lectures, dΘbates
practical infos

Spoken Reviews

aesthetic & history of art
architecture/design/graphic design

A work for a sunday

Spoken Reviews

The Revues ParlΘes (Spoken Reviews) provide a forum for discussion and debate, a space for direct exchanges between those who mark the contemporary cultural scene and the public at large. Each year, the Revues ParlΘes organize some one hundred programs aimed at involving the public in the major issues surrounding a wide range of disciplines including literature, philosophy, history, architecture/design/graphic design, aesthetics and art history, and current issues.
In order to broaden this range of activity, the Revues ParlΘes are also working to create a network of institutions similarly committed to promoting knowledge of contemporary culture.


No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available


Literary Event
No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available

Reading Collections

Wednesday 27th January at 7.30 p.m.

Christophe Tarkos

No admission charge. Audience admitted as long as seats available

The Writer and his History
No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available

Using excerpts from film archives, writers discuss their work. They describe the way in which their century has been important to them and the extent to which their work has, or has not been, marked by the past one hundred years.

The Writing Workshop [L'Atelier d'Θcriture]
No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available

The Writing Workshop - an unusual world in which to explore contemporary literature. For each writer, a 30-minute film produced by Pascale BouhΘnic is combined with a public reading.

*Ten of these discussions have been produced in the form of a video cassette:Dominique Fourcade, Bernard Heidsieck, Olivier Cadiot, Jacques Roubaud, Jude Stefan, Christian Prigent, Michel Deguy, ValΦre Novarina, Jean Echenoz, and Renaud Camus.


Rereading History, or the Memoirs of the 21st Century
Tipi / Piazza
No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available



No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available

Five times a year, Responses and Objections will give the philosophising or non-philosophising public an overview of today's philosophical environment. This is neither a club nor a closed circle. It is even less an Areopagite Council, central committee or meeting of Parnassians. It is a living force, strong in the affinities which reflect all that the multifarious, overwhelming written word is likely, but not necessarily worthy, to arouse in the way of response or objection.

aesthetics& history of art

Genealogies and the History of Art
No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available

Under the title "Genealogies", the Spoken Reviews continue the cycle of discussions with international artists and, this year, a number of composers (as a result of a joint operation with IRCAM). The principle behind each session is to invite the artist to present one or more "aesthetic objects" that have played a decisive role in his or her development, the term "aesthetic objects" being taken in its widest possible sense and not necessarily as a reference to earlier works or sets of works. Through these "objects" each of the artists will describe the main triggers (references, models, in the negative or positive sense) of his or her own creativity.
The presentation will include, as a background, reminders of the most outstanding moments in the development of each of the artists with the aim of pinpointing his or her own "history of art" and his or her personal relationship with the question of artistic genealogies.


No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats

architecture/design/graphic design

Set Square and Compass [L'Equerre et le Compas]
No admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available

This regular meeting brings together professional people who indulge in free discussion of cultural productions relating to architecture and town planning. Such traditional controversy, which forms the basis of all criticism in cinema, theatre, music and the arts, does not seem to have any equivalent in the more rigid world of architecture.
Specialist reviews, read mainly by architects, are too often content to inform and promote. As to the general press, architecture has too small a place to arouse any serious disputes. By inviting critics to compare and contrast their points of view freely and openly, the" Set Square and Compass" evenings produce a veritable debate on current architecture in all its forms.

With: Franτois Chaslin, FrΘdΘric Edelmann, Jean-Claude Garcias, Jean-Pierre Le Dantec, GΘrard Monnier, Francis Rambert, Hubert Tonka and Philippe TrΘtiack.

The Tribune
Tipi/PiazzaNo admission charge.
Audience admitted as long as seats available

A work for a sunday

IRCAM, place Igor Stravinsky
Sundays, 11 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.

20 FF
10 FF: under 26 years, Centre Georges Pompidou season ticket holders
Tel. 01 44 78 46 25

While it is usual, when visiting the museum, to see a multitude of works, the Centre Georges Pompidou offers on opportunity, on certain Sundays, to take a more detailed look at one work in particular and explore the possible range of interpretations, with one of the museum's curators, an art critic or an art historian.

practical infos

Spoken Reviews


01 44 78 40 14 / 01 44 78 40 05

01 44 78 42 40

01 44 78 43 68

Aesthetics & History of art
01 44 78 43 68

Architecture/design/graphic design
01 44 78 42 25

New round-up
BibliothΦque publique d'information
01 44 78 44 52 / 01 44 78 44 53

work for a Sunday
Service Θducatif

01 44 78 46 25

Latest update 02.11.1999  ⌐ CNAC-GP