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(Answer) (Category) Amiga Inc. Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Amiga SDK FAQ :
How do I stop 'Invalid Executable Format' errors when I copy to different location or rename an executable
At this time (July 2000), Ami has a major drawback when it comes to applications: intent knows only about tools and not about applications. To understand this, you must know what the difference is.

A tool is something which can be called from another program just like any other function. For this to work, you need two keys: The toolname and the name of the function in the tool you want to call. The toolname is compiled into the code. Incidentially, intent uses the toolname to find the tool (ie. if you have a tool "gzip" with the toolname "app/stdio/gzip", then intent will look for "/app/stdio/gzip", ie. it looks relatie to the root directory "/"). So if you copy the file for the tool to a different place and try to run it, intent will either not find it (because it's still looking in the old place) or it will note that the toolname (which is compiled into the tool) does not match the name and/or path of the file and will print the error above.

An application, on the other hand, is something which can be copied anywhere and which can be given any name. Unfortunately, intent doesn't know executables without toolnames, yet, and it also doesn't really support search paths.

A bug has been filed and Tao is working on a new design to fix this.
address-suppressed, address-suppressed

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