WebRing - Create new Ring - Step 1

This system allows you to create a new WebRing on WebRing.org. If you are unfamiliar with exactly what a WebRing is and how it works, please take a peek at the document What is WebRing.

Now for the lecture:

Managing your own WebRing is not easy. If you have your own web page and want to become involved with WebRings, the easiest way to do so is to join an existing ring. To find a WebRing that might be appropriate for your page, take a look at RingWorld, our online catalog of the WebRings.

If you're pretty sure you don't want to join an existing ring, there are a few things that you should keep in mind:

  1. Getting a Ring started can be time consuming. Finding sites to join, e-mailling them, and convincing them to do so takes time, and can be a bit frustrating.
  2. Being a ringmaster/ringmistress can be a lot of work, particularly when your Ring starts to grow.
  3. Creating a good WebRing requires a pretty solid understanding and ability to use HTML. If you're just starting out on the web, creating a Ring now is probably not the best plan; it would probably be better to first join an existing Ring to gain an understanding of how the system works.

Now for the disclaimer:

The WebRing is a free service made available to the members of the Internet community. As such, we cannot make any guarantees that the system will perform consistently or reliably, nor can we be held responsible for the ways in which the system is used.

We do not censor or actively monitor rings or Ring content. However, the WebRing service and your Ring is subject to the WebRing Terms of Service and Privacy Notice. We reserve the right to deny service to anyone and to terminate/suspend your Ring if the system is being abused or if you are violating our Terms of Service or Privacy Notice.

By clicking "I agree" below:

  1. You agree to the above conditions,
  2. You acknowledge that you have read and understand the WebRing Terms of Service and the WebRing Privacy Notice.
  3. You represent to WebRing that you are 13 years of age or older.

[ I Agree ]

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the Webring.