"Made in France"

Pierre Soulages
Born 24 December 1919, Rodez (France)
Lives and works in SΦte and Paris (France)
⌐ Adagp

Peinture, 220 x 366 cm, 14 May 1968 (Painting, 220 x 366 cm, 14 May 1968) , 1968
Oil and acrylic on canvas

221 x 366.5 cm
Government grant, 1976
level 4 gallery 07b: Reduction, Rhythm, and Fullness
Accession number : AM 1976-1021

Other work(s) presented in the museum :
Peinture, 195 x 130 cm, 14 April 1956 (Painting, 195 x 130 cm, 14 April 1956), 1956 (AM 1978-322). Brou de noix sur papier (Walnut Stain on Paper), 65 x 50 cm, 1948-1 date_oeuvre=1948, 1985 (AM 4415 P). Peinture, 202 x 453 cm, 29 June 1979 (Painting, 202 x 453 cm, 29 June 1979), 1979 (AM 1980-45). Peinture, 324 x 362 cm, polyptyque c. 1985 (Painting, 324 x 362 cm, polyptych c. 1985), 1985 (AM 1987-937).

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou