Universal Pokemon Network > Circulation Build Version: Pokellennium Monday - January 03, 2000

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This page is updated at a minimum once daily.
News Editors: Jaxel, Hiperu, BulbaGarden

Sunday, January 2, 2000

Another International Video Clip

7:12 PM - EST

What language do they speak in Finland; is it Finnish? A few days ago we gave you the opportunity to download the Korean version of the Pokemon Theme. And today, thanks to Stefan Rimaila we now give you the opportunity to download the Finnish version of the Pokemon Theme! Although the Korean version did not keep the same tune as the English version, the Finnish version appears to have the same music and words [just in a different language]. A German version should be coming soon. Also, as it comes to my attention, the final version of Real Player 7 is now available; it should be less buggy now that it is out of beta. You can download it for free from Real Networks [Basic is free, Plus is $30.00]. And is it just me or is Getright not Y2K compatible?

Updated By: Jaxel

Saturday, January 1, 2000

Its me, Bulba!

11:57 PM - EST

Hi, its me Bulbasaur from Bulbasaurs Mysterious Garden [BulbaGarden.com]. You *should* all know me, but oh well if you don't. I will be working here at UPNetwork helping with news, and hopefully some other things. I will be upgrading the Press Releases section, make it more easy to update. There is hardly no news currently, except the Burger King ordeal. If you are new to this subject, Burger King is recalling all Pokemon PokeBalls. An update on this is that they declaired Friday that they will no longer pass out the plastic balls that contained Pokemon toys, ending the problem-plagued promotion three days early. Well, hopefully some Pokemon News later and if you have any questions, comments or news breifs Instant Message me at 'BulbaGarden'.

Updated By: BulbaGarden

General UPNetwork Updates and Changes

9:10 PM - EST

Nick Lee used to run our PokeMart; but recently he has gotten very busy with other affairs and can't handle it anymore. So he has requested that someone else take it over, and now Ian runs our PokeMart! Ian promises to spend a lot of time on the PokeMart to make sure all of our fans always have something new to buy. Also, several people have sent in the next list of episodes from Japan. So the episode guide has just been updated with translated names for episodes upcoming; and I finally got around to it, so we have the correct English names too! And the Turnpike has been updated.

Updated By: Jaxel

Is Someone Going To Sue Me Too?

8:01 PM - EST

It seems that anyone who gets involved with Pokemon gets sued; whether its food, toys, videos or playing cards there is always trouble with the public. Because of the recent Pokeball incident with Burger King, a woman in Texas is taking it upon herself to press charges against them. And the most ironic thing of all, is that this woman has had nothing to do with either of the two incidents. To me it seems to be just another person trying to cash on Pokemon's popularity; much like the outlandish law suit against Wizards of the Coast claiming that the Trading Card Game is a form of illegal racketeering and promotes gambling.

Updated By: Jaxel

It's the End of the World

2:29 PM - EST

Well we are still here, so I guess we are Y2K compliant! It's the first day of the millennium and I bet many of you went to some great parties. But there is something very interesting that Dragonice pointed out to me; if you visit the Pokemon World [official American website for Pokemon], you will see that it has the dated listed as "SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 3900"! KingJedi [the person who runs my server] tells me that we will probably have our new servers up and running in the next few days. That's two front end web servers, one email/dns server and one backend data server that has a capacity of 80 gigabytes of data! Of course our hosting options will be widely increased because of our new subdomain formatting; we will once again accept hosting requests when the new servers get up.

Updated By: Jaxel

Friday, December 31, 1999

Pokemon Snap Becomes a Reality

8:03 PM - EST

To commemorate the recent theatrical release of "Mewtwo Strikes Back" in Australia, Warner Brothers Movie World Australia presents the all new Pokemon Island Adventure. Your adventure takes place on the Zero-One, the amazing ground/air/sea craft given to Snap by Professor Oak in Pokemon Snap. On the Zero-One you will travel around the Pokemon world trying to identify as many Pokemon as possible before you read your destination at Professor Oak's lab. In addition, everyone who takes the ride will receive 5 of 20 disks to help you create the Pokemon Puzzle Ball.

And sorry, my email has been down for the past few days, it is now back up. If your email is important and you recieved a Mailer Daemon Error, please resend your email.

Updated By: Jaxel

Pikachu Has Something to Say to You!

7:47 PM - EST

All is well for Christmas presents unless you happen to receive one of these; an electronic talking Pikachu. The talking Pikachu is programmed only to be able to say it's name, but when you activated rapidly the word "Pikachu" meshes into an obscenity beginning with the letter "F". Two complaints have been filed with K-Mart, a common seller of this product; and K-Mart plans on brining this matter to the attention of Hasbro, the primary Pokemon Toy license holder and manufacturer of this toy. If you are not satisfied with the electronic talking Pikachu return it to the place you bought it; and hopefully you can get a refund. Of course if you are a true Pokemon collector, you should keep it; most likely this item will be retired off the shelves and it's market value will skyrocket.

Updated By: Jaxel

Thursday, December 30, 1999

Kadabra Files Law Suit Against Nintendo!

9:38 PM - EST

Yet another law suit in the Pokemon world as well known psychic Uri Geller plans to sue Nintendo for using his name and characteristics for the psychic Pokemon "Un-Geller" [Yunghelor a.k.a. Kadabra]. He also claims that Un-Geller's villainous role in the storyline is damaging to his image. Nintendo Director Hiroshi Imanishi states that "None of the PokΘmon characters is given a name based on the image of any particular person," all characters are thought up using the knowledge of their staff.

Updated By: Jaxel

New Archived Video Clips and Such

4:41 PM - EST

From DVGN we have a few more clips available for download. The video clips are from "Pikachu's Exploration Party", the OVA that was played before the Japanese theatrical release of "Mabaroshi No Pokemon Bakutan Lugia" [The Explosive Birth of Pokemon Lugia]. Other clips we have are the second versions of the Pokemon Introduction and Endings to the current season of Pocket Monsters in Japan. The introduction called "Rival!" and the ending to which I do not the know the name, are sung by Matsumoto Rika, the voice of Satoshi. We also have a very special clip available for download that just happen to land in my mailbox, I don't know where its from or who sent it [dead email]; and I haven't seen it on any other sites. We've seen the Japanese and English Pokemon themes, but have we seen the Korean versions? Now available for download of course.

Updated By: Jaxel

Wednesday, December 29, 1999

The Anime Gets Bigger and Bigger

5:48 PM - EST

Having over 130 episodes and 3 motion pictures, who knows when the Pokemon anime will end [not like people didn't try to start rumors this summer]. Now it gets even better; the television series has been secured for a guaranteed four years in 41 countries across the world. But there is one question we all are still asking, will the series ever end in Japan? Because when the series ends in Japan, it means that the end is approaching everywhere else in the world. And in America I just saw a commercial which stated that someone is leaving the show; by now we all know it's Brock. Funny that they advertise this upcoming episode when the episode is still over 2 weeks a way, and its not the next new episode either.

Updated By: Jaxel

Cosmetic Changes and Fixes

5:48 PM - EST

Well I challenged you all to find some spelling errors and some [few] of you did. So hopefully all of the spelling errors in this site have been worked out. I have also made some other cosmetic changes to a few pages that didn't seem to work in some browsers. The Netbar has also been updated with the correct release date for Pokemon: Revelation Lugia; which I forgot to input before. And of course the Turnpike has been fixed, it went crazy when we changed the layout of this site; it has also been updated.

Updated By: Jaxel

Tuesday, December 28, 1999

Nationwide Voluntary Recall of Pokeballs

8:39 PM - EST

Burger King has decided to recall the pokeballs that package their Pokemon Kids' Meals. A 13 month old girl had suffocated when one half of the pokeball covered both her mouth and nose causing her to die from lack of oxygen. Another 18 month old girl experienced the same event, but was saved when her father after a failed attempt removed the pokeball from her mouth. Parents are now being warned of such dangers and Burger King will no longer be packaging their 57 Pokemon prizes within these pokeballs. Parents should discard any of these pokeballs or return them to their local Burger King restaurant to receive a free small order of fries. This is the fifth Pokemon related death I have heard of so far; one of them from a power bouncer [we have a video clip of the news report available for download] and the other three from obsessions with the TCG [two of them being murder]. The press release for this event has been added to our archives.

Updated By: Jaxel

Our Worlds Can Change: Part 4

3:09 PM - EST

As you can see the new layout for this site is now open for public viewing! The new layout loads super fast and is more pleasing that our old one. We are now using a news script and using it we will be able to have multiple daily updates; and by various editors too! In addition we have dropped all non-commercial affiliates; I was getting a little tired of people getting mad at me because I wouldn't affiliate with them. Not only do we have a new layout, but in the next few weeks we will be having many server-wide changes as well. For instance in a few weeks we will be getting a new server and a subdomain control panel. Then we will be able to set up hosting accounts with a click of a button; until then we are not accepting any hosting requests. I can't wait until we get all these server changes. Anyway, old news has been placed below this and almost every page has been updated. And any links on the sidebar that are underlined mean that they are coming soon. I chalengze anyon tu finp a speling erars on ani of thees pagez. ^_^

Updated By: Jaxel

Joy in Canada and Despair in America

11:09 AM - EST

It has come to my attention while reading KTLA episode listings that not only did we not get a new episode last weekend; we are not gonna get a new episode this weekend either! The next episode will air on January 8; it's title will be "Scare in the Air". Also, news from Canada tells us that as usual they get the best end of the stick. On the start of the new Millennium YTV will be having a special Y2K Pokemon-athon. Viewers in Canada will be getting yet another Pokemon marathon. And from Japan we learn that the third Pokemon special was aired. The first Christmas was "Jynx and Christmas [Holiday Hi-Jynx]", the next was "Bivouac! [Snow Way Out]". This Christmas they got a new special in which we have no known name for yet.

Updated By: Jaxel

Release Dates

GB: Card
Jp - Released
En - Apr 10, 00

GB: Gold/Silver
Jp - Released
En - Sept, 00

GB: Pokemon X
Jp - Future
En - No Plans

64: Stadium 2
Jp - Released
En - Mar 6, 00

64: Genki Chu
Jp - Released
En - Future

Movie: PRL-PEP
Jp - Released
En - Jul 21, 00

Movie: LUT-???
Jp - Summer 00
En - No Plans

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