts a decimal number to a binary string
 DelBit()        Deactivates a bit selected from a byte
 EBCDICToASCII() Converts an EBCDIC string to ASCII
 Hex2Dec()       Converts a hexadecimal string to a decimal number
 Inter()         Interchanges two variables
 IsBit()         Determines if Bit is 1 or 0
 Num2Color()     Converts a numeric color to a string color
 SetBit()        Activates a selected bit from a byte
 Purge()         Purges the value of a variable

 Imperial and Metric
 nAcre2Ha()      Acres into hectares
 nAcre2M()       Acres into meters
 nCm2Inch()      Centimeters into inches
 nCC2Inch()      Cubic centimeters into cubic inches
 nCF2Ltr()       Cubic feet into liters
 nInch2CC()      Cubic inches into cubic centimeters
 nCm2CYd()       Cubic meters into cubic yards
 nCYd2Cm()       Cubic yards into cubic meters
 nGal2Ltr()      Gallons into liters
 nGr2Oz()        Grams into ounces
 nHa2Acre()      Hectares into acres
 nInch2Cm()      Inches into centimeters
 nKg2Lb()        Kilograms into pounds
 nLb2Kg()        Pounds into kilograms
 nLtr2CF()       Liters into cubic feet
 nLtr2Gal()      Liters into gallons
 nM2Acre()       Meters into acres
 nMt2Yd()        Meters into yards
 nOz2Gr()        Ounces into grams
 nYd2Mt()        Yards into meters

 Add16()         Adds an element into an array16
 Get16()         Returns an element from an array16
 Len16()         Returns an array16 length
 New16()         Creates an array structure with 16 million elements
 Scan16()        Looks for an element of an array16
 Set16()         Puts a value into an array16 position

 aCar2Arr()      Converts a string or memo to an array
 aMaxArr()       Returns the maximum value of an array
 aMinArr()       Returns the minimum value of an array
 aDimArr()       Returns the number of dimensions of an array
 RestArray()     Restores a file array
 SaveArray()     Saves an array to a file

 cGetMonth()     Returns the specified month.
 dToDMY()        Converts data type Date to String Day/Month/Year.
 dToMDY()        Converts data type Date to String Month/Day/Year.
 dAddMonth()     Adds months to a date and returns a new date
 lLeap()         Returns a logic indicating if it is a leap year
 FirstDay()      Returns the first day of the month
 Sec2days()      Converts a given number of seconds to days
 LastDay()       Returns the last day of the month
 SToD()          Converts a string to Clipper Date

 TimeAMPM()      Returns the time in the format am/pm
 Time2Time()     Returns the difference between two times

 Cos()           Calculates a cosine number
 CoSec()         Calculates a co-secant number
 CoTan()         Calculates a co-tangent number
 Deg2Rad()       Converts degrees to radians
 Exponent()      Elevates a number to a given potency
 Factorial()     Returns a factorial number
 Int2Roman()     Converts an integer to roman notation
 Log10()         Returns a logarithm in base 10
 LogX()          Returns the logarithm in any base
 nRandom()       Generates a random number
 NumE()          Returns the E number
 NumPi()         Returns the Pi number
 Rad2Deg()       Converts radians to degrees
 Sum()           Returns the summation of a number
 Sec()           Calculates a secant number
 Sin()           Calculates a sine number
 Tan()           Calculates a tangent number

 AsciiAdd()      Adds or subtracts all elements of a string
 AsciiSum()      Adds all elements of a string
 At2()           Looks for the Nth occurrence in a string
 aToken()        Returns an array of words from a string
 Capital()       Converts the first letters to capitals
 CharEven()      Returns a string with the even bytes of another string
 CharMix()       Mixes two strings and generates another
 CharOdd()       Returns a string with the odd bytes of another string
 Expand()        Expands a string
 Like()          Compares two strings using wildcards
 NumToken()      Returns the word count of a string
 Occurs()        Looks for the number of occurrences in a string
 StrGetCar()     Returns a character from a string
 StrSetCar()     Modifies a character in a string
 Token()         Returns a string word given a delimiter and occurrence

 StackEmpty()    Determines if stack is empty
 StackHead()     Returns the top of the FIFO stack
 StackNew()      Creates a FIFO type stack
 StackPop()      Removes a stack element
 StackPush()     Introduces an element into the stack

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson