How to: Find an article containing images, tables, or audio clips

The Media tab in the card index on the left side of the screen allows you to look up articles which contain images, tables or audio clips.

Click on the Media tab. This brings up an alphabetical list of all the articles in the open books which have images, tables or audio clips. Only the Encylopedia and Dictionary of Computing, Multimedia, and the Internet contain media items, so if neither of these books is open the Media list will be empty.

To find a particular article, you can scroll through this list line by line or page by page, using the scroll bar on the right of the list, then click on the article you want to read. It will be displayed on the right of the screen.

A faster way to search for a particular article is to type the topic in the white box just below the Media tab. Place the cursor in this box by clicking with the mouse. Type in the topic you wish to look up. The index list will then scroll to that subject as you type, and the article will be displayed on the right of the screen.

The article displayed is highlighted in yellow in the index list, and the title of the book that the article comes from is displayed immediately above the article.

The number of articles available in the index list is displayed in a box at the bottom of the list.

See also:

How to view a picture or table associated with an article

How to listen to an audio clip associated with an article

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