"Made in France"

level 4 gallery 05f : Imaginations

Bernard RΘquichot
MarchΘ de Buci (Buci market)
AM 1989-475

Other work(s) presented in the gallery :
Roberto Matta : (Untitled), 1961 (AM 1989-443)
Bernard RΘquichot : Chasse de papiers (Flush-Paper), 1961 (AM 1976-533), Ramages ΘtoilΘs (Starry Foliage), 1955 (AM 1989-477), Mayson du manΦge endormi (House of the Sleeping Carousel), 1958 (AM 1989-478), Reliquaire (Reliquary), 1957 (AM 1976-534), Portrait, 1961 (AM 1976-536), Backed canvas, 1960 (AM 1976-537), La Cocarde, le dΘchet des continents (The Rosette, the Refuse of the Continents), 1961 (AM 1976-522)

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou