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Check Book System:  <:-  Freeware -:>

Check Book system allow you to record all check transaction within your organization. It covers Recoding of expenses,  Monitoring of Checking Account , Printing or Check Voucher, Printing of Summary Report,  Recording of References (Vendor and Expenses Account), and Inquiry.

Expenses                                 :           Main > Expenses Tab
Items                                       :           Main > Items Tab 
Check Voucher (print only)       :           Main > Items Tab > Print button > Click
Inquiry                                     :           Menu > Search / Filter button  > Double Click
References                              :           Menu > Reference button > Double Click
Check Book                             :           Menu > Check Book button >  Double Click
Print Summary                        :           Menu > Print Summary button > Double Click
This application has existing data for navigation and testing,  You may delete or just edit the existing data.

            No registration required
            No expiration
            Unlimited number of record ( go as far as you can )
            No password required  ( can be modified for multi user interface )

system designed by edwinSoftware database development
made in the Philippines