"Made in France"

level 4 gallery 01b : Space and Color

Sam Francis
In Lovely Blueness
AM 1977-207

Other work(s) presented in the gallery :
Henri Laurens : Nu couchΘ aux bras levΘs (Reclining Nude with Raised Arms), 1950 (AM 1637 S), La Nuit (The Night), 1950 (AM 1638 S), Jeune fille (Young Girl), 1950 (AM 1639 S), Les Deux soeurs (Two Sisters), 1951 (AM 1641 S), Nu α la grappe (Nude with Grape Cluster), 1952 (AM 1642 S)
Philippe Favier : Les "Vents" (The "Winds"), 1986 (AM 1986-273), Les "Vents" (The "Winds"), 1986 (AM 1986-274), Les "Vents" (The "Winds"), 1986 (AM 1986-276), Les "Vents" (The "Winds"), 1986 (AM 1986-277)
Martial Raysse : Une forme en libertΘ (A Free Form), 1969 (AM 1976-1012)
Apel les Fenosa : Petit torse (Small Torso), 1960 (AM 1110 S), Petite feuille de chou (Small Cabbage Leaf), 1960 (AM 1111 S), Feuille de figuier (Fig Leaf), 1958 (AM 1112 S), Rocking Chair, 1958 (AM 1113 S), William, 1955 (AM 1114 S), Polaire (Polar), 1968 (AM 1993-71), Manon, 1969 (AM 1993-72), Victoire, 1973 (AM 1993-76), Fourrure (Fur), 1962 (AM 1993-78), Scala Dei, 1962 (AM 1993-79), Barbara, 1960 (AM 1993-80), Kimono, 1957 (AM 1993-82)
Pierre Buraglio : Masquage (Masking), 1979 (AM 1983-500), Masquage (Masking), 1980 (AM 1983-501), Masquage (Masking), 1979 (AM 1983-502)
Sam Francis : Work on Paper , 1960 (AM 1984-274)

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou