Latest News

February 2, 1998 - My new year resolution is to be alot more timely with updates to the museum. Pressures at work the last half of 1997 resulted in my Museum efforts becoming rather half-assed. Here's the first new stuff of the new year:

  • Donation credits added to every donated entry, plus the usual page devoted to them. (If I've missed one, please let me know.)
  • 23 new entries!
  • Tons of new photos from old computer fans everywhere.
  • Brazilian mirror. If you're in Latin America, you should try the mirror.
  • French translation! Last July, Christophe Poirer translated the Museum into French. (My sincere apologies to Christophe for not mentioning it sooner.)

In other news, my attempts at using my employer's Sony Mavica digital camera have not worked out well. It's a great digital camera, but:

  • it needs good light;
  • it can't handle its own flash without overexposing everything; and,
  • its JPeg compression does a really bad job on the off-white, beige, and putty tones of computer cases. (It tends to turn those colors into a checker-board of purple and green.)

Thus I've decided to go back to a traditional 35mm camera. Guess I had better warm up the scanner! I have 6 computers to add to the Museum. After they're taken care of, I'll retake some of the poorer digital camera pictures.

Finally, the World's Cheapest Web Server is back online. I had to take it down when our new firewall amputated my little ethernet from the public side of our token-ring network. I finally got around to converting it to token ring. Take a look, but don't hammer it too hard. It's just a little guy!

October 22, 1997 - I'm trying out a new look for the Museum. Due to legibility problems, I'm getting rid of the old purplish background.

August 14, 1997 - The Helpline is back up! Post all you old computer questions there!

The Museum was one of the Teleport: Web Today Destinations for August 11, 1997.

The Museum was the "weiner" of the Screw U Award for Excellence at Red Rock's Lil' Page of Hate on August 6, 1997. (It's a little confusing, but, yes, it's a positive award.)

I received my very first piece of hate mail. Whee!

The Museum was mentioned in the weekly cartoon in the Spencer F. Katt column in PC Week for the week of April 25, 1997.

I've made a few changes to the pictures in the Museum. I've added photo credits to nearly every photo. Anyone has my permission to use any photo that says "Tom Carlson" on it, as long as proper credit is made (such as making it link to the Museum). If you're using one in a printed publication, I would like a copy. Other photos aren't owned by me, and so I can't grant permission. I've also reoganized file locations a little. So if you've been linking to a particular photo, it may have moved.

Important news! My Altair 8080 has been ordained as a Minister in the Universal Life Church. Yes, really. Why? It just seemed like the thing to do. Plus now it can provide guidance to the rest of the Museum.

Thanks to Ryerdon, we now have a source for CP/M disks:

Dinosaur SIG
c/o Don Maslin
7742 Via Capri
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: 619-454-7392

Ryerdon tells me that this group, part of the San Diego Computer society, has a tremendous CP/M library with disks for 42+ old computers ranging from ALSPA and ALTOS down to ZORBA. They charge very reasonable prices ($3.00 for 1st disk and $1.00-$2.00 for each additional, depending on availability). So stop asking me where to get software for your Osborne or Kaypro!

Tom Carlson - Curator

Begone! Back to the Museum!