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The Cracow Angels' Song

The Cracow collection of 72 monumentall images of Angels (circa 10 by 4 meters), painted by Polish and foreign artists, came to being between 25 June 1996 and 23 May 1999. The collection was planned to porvide for the decoration of St. Peter's Square, and specifically its Collonnade by Bernini. At the time when the collection was still being created, some of its pieces visited Lvov, Bytom, Konin, Gdansk, Bielsko-Biala, Sanct Petersburg and Dusseldorf.

Most of the paintings of the collection were produced in Cracow , there were also a few that were spontaneously created in various places of the world: Sanct Petersburg, Dusseldorf, Torino, Rome or Merkham.

Each Sunday the Pope , while giving his blessing to the world, says his ANgelus. The Catholics venerate the Holy VIrgin as the Queen of ANgels. The Angel plays also a significant role in most of the known creeds.

These were the winged emissaries of GOd who prompted the earthly artists with the ideas formative of their creativity. The most beautiful pieces of poetry as well as splendid music were written and composed at their dictation.

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