"Made in France"

level 4 gallery 07b : Reduction, Rhythm, and Fullness

Pierre Soulages
Peinture, 220 x 366 cm, 14 May 1968 (Painting, 220 x 366 cm, 14 May 1968)
AM 1976-1021

Other work(s) presented in the gallery :
Alberto Magnelli : Dessin (Drawing), 1958 (AM 1976-542), Dessin (Drawing), 1948 (AM 1976-543)
Julije Knifer : Untitled, 1991 (AM 1992-122)
Aur╔Lie Nemours : Demeure 20 (Dwelling 20), 1958 (AM 1977-172)
Jean Dewasne : Antisculpture. Le Tombeau d'Anton Webern (Anti-Sculpture, (), The Tomb of Anton Webern), 1951 (AM 1975-3), Prisons internes (Interior Prisons), 1970 (AM 1984-731), Aurora Set, 1970 (AM 1984-732)
Gottfried Honegger : Biseautage P 729 (Beveling P 729), 1973 (AM 1977-163)
Berto Lardera : Sculpture α deux dimensions (Two-Dimensional Sculpture), 1947 (AM 1976-992)
Richard Mortensen : (SonoritΘ jaune) (Yellow Tone), 1957 (AM 81-65-910), (SonoritΘ jaune) (Yellow Tone), 1957 (AM 81-65-911)
Pierre Soulages : Peinture, 202 x 453 cm, 29 June 1979 (Painting, 202 x 453 cm, 29 June 1979), 1979 (AM 1980-45), Peinture, 324 x 362 cm, polyptyque c. 1985 (Painting, 324 x 362 cm, polyptych c. 1985), 1985 (AM 1987-937), Brou de noix sur papier (Walnut Stain on Paper), 65 x 50 cm, 1948-1 date_oeuvre=1948, 1985 (AM 4415 P), Peinture, 195 x 130 cm, 14 April 1956 (Painting, 195 x 130 cm, 14 April 1956), 1956 (AM 1978-322)
Franτois Morellet : (Study), 1951 (AM 1994-254), (Study), 1954 (AM 1994-255)

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou