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WatzNewÖ Documentation > Owner's Manual > Dialog windows > Perl Script Channel Properties > 'General' Tab

'General' Tab

# Channel Title
# Script
# Script File Name
# Parameters
# [Execute Script]
# Buttons
# [Help]
# [OK]
# [Cancel]

Perl Script Properties Window -> 'General' Tab

Channel Title

Specify friendly channel title as it will appear in channels list.


Script File Name

Set the path to your script file here. You can specify full (absolute) or relative path. Relative paths use WatzNewÖ program folder as the starting point.


Here you define a list of parameters to pass to the Perl script. On the right you will see four buttons to add, move up, move down and delete actions. Double-click on any parameter to edit it's name or value.

When WatzNewÖ executes the script, it passes the parameters in the %ENV hash.

[Execute Script]

Click this button to execute script and see how WatzNewÖ parses it's output.



Open this help page.


Save changes and close the Perl Script Channel Properties window.


Abandon changes and close the Perl Script Channel Properties window.

See next

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