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WatzNewÖ Documentation > Owner's Manual > Dialog windows > Mailbox Channel Properties > 'Actions' Tab

'Actions' Tab

# List Of Actions
# Friendly Name
# Action Type
# Parameters
# Default Action
# Run automatically
# Hide from context menu
# Place to 'Other Actions' sub-menu
# Buttons
# [Help]
# [OK]
# [Cancel]

Mailbox Properties Window -> 'Actions' Tab

List Of Actions

Here you define a list of up to 10 actions. Actions are used to simplify or automate some tasks you wish to do when a channel is updated. On the right you will see four buttons to add, move up, move down and delete actions. When you select action in list, it's properties will appear in the fields below.

Friendly Name

This is the name of your action as it will appear in channel's context menu. You can use %1, %2, %3, ... placeholders for your parameters here.

Action Type

There are three types of actions:

  • Launch mailer: This action will launch your mailer (if it is set in WatzNew Settings « 'E-mail' tab « 'Executable' field). You can specify optional parameters to pass to application in 'Parameters' field.
  • Launch browser: This action will launch a new browser window (if it is set in WatzNew Settings « 'Browser' tab « 'Executable' field). You can specify optional parameters (URL) to pass to your browser in 'Parameters' field.
  • Execute custom command: This action will launch a command specified in 'Parameters' field. The behaviour will be the same as if you typed the commands in 'Start' « 'Run...' menu. Typically, if you enter some URL starting with http://, your default browser will load the specified URL. You can also launch any executable file using this type of action.


Here you specify the parameters for your action. The meaning of the parameter depends on your action type. You can use %1, %2, %3, ... placeholders for your parameters here.

Default Action

Check this box to make the action the default one. Default action is launched when you double-click on your channel in list. Default action appears as bold in list and channel's context menu.

Run automatically

Set this option to run action automatically when channel is updated.

Hide from context menu

Set this option to hide action from channel's context menu. Option is useful for actions that are set to run automatically.

Place to 'Other Actions' sub-menu

Use this option to make this action appear in 'Other Actions' sub-menu of channel's context menu. If you set many actions for your channel, you might need to arrange your actions placing some rarely used actions to this sub-menu.



Open this help page.


Save changes and close the Mailbox Properties window.


Abandon changes and close the Mailbox Properties window.

See next

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