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  PKUNZIP Warning Messages

  PKUNZIP: (W[01,02]) Warning! File has bad table

  The Imploded file being tested or extracted has an error in its encoding.
  The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file.  Files that have been
  damaged in this way cannot be recovered.

  PKUNZIP: (W03) Warning! File has bad table

  The Reduced file being tested or extracted has an error in its encoding.
  The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file.  Files that have been
  damaged in this way cannot be recovered.

  PKUNZIP: (W04) Warning! XXXXX.ZIP - error in ZIP, use PKZIPFIX.

  The named .ZIP file has a corrupted file index.  Use PKZIPFIX to
  reconstruct the .ZIP file.  You may also receive this message if you
  attempt to extract a file which is not a .ZIP file.

  If the file is less than 22 bytes in length it cannot be a .ZIP file and
  the "use PKZIPFIX" message will not be shown.

  PKUNZIP: (W[05-07]) Warning! Insufficient memory

  Insufficient memory is available to process the .ZIP file.  Try making
  more memory available to PKUNZIP.  If this does not rectify the problem,
  then the .ZIP file might be corrupted, and PKZIPFIX should be used to fix
  the .ZIP file.  The more files present in a .ZIP file, the more memory it
  will take to process the file.

  In some cases the .ZIP file may be too complex.  Too many files are
  contained within the .ZIP file for PKZIP to handle.  This may occur if the
  .ZIP file was created under an operating system other than DOS.

  PKUNZIP: (W08) Warning!  Can't open XXXXX.ZIP
  PKUNZIP: (W09) Warning!  Can't open printer device

  The named file or printer device could not be opened.  Either a disk error
  occurred, or the file is locked by another application.  You may receive
  this error on a network drive if you do not have read access to that file.

  The printer device may not exist, or may be off-line.

  PKUNZIP: (W10) Warning!  Can't create: XXXXX.
  PKUNZIP: (W10) Warning!  Invalid file name: XXXXX.

  The named file could not be created.  The output directory is invalid
  because it does not exist, is spelled incorrectly, or is full.  You may
  also receive this message on a Network drive if you do not have file
  creation rights there or the directory is full.

  In the case of an invalid file name error, the name stored in the .ZIP
  file is invalid.  This may indicate a damaged .ZIP file, or one that has
  been tampered with.

  PKUNZIP: (W11) Warning! I don't know how to handle: XXXXX.

  The file XXXXX is compressed or encoded in a way that this version of
  PKUNZIP is unable to handle.  Either a different version of PKUNZIP is
  required to properly extract this file, or the .ZIP file is possibly

  PKUNZIP: (W12) Skipping encrypted file.

  Only the files that are password protected will be skipped (not extracted)
  because they are encrypted and the correct password was not entered.

  PKUNZIP: (W13) Warning! Inconsistent local header for file: XXXXX.

  The local header for file XXXXX is different than the central header
  information.  Use PKZIPFIX to reconstruct the .ZIP file.

  PKUNZIP: (W14) Incorrect password for file.

  The .ZIP file is password protected, and cannot be opened unless the
  correct password is entered.  The password entered is not the correct
  password.  See "Passwords" in the Advanced Features section for further

  PKUNZIP: (W15) Warning!  File fails CRC check.

  The CRC-32 check for the file being extracted or tested did not match the
  stored value for the file.  The file is probably corrupted.  See the
  "Trouble Shooting" section for more details.

  PKUNZIP: (W16) Warning! File fails Authenticity Verification check

  The .ZIP file is AV encoded but the AV could not be verified.  Failure of
  AV indicates a file which has been tampered with or damaged.  If the file
  has failed the AV check the contents are suspect.

  PKUNZIP: (W17) Warning! File fails Authenticity Verification check

  The .ZIP file is AV encoded and has been tampered with or damaged.  File
  should be discarded and a new copy obtained.

  PKUNZIP: (W18) Warning!  File XXXXX already exists.
  Overwrite (y/n/a/r)?

  The file XXXXX already exists on the disk.  Pressing N will leave the
  original file on the disk, and not extract the file from the .ZIP file.
  Pressing Y will extract the file from the .ZIP file, and overwrite the
  file on the disk.  If you want to overwrite this file, and ALL FOLLOWING
  FILES, press A for ALL.  If you wish to extract this file, but not
  overwrite an existing file, you may press R for RENAME.  PKUNZIP will
  prompt you for a new name for the file.  See Also: -o and -n options.

  PKUNZIP: (W19) Warning!  Invalid Shrunk file

  The Shrunk file being tested or extracted has an error in its encoding.
  The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file.  Files that have been
  damaged in this way cannot be recovered.

  PKUNZIP: (W20) Warning! Insufficient memory

  Insufficient memory is available to process the .ZIP file.  Try making
  more memory available to PKUNZIP.  If this does not rectify the problem,
  then the .ZIP file might be corrupted, and PKZIPFIX should be used to fix
  the .ZIP file.  The more files present in a .ZIP file, the more memory it
  will take to process the file.

  PKUNZIP: (W21) Warning!  File has bad table.

  The Deflated file being tested or extracted has an error in its encoding.
  The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file.  Files that have been
  damaged in this way cannot be recovered.

  PKUNZIP: (W23) Warning!  File has bad table.

  The Deflated file being tested or extracted has an error in its encoding
  (bad block type).  The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file.  Files
  that have been damaged in this way cannot be recovered.

  PKUNZIP: (W24) Warning!
  You need PKUNZIP version: X.X or later to extract XXXXX

  The file XXXXX is compressed or encoded in a way that this version of
  PKUNZIP is unable to handle.  A more recent version of PKUNZIP is required
  to properly extract this file.  The version number is listed as X.X.
  Contact PKWARE for upgrade information.

  PKUNZIP: (W25) Warning! .ZIP file comment too big

  The file comment attached to this .ZIP file is too large.  The .ZIP file
  can still be handled normally but will not be displayed.

  PKUNZIP: (W26) XXXXX.ZIP has errors.

  The named .ZIP file had one or more errors detected in it.  This message
  is displayed after PKUNZIP is finished acting upon a file.  You may
  receive this message if you attempt to extract a file that is not a .ZIP

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson