Your Smart Web Site Monitoring AgentÖ A.I.Studio
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WatzNewÖ Documentation > FAQ


# General Questions
# What is the best way to create my own channels?
# Can I monitor documents via FTP or HTTPS protocol?
# I've created my channel, but WatzNew tells me that it is updated every time it re-checks the channel. Why?
# Under Windows XP, WatzNewÖ connects to web sites very slowly. Why?
# National Languages Support
# WatzNewÖ doesn't display my national characters in channels. How can I fix this?
# I have downloaded the translated version of WatzNewÖ, but it doesn't display my national characters in dialogs and menus. Why?
# Under Windows XP, WatzNewÖ still doesn't display my national characters in dialogs. Any ideas?
# Atomic Time Synchronization Feature
# Where can I find a list of SNTP time servers?
# Integration with Perl
# I do not have Perl installed on my machine. Will WatzNewÖ work without it?
# Where can I find Perl for the Windows platform?

If you did not find an answer to your particular question, feel free to contact our Support Team. Please also consult the WatzNewÖ Owner's Manual, because it can answer many of your questions.

General Questions

What is the best way to create my own channels?

See the How to make good channels? section for more info.

Can I monitor documents via FTP or HTTPS protocol?

Yes and No. Currently, WatzNewÖ itself supports HTTP protocol only. But you can always use Perl scripts to perform advanced tasks like these.

I've created my channel, but WatzNew tells me that it is updated every time it re-checks the channel. Why?

This kind of behavior occurs if you try to monitor server-generated pages using the ' Notify me on general changes' option in channel properties.

You should create a search pattern for this channel (which will show you the exact changes you want to be notified of) and disable the ' Notify me on general changes' option. See Search pattern and message template macros section for more info.

Under Windows XP, WatzNewÖ connects to web sites very slowly. Why?

Windows XP has a feature called 'Internet Connection Firewall'. When tured on, it can make programs to stuck while connecting to Internet. Try to disable this feature. Do the following:

  1. Choose 'Settings' « 'Network and Dial-up Connections' from the Start menu.
  2. Select the Connection you want to change.
  3. Pull down the 'Network Tasks' menu to 'Change settings of this connection'.
  4. Click on the 'Advanced' tab at the top of the window.
  5. Under Internet Connection Firewall, uncheck ' Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet' check box.

National Languages Support

WatzNewÖ doesn't display my national characters in channels. How can I fix this?

Please make sure you have the right font charset (script) in WatzNewÖ Scheme.

  1. Open 'Tools' « 'Fonts & Colors...' dialog window (Ctrl+F9).
  2. Select the 'Folder Properties' tab « 'Title' sub-tab.
  3. In the 'Font' section, click the button to select the font.
  4. In the Font dialog see the 'Script' drop-down list. Choose the appropriate script from the list and press 'OK' button.
  5. Then switch to 'Message' sub-tab and do the same thing.
  6. Then switch to 'Channel Properties' tab and do the same thing for 'Title' and 'Message' sub-tabs also.

I have downloaded the translated version of WatzNewÖ, but it doesn't display my national characters in dialogs and menus. Why?

Please see the previous paragraph to make sure you have the right font charset (script) in WatzNewÖ Scheme.

Under Windows XP, WatzNewÖ still doesn't display my national characters in dialogs. Any ideas?

Do the following:

  1. Open Control Panel « 'Regional and Language Options' from the Start menu.
  2. Select the 'Advanced' tab.
  3. In the 'Language for non-Unicode programs' section, select the appropriate language from the list and press 'OK' button.
  4. Restart WatzNewÖ.

Atomic Time Synchronization Feature

Where can I find a list of SNTP time servers?

For a list of public SNTP time servers please visit the following page:

Integration with Perl

I do not have Perl installed on my machine. Will WatzNewÖ work without it?

Yes. WatzNewÖ can use Perl to perform some advanced tasks, but it will perfectly run without Perl installed.

Where can I find Perl for the Windows platform?

You can download ActivePerl from ActiveState's web site. It's free.

See next

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