"Made in France"

level 4 gallery 05e : Imaginations

Le Diptyque d'HΘrouval (The HΘrouval Diptych)
AM 1976-1323

Other work(s) presented in the gallery :
Dado : Le Massacre des innocents (The Massacre of the Innocents), 1958 (AM 1978-744), La Grande ferme. Hommage α Bernard RΘquichot (The Big Farm. Homage to Bernard RΘquichot), 1962 (AM 1989-277)
Tetsumi Kudo : Pollution - Cultivation - Nouvelle Θcologie (Pollution - Cultivation - New Ecology), 1971 (AM 1976-915)
Fred Deux : (Untitled) , 1959 (AM 1989-286), Procession des existants (Procession of the Laws) 3364, 3365, 3366, 3367 , 1983 (AM 1984-250), Dessin (Drawing), 1959 (AM 1982-233)

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou