Your Smart Web Site Monitoring AgentÖ A.I.Studio
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WatzNewÖ Documentation > Owner's Manual > Getting started > What can WatzNewÖ do?

What can WatzNewÖ do?

WatzNewÖ can be successfully used for:

  • Gathering news: WatzNewÖ will monitor your favorite sites and display news headlines or full articles in a compact way.
  • Tracking new software releases: You can setup channels that will monitor the updates of your favorite software. You will not only get a descriptive message about the update, but can tell WatzNewÖ to download the file automatically with your download manager like GetRight, ReGet, NetVampire, etc.!
  • Tracking web site statistics: There are text-based tracking services such as eXTReMe Tracking and others that WatzNewÖ can support. You will have the ability to track your visitors, referrers and any other parameters these services can provide, in realtime!
  • Tracking stock quotes: Choose any service on the net that provide you the stock data, and you will be able to track stock quotes without a single click! Note that WatzNewÖ can retrieve data from password-protected sites and work with password-protected proxy servers and firewalls. An excellent tool for those who want to save their time and money.
  • Monitoring weather: Exactly as in the case of stock quotes or stats, WatzNewÖ can monitor your local weather conditions. You can define your own format of reports. The information will always be at your fingertips.
  • Monitoring mailboxes: WatzNewÖ can check any amount of POP mail accounts. You won't need any other notification tool from now.
  • Doing anything Perl can be used for: WatzNewÖ has the ability to execute Perl scripts and present the output messages in a friendly way. As you know, Perl is an extremely efficient language for working with text sources. If you are familiar with Perl, you can create WatzNewÖ channels that will work with ftp and news servers, web-based e-mail accounts, generate extensive statistics and do almost anything you could ever imagine! WatzNewÖ is an excellent tool for advanced users.

WatzNewÖ is a very customizable utility. You can change it's appearance, fonts sizes, colors in any way you like. You can create several different schemes and switch between them with a few clicks. Message templates are individual for each channel and are customizable too. You can make the portions of messages bold, italic, underlined, you can create lists, insert links and paragraph or line breaks.

You can setup custom actions for each channel. Actions can depend on parameters retrieved by the search patterns. With the aid of these actions you will be able to:

  • Automatically send messages via e-mail: You can make WatzNewÖ automatically send the messages to you by e-mail (with the help of third-party programs). Some companies offer the ability to redirect e-mail messages to cellular phones or pagers. Get your stock quotes or weather forecast right on your pager!
  • Launch any external programs: Basically, WatzNewÖ can launch any external program with the variable parameters retrieved from the web page upon an event. Feel the power of WatzNewÖ!

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