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  -q    Enable ANSI comments
  -q-   Ignore ANSI control codes (default)

  By default, ANSI control codes embedded in comments are not displayed by
  PKUNZIP.  When the -q option is used these ANSI sequences will be output
  and interpreted by the ANSI device driver if one is present.

  This option can be forced on by default in the configuration file.  The
  configuration option to add is:


  The enabling of ANSI control codes in the configuration file may be
  overridden at the command line by using -q-.

  ANSI control codes provide the feature of adding color to text on a system
  which has ANSI.SYS loaded in the CONFIG.SYS.

  However, ANSI control codes also perform many other features, some of
  which can be potentially hazardous if you do not know the source and
  contents of the comment.  It is for this reason that PKZIP and PKUNZIP
  filter out ANSI control codes unless you explicitly tell them not to.

  PKWARE has created an addition to the ANSI.SYS driver called PKSFANSI (PK
  Safe ANSI).  By using this in conjunction with your normal ANSI.SYS you
  can be sure of receiving only the ANSI characters that you want.  PKSFANSI
  is provided by PKWARE free of charge.  It is included on the PKZIP
  distribution disk.

See Also: -q
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson