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  -p[a/b] [c] [#]   Extract files to the printer

  This option is used to extract files from a .ZIP file and send them to a
  printer (serial or parallel) for printing.  The command parameters are
  defined and several examples are given here to make this complex command

     -pa     Extract to the printer device in ASCII mode

     -pb     Extract to the printer device in BINARY mode

  ASCII mode is commonly used to print text.  It will form feed after each
  file when multiple files are being extracted.

  Binary mode does not send any extra characters, extracting purely the
  contents of the file to the specified device.  This is commonly used to
  send fonts or graphics to a laser printer.  It will not form feed between

  The a and b options cannot be mixed in the same command line.

  In combination with the -pa or -pb option you may specify the port to
  which PKUNZIP should extract.  If only a number between 1 and 4 is
  specified, the extraction will go to that number of printer port (LPT1
  through LPT4).  If a "c" is specified PKUNZIP will extract to the COM
  port.  The "c" option may also be combined with a number from 1 to 4,
  specifying COM1 through COM4.

  This example will extract the specified files to the parallel port LPT1.

     pkunzip sesame.zip *.doc -p

  This example is extracting files in binary mode to a printer on the second
  serial port.

     pkunzip graphix.zip *.eps -pbc2

  Here the files are extracted to a printer on the second parallel port in
  ASCII mode.

     pkunzip docs.zip -pa2

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson