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WatzNewÖ Documentation > Version History > Version 1.5

Version 1.5

Released on Julyá2, á2000

  • This release solves numerous problems addressing Perl script handling. Since now, WatzNewÖ uses Perl for ISAPI interface and will execute scripts up to 10 times faster! Check your 'Settings' window « 'Perl' tab « 'Perl Location' section to see if path to perlis.dll file is specified correctly.
  • WatzNewÖ now uses new Perl-script channel configuration scheme, passing parameters to script via the %ENV hash. No more random Perl scripts will be generated in WatzNewÖ directory.
  • WatzNewÖ now comes with several updated and new Perl scripts:
    • EnvironmentáVariables.pl (shows the dump of your environment variables);
    • HTTPáGET (script that automatically handles browser redirection (HTTP Error 301, 302, 303), can be effectively used to retrieve documents via HTTP, uses regular expressions to perform searches. This is an extremely powerful addition!)
    • ICQáStatus.pl (checks the specified ICQ user's online/offline status);
    • IPCONFIG.pl (executes system 'ipconfig' command);
    • NetAddressáAccount.pl (checks your @usa.net mailboxes);
    • PING.pl (executes system 'ping' command);
    • YahooáAccount.pl (checks your @yahoo.com mailboxes);
  • Ability to set Perl script tracing options right from the channel properties window added. This works with scripts that use the http.lib library that comes with WatzNewÖ.
  • You can now specify 'User-agent' indentification string for each HTTP channel. Handy for those servers, that give content depending on User Agent type.
  • 'Search Channel' [F3] option added. Now you can locate your channels in list easily.
  • 'Channel Properties' « 'Search Pattern' tab « ' Preserve <B>, <I>, <U> tags' option added.
  • All Open/Save dialogs can be resizable now.
  • Channel properties window is redesigned.
  • Problem with gmx.net POP mailserver fixed. Now WatzNewÖ will work correctly with all servers that do not support 'LAST' command.
  • Miscellaneous minor interface improvements.
  • Several minor bugs fixed.

See next

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