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WatzNewÖ Documentation > Owner's Manual > Customizing WatzNewÖ > How to add custom folder icons?

How to add custom folder icons?

WatzNewÖ comes with a set of predefined folder icons. However, you can add your own icons.

Each icon must be a 24x24 pixel size non-compressed Windows Bitmap (.bmp) file, that should be placed in the \images sub-directory under the directory WatzNewÖ has been installed to. Normally this should be c:\ProgramáFiles\WatzNew\images. Just copy the bitmap file there and it will be avaliable after WatzNewÖ is restarted.

Important notes:

  • Your icon must have the exact size of 24x24 pixels, otherwise it won't be loaded.
  • WatzNewÖ assumes that bitmap has a transparent background and takes the background color from the lower left pixel. Thus, all pixels that have the same color will appear transparent.
  • WatzNewÖ has a set of built-in icons with the following names:
    • default.bmp ("closed folder" image)
    • default2.bmp ("open folder" image)
    • weather.bmp
    • hardware.bmp
    • newspaper.bmp
    • football.bmp
    • zipdisk.bmp
    • stats.bmp
    • letter.bmp
    • boy.bmp
    • heart.bmp
    • house.bmp

    If your bitmap will have one of these names, it will replace the built-in icon.

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