"Made in France"

Dado (Miodrag Djuric, known as)
Born 4 October 1933, Cetinjie (Montenegro)
Lives and works in Chaumont-en-Vexin (France) since 1956
⌐ Adagp

Le Diptyque d'HΘrouval (The HΘrouval Diptych) , 1975
Diptych, oil on canvas

263 x 394 cm
Gift of the artist, 1976
level 4 gallery 05e: Imaginations
Accession number : AM 1976-1323

Other work(s) presented in the museum :
Le Massacre des innocents (The Massacre of the Innocents), 1958 (AM 1978-744). La Grande ferme. Hommage α Bernard RΘquichot (The Big Farm. Homage to Bernard RΘquichot), 1962 (AM 1989-277).

"Made in France" museum Centre Georges Pompidou